
Chapter 26

Those words were spoken slowly, with each word spoken with sheer confidence and certainty which made Damon frown. He has always been the one to stay confident no matter what but going against someone like him gave him some psychological issues!

With his sword attack missed, Gin was not in a position where he could block with the sword in time so he simply reached for Damon’s hands with his bare hands. An intense blue aura surged around him in the form of a canopy as it welcome his flaming fists without fear!


Damon smashed into what seemed like an indestructible wall and his eyes narrowed. His body shot back a few meters while his fists trembled.

“What the hell?” Damon managed to mutter with a pained expression on his face.

How can someone have so much aura of mana that they can use it to create a shield?


That’s not something a mere human realm enemy should be able to do.

“What the hell are you?” Damon asked with a frown.

Gin gazed at him with a smile. He seemed to be satisfied with something or in a rather good mood.

“Do you know amongst humans there are people who stand out, chosen by the world for something greater? The outcome of this team selection is probably to drag us out of the shadows so I need a team completely filled with hosts. I’m sure you don’t understand what I’m trying to say. Unfortunately, you have to die here” Gin said with the same look on his face.

Hearing this, Damon was sure now. Although Gin did not explain himself clearly, he did claim to be a host. Only another host would understand what he was trying to say.

“If we are all hosts then why are we fighting? I think Klein is the one you should be fighting not me” Damon said with a shrug. He no longer took a fighting stance.

Hearing this Gin was a bit confused and he frowned even though His eyes were still shut tight. He came to kill Damon because he believed Klien should most likely be the host they are all searching for but Damon just claimed to be it.

“He is not lying... he is the death magic host... His power is just hidden over his shadow magic.... That’s the one request he made just like we all did” A familiar voice said.

It was the golden-haired youth with blazing golden eyes, Cyrus’ light. Hearing the theory confirmed, Gin gazed at Damon again with a frown. According to the information he was given, hosts of the death Magic’ are always mentally challenged and that’s why he believed a mad man like Klien would be the host.

So seeing someone as calm and strategic as Damon becoming the new host of the death magic was quite disturbing. Either way, he put away his weapon now while Damon unlocked his door with his card and invited them in.

“I find it hard to believe you are the host. Cast a death spell” Gin said the moment they were in the room.

“We both know how bad the stench of death is... I don’t want them to find out about me” Damon explained dryly.

“Don’t worry about that. Life suppresses death. With me here, I can hide your death aura...” Cyrus said a bright Golden light escaped his body surging so brightly the room was filled with holy aura.


Damon shrugged his shoulder as a black magic circle appeared beneath his feet and spread to the entire room with Damon at the center a massive eyeball appeared beneath his feet, gazing around in a violent manner.

Gin and. Cyrus saw this and flinched. They were sure if it wasn’t for Cyrus’ holy aura, suppressing the death aura, they would have been scared to death by now!


A low explosive sound erupted around Damon as his eyes yanked open and it was blood red, just like that of every other death magic user. His skin slowly began turning paler and black veins could be seen all over his body.

“Death magic: Dark Knight!” Damon said in a tone void of any emotions. His voice was like that of many dead souls overlapping each other.

A fierce darkish purple aura surged around him and as it passed through his body, His skin was replaced with a shiny exoskeleton bone armor.


Within the thick bone helmet, his eyes revealed a bright red flash which released a fierce aura as well.

That was all Gin could say. The Bone armor seemed to have improved Damon’s physique making him look at least twenty. His figure was quite higher than that of Gin and Cyrus so they had to look up to gaze at his face.

Unconsciously the two put their guards up and prepared for a fight. It is said that anyone who uses the death magic falls into a crazed condition and becomes bloodthirsty. No one knew what Damon would do after using the death magic for the first time.

“This is good. Powerful and fast.... I guess it will do for now” Damon’s voice suddenly sounded from within and the bone armor shattered and was consumed by darkish purple flames. Fading as if it never existed.

“That would be nice for a trump card” Damon said as his pale skin began regaining color and his red eyes returned to their normal purple color.

“You didn’t go crazy?” Gin asked in disbelief.

“Am I supposed to?” Damon was shocked by the question.

“Well according to history and facts. The death magic is directly linked to the underworld and for each soul claimed the stronger the death mages becomes. In exchange the soul of the dead will forever cling to the death mage, haunting them forever.” Cyrus explained.

“So basically, the more I kill the stronger I become but with a higher chance of going crazy.” Damon said thoughtfully. When using this power he heard a voice but he ignored it and it sounded like Luthor!

While Damon was thinking, Gin tossed his blue sword on the bed before jumping on the bed as well. He seemed awfully relaxed for someone visiting a stranger’s room.

“What are you doing?” Damon asked coldly.

“What else? We are Allies, so I was no reason why I can’t sleep on your bed” Gin yawned while he spoke.

“First off we are not allies. Secondly, even if we are allies I still won’t let you sleep on my bed” Damon said coldly

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