
Chapter Volume 2 14


Double entendre

Double meaning, in this case Feng Ming is in the way of Ruo Yan’s plans.

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Fan Jia’s Imperial Royal palace was composed of several magnificent and distinctive red buildings. The perimeters were boldly decorated to showcase the King’s grandeur.

Feng Ming had led General Tong and Official Xia into the main entrance to the King’s palace but Li Er was required to remain in the carriage due to his lowly status.

By this time, the heavy snow fall had stopped. But inside the palace grounds, the floor was absolutely spotless. It was obvious that the palace maids had worked towards sweeping every speck of snow off the ground.

Gui Sen had been awaiting Feng Ming’s arrival along the main hallway, once seeing the party arrive he scurried across to greet the Prince.

‘Prince, we meet again.’ Gui Sen’s face was beaming with a smile. His demeanor showed no signs of being disgruntled with having his companionship rejected openly the day before.

The older man took Feng Ming’s hands into his own, and in a grave voice he warned, ‘To be honest to Prince, the King’s health has not been fairing well in the past days. It is likely you were summoned upon the Third Princess’s instigation. Prince needs to be cautious around that woman. She has already made arrangements with Master Dong and Ruo Yan.’

Feng Ming was stunned for a brief moment.

Gui Sen was already rolling around in treachery, and now he dared to front as a friend and provoke distrust between the Third Princess and Xi Rei.

What a despicable man.

Feng Ming turned his gaze on the man, the corner of his lips jerked into a soft smile. In a low voice he replied, ‘Thank you Royal Uncle for your warnings However, during our visit in town, we heard the people on the streets discussing the state of the King. It seems they suspect that it is not ill health consuming their King but rather a case of poisoning. Royal Uncle, you need to take care with your own meals.’

Although Feng Ming had only intended to toy with his Uncle, it was like he had served the man a final blow. All color immediately drained from Gui Sen’s face. The older man’s mind was off somewhere momentarily before he regained his composure. He quickly asked, ‘Prince, where did you come across such news?’

‘On the streets, it’s the current talk of the town!’ Feng Ming feigned innocence and pretended to be shocked, ‘Don’t tell me Royal Uncle has not caught wind of this rumor?’

‘This…’ The man stuttered, ‘This…’

It was obvious that Gui Sen was harboring a guilty conscious. Failing to talk coherently was a dead give away.

Gui Sen clasped his hands in respect to the Prince as he dismissed himself.

‘Gui Sen has many state matters to attend to, my apologies for not being able to accompany Prince. Please remain here as the King shall summon your presence soon.’

The man hurried away, most likely to investigate the word spreading amongst the people of Fan Jia.

Feng Ming giggled at the thought, shortly messengers that had left to herald the King returned.

‘Our King is unwell and currently needs his rest. It is unadvisable for a large audience to attend. The Prince may proceed alone.’

‘Proceed into the palace alone?’ General Tong was the first to lash out his dissatisfaction and looked for consensus from Official Xia. He politely cupped his hands and signaled to the messengers.

‘Please report to the King, General Tong is under direct orders from King Rong to never leave the Prince’s side by even a step. With all due respects, is it possible for Tong to accompany the Prince to great his Highness?’

Feng Ming passed the General a glance.

If the regent king had laid orders for General Tong to act as a shadow, why did he not bring up this spirit of loyalty when Feng Ming was asked to proceed alone into the Third Princess’s inner residence?

The attendant that was sent as a messenger served the King directly, he replied dutifully, ‘That being the case, please excuse me as I will return to seek the King’s command.’

The man disappeared once again, and returned roughly half an hour later to address the Prince.

‘The King is out of sorts and is no condition to see too many visitors. If the Prince is apprehensive about proceeding to the palace alone, please consider seeking an audience two days later when the King has recovered. At that time, he would be able to hold a session in the proceedings hall where many people can be catered to.’

Feng Ming thought to himself, ‘I am afraid in two days I may have to visit the King in heaven.’

Feng Ming knew that he shouldn’t delay matters so he hurriedly flashed a signal with his eyes towards Official Xia. The ball was in Official Xia’s court, it was up to him to decide what should happen next.

The old man stroked his beard as he muttered softly, ‘Since it can’t be helped, our Prince shall pay his respects to the King of Fan Jia.’

‘But…’ General Tong interjected.

‘General Tong, there is no need to be concerned. The Prince is wise, brave and nimble. He will be safe in the palace, we can rest assured.’

Feng Ming’s forehead was beading with sweat.

An Xun was also had such characteristics and it was also in a similar palace setting where he lost his life and his head was almost halved like a watermelon by King Rong’s blade.

The attendant bowed to Feng Ming.

‘If all is in order, may Prince please follow my lead?’

Feng Ming stood still in a moment of hesitation, which led to Official Xia giving him a friendly joist from behind to encourage him to get a move on.

Feng Ming thought inwardly, perhaps Official Xia’s eagerness was a sign that everything was running as expected. Most importantly, he knew it was unfitting for a Prince to wimp out, just because he had to approach Fan Jia’s King alone. Working up the courage, his hands balled into fists, he walked forwards with his chest proudly protruding and head held high.

The inner sanctuary of Fan Jia’s Imperial palace stood out from the smaller palaces and residences that Feng Ming had seen so far in the country. Instead of small passages leading to each building, there were large and spacious avenue-like paths. It was styled like the Classical Gardens of Suzhou from Feng Ming’s world. Perhaps the Fan Jia palace was also built with consideration in mathematical or celestial significance. Regardless, it was apparent that they had a great respect for natural terrain and scenery.

Feng Ming continued to follow at the heels of the attendant, turning left and right on what seemed to a complex and interweaving path. It felt like forever, when they finally arrived at the bottom of the main steps outside the King’s resting chamber.

The long staircase was composed of beautifully polished white jade. The path threaded through two rock mountain displays. Once you surmounted the mountain pass you were greeted with a charming entrance. Overall, one could sense the dignity, elegance and artistry from such an arrangement. If this design was entered in a modern day architectural contest, it would be a clean sweep of the first prize.

As Feng Ming occupied himself with being amazed, two men entered the grounds by a door in the opposite direction they had come. They walked closely, one after the other. Feng Ming turned around, his face contorted in confusion as he did not expect the King of Fan Jia to have other guests.

As the men closed in, he continued to stare in their direction so he could identify them.

The blood drained from his face, the proud chest he held immediately deflated as if someone knocked the air out of his lungs.

The man that in the lead was a palace attendant, however, it was who followed that set off Feng Ming’s alarm. It was none other than Ruo Yan. A mere look from the man would make the Prince freeze on cue.

‘Prince An He, we meet again.’ He cupped his hands and gave the Prince a sign of acknowledgment.

In fact, Ruo Yan had quickly noticed the Prince and decided to join him at the bottom of the staircase.

The Prince had originally intended to deal with matters quickly. He didn’t expect that he would come face to face with the last person he wanted to see. In fact, he had an urge to hide behind the attendant or bolt away safely. As he contemplated his next move, in a calm and collected manner Ruo Yan shifted purposely blocked access to the stair case.

Even if he wanted to, Feng Ming didn’t dare to push the man aside and flee into the palace. He had to stand his ground and swallow the fear clogging his throat. He nodded his head in acknowledgment.

‘Is the King of Li also here to pay his respects to the King of Fan Jia?’

Ruo Yan’s eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the Prince. A hint of a smile lifted on the corner of his lips. ‘I have caught word that the King is unwell. Naturally, I will be here to pay my respects. What is the Prince’s agenda with the King?’

‘I? An He is also here to pay respects.’

The King clicked his tongue and teased.

‘Ruo Yan was under the impression that Prince was feeling unease in Fan Jia. In fact I sensed that you may be seeking the King for an earlier pardon to leave with the Third Princess.’

The man was purposely inciting Feng Ming. However, the Prince could see through the man’s trick. He wasn’t that foolish to walk into the trap.

In a cool manner Feng Ming replied, ‘You are correct. An He wishes to hasten the departure. Fan Jia’s rich scenery is beautiful but An He must make haste. Xi Rei is without a leader and due to setbacks with escorting the Third Princess, An He’s accession to the throne has been postponed. It is important that I return to Xi Rei as soon as possible.’

Upon hearing the Prince’s reasoning, the King chuckled. His eyes fixed onto Feng Ming’s own. The Prince turned rigid, as if he was struck by a bolt of lightning.

Feng Ming’s heartbeat ran erratically, his eyes were wide in fear and he took a few steps back.

Ruo Yan found mused with watching Feng Ming’s reaction.

Ending his charade, he acted as if something finally dawned on him.

‘Oh, I was wondering why the Prince was frozen like a statue. As it turns out, I was in the Prince’s way. To speak bluntly, Prince is also blocking my way.’

A cold sneer stretched across the King’s lips, his words packed a double entendre.

He stepped aside, and gestured with his hands.

‘Prince, please advance.’ He invited.

‘No, it is better that King Li takes the lead.’ Feng Ming declined.

‘Prince, I insist.’ Even the presence of the attendants, King Li suddenly reached out and audaciously grabbed Feng Ming’s shoulders.

The unwanted touch almost scared the Prince out of his skin. Instead he scrambled up onto the first step to break off the man’s contact.

‘I will go first then.’ He quickly muttered.

Ruo Yan chuckled and followed closely behind.

Why is this flight of stairs so long and winding?

Feng Ming felt like he was being followed by a hungry tiger, his heart would not settle and now he was venting his problems by cursing the architecture and design of the King’s inner sanctuary that he had admired only moments before his current ordeal.

All of a sudden, Ruo Yan’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

‘The sword at Prince’s side, could it be the unparalleled sword?’

‘Ah?’ Feng Ming’s voice trembled as he nodded hastily in reply, ‘Yes, it is.’

I didn’t expect him to identify the sword with just a glance.

Then it dawned on Feng Ming, if Ruo Yan knew of the sword’s history and origins, perhaps he would suspect the other sword is in the Regent King’s possession. The moment their swords are drawn, and if Feng Ming is struck down on the very spot he stood. This would mean the same would happen to the Regent King. Xi Rei would be in absolute chaos!

Ruo Yan has ambitions to conquer the land, wasn’t this scenario befitting of his wishes?

The more Feng Ming pondered over the matter it was anything but reassuring as the thoughts made the hairs of his body stand.

At the same time, as he was enwrapped with his thoughts he failed to pay attention to his footing.

‘AH!’ he choked in horror as he felt his balance slip away.

Such a misfortunate mix of absent minded treading and the winter slicked jade surface!

He was now flying helplessly backwards.

From behind, a pair of strong hands clamped down on Feng Ming’s lower waist. Within a flash, Ruo Yan’s form pressed against the Prince to cushion his fall.

Ruo Yan gazed down at the Prince.

It was as if Feng Ming had voluntarily thrown himself into the King’s arms.

‘Prince needs to take caution, the staircase is made with white jade, given the snow fall it is a dangerous path.’

Ruo Yan’s warm breath tickled the back of Feng Ming’s ears. Their encounter was growing more and more into an embarrassing and awkward event.

Feng Ming’s face was so close to the man, he could see a strange look in Ruo Yan’s eyes. The unwelcomed stare he was receiving was sending him into panic.

‘I know it is slippery.’ He muttered as he attempted to free himself.

Sadly, Ruo Yan’s swordsman training left him with a grip to be reckoned with.

Feng Ming struggled to prostrate himself, let alone free himself from the King’s vice like hold.

From afar, it would even appear as if Feng Ming was deliberately leaning into Ruo Yan’s embrace.

Ruo Yan didn’t spare Feng Ming, teasing the Prince again, ‘Prince, you are not going to stand up?’

This time the King was more assertive, breaking further into the Prince’s personal boundary. He had pressed his lip against the ridge Feng Ming’s ear.

Ruo Yan blocked off the view for the attendants that were following behind. Taking this opportunity, he stuck out his tongue and gently licked Feng Ming’s ear. With an audacity that only would reach the Prince’s ear, he whispered, ‘I didn’t expect such happenings within the hierarchy of Xi Rei’s Royal Palace. Surely the Regent King has savored you already.’

Feng Ming shuddered, his skin prickled as goose bumps popped up from head to toe. His face was beaming red as he gritted his teeth and glared ferociously at the King.

Lowering his voice, he growled: ‘Let me go.’

Ruo Yan laughed at Feng Ming’s attempt to bare his fangs.

‘Oh, there is such passion in your eyes. Truly are not fit to be a Prince. Perhaps the role of a lover would be better adapted.’

Having his fill of toying with the Prince, Ruo Yan finally loosened his hands.

As the deadlock was released, Feng Ming sprang from the devil’s clutches. He quickly clambered up the stair case, placing a few steps of separation from the King. Feng Ming whisked his head and gave the King another death glare before bolting up the rest of the climb towards the King of Fan Jia’s chambers.

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