
Chapter 194 - Youre Nothing

Chapter 194 - You\'re Nothing

Lina had endured enough of Elaine and Samantha. The bullying she had suffered in middle and high school. The taunts. The teasing. The words that wrecked her self-esteem. She was going to pay them back for it. Mercy would be an understatement.

"What are you doing here?" Elaine asked in disbelief the minute she opened her door and saw who it was.

Lina glanced at the large "for sale" sign outside the mansion.

"Did you really think you\'d get away with it?" Lina deadpanned.

Elaine froze.. Her pupils began to dilate and quiver. She opened her mouth, unable to think straight. Was karma finally coming for her? Impossible! She had done nothing wrong.

"What are you talking about?" Elaine hissed.

"Use this to pay off your parents\' debt," Lina sneered, discarding her bracelet and necklace to the ground.

At this, Elaine saw red. She was furious that at her lowest point, Lina had arrived. Elaine wanted to show off her prestige and power. She didn\'t like being seen like this. And as a haughty heiress, she didn\'t expect such an insult.

"How dare you?!" Elaine growled, taking a dangerous step closer. "You\'re nothing but a fat, ugly—"

Suddenly, Lina grabbed Elaine by her hair.

"What the hell?!" Elaine screamed, clawing at Lina\'s hands. "Are you crazy?!"

"Yes, very." Lina\'s voice was barely above a shout. She didn\'t need to scream to terrify people. She didn\'t need to lose her control. All she needed was her hands.

So that was what she used. Fight violence with violence.

"O-ow, stop, that, stop—"


Lina slapped Elaine\'s face. Instantly, her face whiplashed to the side. Elaine staggered and tried to retaliate, but failed.

Lina used Elaine\'s hair as leverage. Lina yanked her into the house. She kicked off her heels.

"For everything you\'ve done to me in the past and now," Lina coldly said. Her voice was barely above a whisper.


In front of the empty living room, Lina smacked Elaine silly. Yanking her by the hair, Lina beat the woman to the ground. She gave a hit for every bullying incident that occurred, a yank of the hair for every tear little Lina had shed, and a slam on the ground for every night little Lina had sobbed herself to sleep.

Elaine tried to fight back, but her skinny arms couldn\'t do anything. She couldn\'t even scratch Lina.

"Y-you crazy bitch!" Elaine shouted from the ground, bloodied and bruised. Her hair was a mess. Her mascara was ruined. Her dress was dirtied from her snot and blood.

Lina didn\'t even shed a sweat. She rose to her feet, put on her heels, and straightened to her full height.

"Y-you, I\'m going to report you to the police! I\'m going to sue you for assault!" Elaine wailed from the ground, pointing an accusing finger towards her. "By the time I\'m done with you—"

"Your paparazzi confessed that you hired him to slander me and you\'ve blackmailed him," Lina stated in a composed voice.

Lina showed no hesitation. No fear. No emotion. She was calm. She was in her zone. She flipped her hair over her shoulders. Taking a good look at her work, she watched in satisfaction as Elaine\'s face went pale.

"Let\'s see if assault is worse than slander and blackmail," Lina softly said. "And with what evidence do you have that I hurt you?"

"Your hair and DNA is all over me, I am going to—"

"Ah, maybe I should tear off your fingernails so you don\'t have any evidence," Lina mused.


"For your corrupt ex-executive father\'s sake and your divorced mother, keep your head down," Lina deadpanned.

Elaine\'s mouth instantly clamped shut in disbelief.

Lina took a good, long look at this woman. She was on the floor. Her lips were split open. Blood openly flowed from her nose. Lina glanced at her hand and realized she had pulled out strands of hair. Letting out a slow laugh, she couldn\'t believe what she saw.

Back then, Elaine looked so big. Elaine was the big bully and monster. Now, the tables had turned. Now, karma had come for her.

Elaine stabbed Lina with words, so Lina pummeled Elaine with her fists. They\'d never be even, but she felt satisfied. Satisfied that Elaine was frightened.

"All those years of bullying," Lina softly said. "I will pay it back in tenfold."

"If you try to expose me, I\'ll take legal action against you! I\'m going to stain your image, I—"

"Serendipity School of Success is a private institution with cameras in the hallways. I\'ll get the footage. We\'ll see who\'s image will be further stained," Lina stated.

Elaine froze. "I-I am already at my lowest! I\'ll stoop far worse than you—"

"Come after me then," Lina said with an eerily calm smile. "Today\'s beating is just a taste of what I can do to you."

Elaine was mortified. The light completely left her eyes. She was gutted by such words. With a trembling realization, she knew she could never touch Lina. Not because she was a Yang, but because this woman was too damn scary.

Who beats someone with such a calm expression?

Somehow, Elaine knew Lina could do much worse than this. The rug was yanked from underneath her. She had lost. After all these years of bullying Lina, and she was still the loser.

"Now, start packing," Lina mused. "I\'m the new owner of this house."

"Starting when?!" Elaine shrieked in disbelief.

Lina\'s lips curled upwards, she took out her phone. "Since now."

- - - - -

All it took was one phone call. One? call to Elaine\'s father for the house to be sold. Because they were eager to get rid of it, there were no pricing disputes. They needed the money and they required it quickly. So, the enormous mansion was sold. At below market price, too. What a steal.

Lina would never forget Elaine\'s expression. The pure defeat. The hopelessness. Elaine, who was once at the top of the pyramid, was now at the very bottom. She, who sat from her throne bullying everyone below, was now on the ground. Elaine was penniless and soon, homeless.


Lina relaxed in the car ride home. Her hand throbbed from beating Elaine. But her heart swelled with satisfaction. With the SD card still in her possession, she\'d decided to look through it at home, and then, would destroy it for good.

Soon, Elaine\'s story would quickly spread through the elite of society. Lina didn\'t mind. It\'d serve as a warning for them. For them all.

With that thought, Lina decided to look through her phone. Her brows shot up at the sight of a text from her grandfather. He had sent her a list of the secretaries and assistants that he believed were suitable for her.

A second later, Lawrence called her. It was as if he had been waiting on his phone to see the message marked as \'read\'.

"Hello?" Lina said into the phone.

"I\'ve sent the most eligible list, so just choose," Lawrence urged.


"What?" Lawrence demanded.



"They\'re all your spies grandfather, I\'d rather not waste time," Lina told him. "I\'ll find secretaries and assistants on my own."

"Have faith in your grandfather. Even if they\'re spies, it\'s in your best interest that I know what\'s going on. Besides, who\'s to say your newly hired employee from outside sources won\'t be converted into one of my spies with enough threatening?" Lawrence asked.

Good point.

"Because of who I hire them from," Lina decided.

Lina was going to test Kaden\'s trust in her. She was going to see if he\'d give her someone that didn\'t report her behavior to him. And she was going to test them well.

"Sigh, what a waste of my time," Lawrence grumbled. "You sure know how to abuse my fondness towards you."

"I only learned abuse from you," Lina responded nonchalantly.

"Bah! I\'m going to take my medicine." Lawrence angrily hung up the phone.

Lina pulled it away from her ear. She was far too detached at this point. She had experienced so much pain in her life that it no longer hurt. Perhaps the only thing that could hurt her was the things that mattered. And so far, only Kaden did.

Isabelle too.

Just then, Lina\'s phone began to chime again. When she saw the contact, she frowned. Atlantis.

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