
Chapter 628 Mi Luan Is Back

Chapter 628 Mi Luan Is Back

  Master Wong was standing ahead of Gu Li and Rong Ting and hence he was the first person to run towards Mi Luan and then Gu Li.

  Gu Li was relieved when he couldn\'t see any injury on Mi Luan\'s body and he didn\'t smell the blood on his body.

  But he noticed a few scratches on his hand. Still, he was relieved that he was not injured heavily.

  On the other hand, Master Wong fired one question after the other.

  "My Little disciple, where did you go? Why are your clothes wet? Are you alright?...oh my little disciple…it is all my fault. I should not have left you here."

  Saying this, Master Wong tried to take Mi Luan away from Gu Li\'s hands, however, Gu Li looked at him with a deep frown on his forehead still holding Mi Luan in his hands.

  However, when Mi Luan struggled to pull himself out of his hold, he was slightly startled before he loosened his hold and let him go.

  Mi Luan looked at Gu Li and then at his master calmly as he stretched his hand out to show them a plant that was placed in his hand and said

  "We don\'t have much time. I have brought the herb."

  Gu Li\'s eyes flickered immediately as he understood what Mi Luan was saying.

  "So you have gone to bring the herb?"

  Master Wong spoke with a distress-filled heart for his little disciple.

  After that, he glared at Gu Li with cold and sharp eyes as he cried in distress

  "My little disciple…he was alone in such a big forest. Looking for some water resource …what if something had happened to him….wowo…I should not have left him here…th…"

  "Shut up."

  Master Wong flinched at Gu Li\'s sharp and cold voice but he soon put his thorns on his body again when he realized that he had nothing to fear about. Today, he was determined to take his little disciple away.

  Gu Li didn\'t show it but Master Wong\'s each and every word created fear and guilt inside his heart. He tried his best to keep a calm and composed face as he looked at Mi Luan.

  There was a twinge in his heart when he saw the scratches on his hands but he suppressed it and asked him as gently as he could in such a situation.

  "Xiao Luan, are you sure that this herb can treat Master?"

  Mi Luan nodded his head calmly.

  However, Master Wong was furious to see that Gu I was doubting his disciple\'s capability. Pointing his big fat finger in front of his face, he said as his mustache trembled because of the rage he was feeling inside his chest

  "How dare you…how dare you to doubt my little disciple\'s talent!" 

  Gu Li was coldly looking at the finger that was in front of his face. He was very tempted to twist it in a way that it will break completely.

  On the other hand, Mi Luan looked at both of them and sighed. After that, he walked toward the tent where the old master was lying on the bed.

  Rong Ting wanted to appreciate him for his sensibility. Though he was a little apprehensive, he knew that his senior brother was allowing Mi Luan to treat their master and he trusted his senior brother.

  Thinking this, he followed Mi Luan with the thought of helping him if needed.

  Gu Li also left from there when he realized that Mi Luan had left already and after him, with a cold hmph, Master Wong also stepped inside the tent.

  When they went in, they saw Rong Ting feeding some kind of medicinal paste to the unconscious old master.

  Gu Li\'s red eyes were emotionless but his fists were clenched tightly.

  He was startled when he felt a soft touch on his hands and looked down. Looking down at the clean black eyes that blinked in assurance, he felt his heart swelling inside his chest.

  His grip on the soft hand went firm and he looked at his master again.

  He was afraid but the little fella\'s presence somehow made him less scared. He felt as if everything would be fine.

  But Gu Li\'s face changed when after a few moments of drinking the medicinal paste, Master Wong\'s face suddenly started to go blue.

    He stepped forward to check what was going on but Master Wong blocked his way and asked him sharply.

  "What are you doing?"

  Gu Li looked at him more coldly and asked

  "What is going on with Master?"

  However, in response, Master Wong only waved his hand and pushed him away fearlessly as he said

  "He is going to be alright. Don\'t spoil anything. The poison is coming out."

  And just as he said, a blue liquid soon started to flow out of the old master\'s mouth. Gu Li and Rong Ting looked at this scene with wide eyes that were full of shock and surprise.

  They had never thought that the snake poison could be treated this way. Gu Li would not lie but he had seen people dying in his organization sometimes because of the snake\'s poison whenever they went to train in the forest.

  Still, they couldn\'t stop going to train as it was an important part of making the organization strong.

  This time, a large part of his heart though was not ready to lose his master, a small part had already given up hope.

  He had been ready to collapse again. He had been ready to grieve over the person for his whole life who had given him a new life.

  But…he looked down at the small figure that was standing beside him.

  In the end, the little fella stepped into his darkness like a light.

  He saved the old master.

  He saved him from collapsing in the darkness.

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