
Chapter 138 - The World's Relief


The world\'s core felt relieved.

Despite what it might seem, the invasion occurred near the north pole of Earth, most of such rifts didn\'t emerge in the south pole, although there were still small ones where feral monsters emerged, they weren\'t as massive as the ones that Gustav had encountered.

Especially because there was a big difference between some feral monsters and the invaders he had just annihilated with everything he had, the Slarkobs, the Beast World Monsters, and the Celestials.

The World\'s Core analyzed her surface, as she found that there were no Slarkobs anywhere else than the places where Gustav had killed them, nor Celestials or Elemental Beasts from the Beast World.

As it was stated earlier, the time difference in between the original worlds of these invaders and this one was big, it would take some time before new troops were sent here, as they cataloged Earth as a lesser world without much worthy to take, so sending a few units casually was their plan.

The World\'s Core, or well, Gaia, felt relieved now that she could relax a little bit. The powerful beings whose presences emanated immense pressures were mostly suppressed… Well, aside from the large Demon Tower, the Demon Army, and the mysterious entity beyond the crack in the sky, whose tentacle was slowly absorbing energy from the planet.

Now that the Slarkobs and the Celestials were out of the picture, the best thing to do was to clean the world from all the small fry and then, when Gustav was to get ready, to use his powers and the Skill of Planet\'s Guardian to suppress this giant tentacle and close the crack in space forcefully. The entity beyond the crack seemed absurdly powerful, so attacking it wasn\'t an option. But at the very least, closing the sky crack would work.

"Sigh… Although there are still a few problems, without these three main armies, I feel real… Way more relieved," sighed Gaia.

She slowly began to close the cracks that led to the Celestial World and the Slarkob World. Although Gustav might not like that because he wouldn\'t be able to easily access these worlds without these rifts, it was better for the planet for these to be closed, as they could delay the invasion of new groups of such entities.

Interestingly enough, most of the Aliens, Elemental Beasts, and Celestials emerged near North America, Canada, and Alaska, although some of the monster\'s domains and dungeons had spread all across America and the other continents, the farther away they were from them, the lesser was the influence. Although large quantities of people died here, the rest of the world was battling better, and a large number of people was still alive, at the very least, casualties were less than a million.

The World\'s Core also noticed that such people in these places far away from North America, due to having a better time to adapt and also as they didn\'t encounter with the final bosses right away, had begun to utilize the Soul Records accordingly, and so, they were leveling up, Gaining Skills, and more.

Humanity perhaps had a chance!

It was now on Gustav\'s hands to lead the rest of the planet\'s humanity into this turbulent apocalypse.

Would a former Neet Web Novelist really do all of this? Many would probably doubt it.

Even Gustav did.

And to be honest, he really wouldn\'t like to do that, but he had a duty… So in the end, he had to do anything he could, for now, to help the people, even if he didn\'t like it that much. After all, this was the planet he was born on, what kind of self-destructive fool would neglect to save and helping it?

Also, Gaia was very nice to him and helped him grow stronger, and gave him many new possibilities and abilities, so he felt indebted to the planet\'s goodwill.

He was also, apparently, the only Player who had received a System Ticket in this world, no, probably in this whole galaxy or universe, or dimension… And as a Player whose ability to grow incredibly strong incredibly quickly was present, he had to work hard to fulfill such a purpose.

  Or well, the purpose he had given to himself.

In the end, Gustav was already becoming the savior of humanity without actually wanting to, but this is how it ended… Defeating the Celestials and the Slarkobs, and killing almost all of them except a few little aliens which he tamed as if they were monsters… He had already done an amazing feat.

And it has only been… Around five days since the apocalypse began!

He really did all of this in such a short amount of time… It was quite baffling.

Well, due to the time he spent inside his Inner World, it felt more like almost a month due to the time difference. But for the outside world, it was almost a week!

Gustav didn\'t even give proper time to these invaders to spread across the globe as he abused every cheat he had and grew to a ridiculous speed. Finally defeating these invaders and managing to save the world.

If the Celestials and Slarkobs had spread across the globe, humanity might have actually perished. Their power, after all, was way too vast…

Although Gaia felt bad to compare things like this, as she was admitting that it was good that the Celestials and the rest only did chaos in the north region of America, she decided that there was no helping it…

For now, she felt so nice after closing the gates of the Celestials and the rest that she felt like taking a relaxing nap for once.

But she couldn\'t, not at all! There were still many things to do for now, and she needed to assist Gustav in anything she could do.

To her, the greatest treasure of her life was the planet and the life on it… She couldn\'t slack off, even against the odds, she needed to work hard, as hard as she could.

She continued to pour energy into the world, trying to close more and more dimensional rifts…

"Phew… This will take a while…" she sighed.

Meanwhile, Gustav was about to finally find more surviving humans, at long last!


Please make sure to check out my other novels, I am sure that you will like them!

M y W o r l d T r a v e l i n g S y s t e m: The Harbinger of Death: A Story about a young man who is suddenly struck by li ghtning while sleeping with his phone, w hich awakened his ability and the World Traveling Sy stem!

D e m o n Q u e e n R e b i r t h: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!: A Story about a De mon Queen who lost everything, in t he last battle, her soul w as split in half and s he was reincarnated twice in her third life.

E p i c o f C a t e r p i l l a r: A Story about a mysterious man who died of a fever and reincarnated as a Caterpillar in the middle of a for est infested with monsters! He w ill have to so mehow survive as a Caterpil lar in t his world filled wit h cha os.

V a m p i r e O v e r l o r d  S y s t e m i n t h e A p o c a l y p s e: The Story of a young and bullied man born in an apocalyptic world, who is given the chance to become a Vampire and dominate this world as he pleases with a malicious and scheming mind!

E p i c o f I c e D r a g o n : Reborn as an Ice Dragon with a System : The St ory of a young adult man who died buried in an ava lanche and was s uddenly given wishes based on his last desires, suddenly reinca rnating in a N orse mytho logy-inspired cultivation world as an Ic e Dragon wit h a System!

E p i c o f V a m p i r e D r a g o n : R e b o r n a s a V a m p i r e D r a g o n w i t h a S y s t e m: The Story of a boy born with strange and myster ious powers who was held ca ptive and u sed as a guinea pig through his entire life, unt il the day he died and suddenly re incarnated as a Vampire Drag on Chi mera in a completely differ ent wor ld, create d by an insane Elder Li ch that claims to b e his f ather !

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