
Chapter 85 - Tinkerbell & The Brat


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Jina let out a loud sigh of frustration. The cool night air did nothing to calm her nerves. Putting the chopstick into the noodles, she began to slurp, feeling very depressed. 

She was on the roof of her apartment building. After Changseob\'s statement, they were back to square one with no suspects at all. Jiwoon had interrogated the Private Investigator Song Yohan had hired and he stated that Yohan was with him between 8 PM and 12 AM. It was impossible for him to be the killer as well. Even the bank transactions of all the suspects cleared out because none of them made any such payments which looked suspicious.

Everyone was walking scot free including the murderer.

Who is it? She wondered as she slurped her food.

"Oi, Tinkerbell!"

Hobin\'s voice called her but she ignored him. After taking Changseob\'s statement, Jina wanted to be left alone with her thoughts. She ordered Chinese food for dinner so that she could sit on the roof and eat while eating on sloppy noodles and chicken. 

She heard Hobin\'s footsteps coming closer and he sat next to her.

"Are you really depressed over this case?" he sighed.

"Of course I am!" she snapped. "There\'s a crazy poltergeist on the loose and might kill my brother if I don\'t find her bloody murderer!"

Jina angrily stabbed her chicken with the chopsticks. Hobin watched her acting frustrated, not saying anything for a while.

"Our killer sure knows how to clean," he sighed. "Totally butchered a person and still managed to clean up the crime scene like a pro."

Jina scowled at him, sickened by the gruesome description of the murder. Thanks to that, she lost her appetite.

"Did you have to remind me of that?" she asked, feeling nauseated. She put away the box of chicken which Hobin quickly picked up to chow on. He chewed the chicken happily while Jina shook her head in dismay. 

"I wonder what\'s tying her to this world though," Hobin said.

"What do you mean?" Jina asked.

"Well, you told me that day that spirits are tied to this world due to an unfulfilled wish, right?" he asked. "And even if Rachel is a poltergeist, she\'s still a sort of spirit, right? Then there must be something which is tying her here. Can\'t be just blind revenge. That just seems to be a side effect. She\'s haunting the people who hurt her even the slightest. I mean, your brother was attacked simply because he rejected her, right? But she didn\'t attack her boyfriend yet. That means she\'s only after those whom she hated."

"Her mother wasn\'t attacked though," Jina pointed out. "Nor Changseob."

"But she was looking for Changseob," Hobin said. "In this house. Which means that she doesn\'t know that he isn\'t living here anymore. Her dad is down, Sera was attacked too and so was Minyoon. It\'s only a matter of time before Seohyun will be attacked and if Rachel manages to find Changseob, she\'ll not spare him."

"My grandpa is already on it," Jina stated. "He\'s waiting for one of his old acquaintances to come back to town. Once he\'s here, he can help us."

She sighed out loud while Hobin concentrated on his free food. "Do you see ghosts in almost all your cases?" he asked. "It seems that it\'s a recurring occurrence."

"Not all," Jina admitted. "I do see them in most of the crime cases but sometimes, there are no ghosts involved."

"What are you gonna do with this case?" Hobin asked. "Now that all the suspects are cleared and there are no more clues, will this case be closed?"

"It\'ll continue for a few months," Jina replied. "But it\'ll go cold and Rachel\'s poltergeist will keep on haunting these people until they die. Even Minyoon…"

Her voice croaked and she looked away. Hobin knew that she was trying hard not to cry but the thought of her little brother being in danger was tormenting her. She was hiding it but to Hobin, it was evident.

"But you won\'t give up on it," he stated. "You\'re a softie. You can\'t let it go."

"Softie?" Jina echoed. "I am not a softie!"

"Oh please!" Hobin scoffed. "You can\'t see people crying. You can\'t give up on a case until the killer is behind bars. Your teammates and family means the world to you and you\'d karate chop anyone who\'d try to harm them, living or dead. You\'re a total softie, Tinkerbell!"

"Stop calling me that!" Jina exclaimed, feeling annoyed. "I am not that tiny!"

"Who the hell is talking about your height?" Hobin asked innocently. "I just think you look cute just like Tinkerbell."

Jina gaped at him, going red in the face. Hobin flashed her a cheeky smile before going back to his chicken. 

"Hey!" she protested. "I prefer being called scary! Or a badass cop! Not cute!"

To her further dismay, Hobin patted her head as if petting a dog. "Awww look how tough this little midget is trying to be," he said in a sarcastically sweet tone. "Just like a little kitten chasing a thread."

"What?" she exclaimed. "I\'m a grown up detective! I solved many cases and criminals are scared of me!"

"Yes, you\'re a thirty something year old with the face of a five year old," Hobin said in a deadpan tone, teasing her. Jina\'s cheeks puffed up in anger.

"Give me back my chicken!" she demanded but he stood up and held it high.

"Come and get it," he smirked. Jina got to her feet and scowled. She lunged at him to grab the box but he was too damn tall! Hobin watched as the Tinkerbell jumped up and down, pouting like a kitten as she tried to take the box from him.

"Damn you tall people!" Jina cursed. She climbed on the bench, trying to get the box but she lost her footing and almost fell. 

In an instant, Hobin grabbed her by the waist and she fell on his chest. A strong scent of vanilla and cider hit Jina, making her gulp. Hobin was looking at her with his dark eyes full of an alien intensity which was difficult to fathom. He gazed at her, his heart beating faster than ever and there was a crazy urge in him to pull her soft cheeks. Her brown eyes were staring back at him, a mix of nervousness and surprise running through them. 

Jina was unsure of what she was feeling at that moment but it seemed that time had stopped. It was just the two of them under a moonless sky. The city around them was silent as if witnessing the intense moment between the two of them. 

As if in a trance, Hobin raised his hand and brought it close to her cheek…

"AHHHHH!" Jina yelped when Hobin pulled her cheek hard. "What the hell?"

"I was just testing how tough you are," Hobin claimed, still pulling her cheek hard, intentionally teasing her. "Ooh look at the tough midget!"

"You brat!" Jina yelled and stomped him on the foot. Hobin winced in pain and jumped back. Jina rubbed her cheek which was now completely red thanks to the brat who squeezed it too hard. 

"You owe me dinner!" she declared. 

"Solve the case and I\'ll treat you to popcorn," Hobin scowled, limping as he headed towards the exit. The woman was tiny but her hits hurt like a bitch!

"I want a five star continental set!" Jina ordered, running after him.

"And I want Angelina Jolie as my neighbor but I\'m stuck with you!" 

"Hey, people feel safe when cops are their neighbors!"

"Not when they hit you like this!"

"You deserved it!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

They bickered all the way back to their flats. As soon as they reached their floor, Jina pouted and stormed off after several unsuccessful attempts to extort free food from him. Once inside her house, she closed the door and stood there for a while, not doing anything.

Then she burst into a fit of laughter. For the first time in many days, she felt lighter and amused. She sat on her bed, still smiling. Even though Hobin was bratty and annoying, it was fun to have him around especially during stressful times like these.

"Brat!" she giggled.

Back in his apartment, Hobin was also smiling. Earlier, he had gone to the roof for some fresh air but seeing Jina depressed and lost made him feel uneasy. For some reason, he did not like it when she felt that way so he tried to distract her from everything. To his delight, he was partly successful.

He had expected life in the new country to be dull and quite boring but to his surprise, he was enjoying it. For the first time, someone was treating him like a normal person and not a mind reading freak. Moreover, he had to admit that Hwang Jina was a smart detective in her own right. There was not a single dull moment with her around and she pulled people in like a magnet. Even a loner like him ended up drifting towards her.

"That Tinkerbell is a handful," he sighed. "But life is fun with her around."

Whistling to himself, Hobin headed straight for the bathroom, to freshen up for a good night\'s sleep.

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