
Chapter 3 - A Dying Wish

The clock struck 10 PM. A pair of headlights flashed in the darkness, driving towards a park which was only a few meters ahead. Driving the car was a dark haired beauty in her thirties. She was tall and slim, her supermodel figure and elegant aura indicated she was from a very influential family. Her long hair was tied into a neat bun. She bit her lower lip, her beautiful face marred with worry. The chilling phone call she received from her best friend was still playing in her head.

Kim Doyoung got out of her car. She had just arrived at the spot where Bosung had requested her to meet. Her friend sounded very worried over the phone and this alarmed Doyoung. What was going on? Why was Bosung so scared? ​​

The meeting place was a park which had been abandoned for years. The rides had broken down while the trees were dry and leafless. There was once a pond at a corner but that had also dried up. Only weeds and grass remained.

She walked to the center, waiting under a dry banyan tree. It was just past 8 PM and the night was getting darker. Even though it was not that late, there was something eerie about the park which scared her. She was unwilling to stand there alone and wished that Bosung hurried up.

Where is she? Doyoung wondered.

The sudden screeching of tires startled her. She looked around to find Bosung\'s lone figure getting out of a car. To her shock, Bosung was limping as she carried a basket in her hands.


Doyoung quickly ran towards her friend who had fallen down but clung onto the basket for dear life. To Doyoung\'s horror, Bosung was bleeding from her private part.

"Bosung, you\'re bleeding…" Doyoung whispered. "You were pregnant too! But your bump…"

She quickly glanced into the basket and in it was a tiny little baby who was asleep. The baby was really small, as if he had been born only hours ago. Did Bosung give birth to him all by herself without any medical care?

"We need to take you to the hospital!" Doyoung exclaimed. "Quickly-"

But Bosung stopped her, clutching her hand.

"N-no!" she stammered with great difficulty. "I won\'t survive this, Doyoung. I don\'t have time!"

She pushed the basket towards Doyoung who was shocked.

"I\'m going to ask you for a big favor," Bosung begged. "It\'ll be a burden but I don\'t have anyone I can trust! This baby...he\'s my only hope! Please take care of him…"

"Bosung, where\'s his father?" Doyoung demanded. "I thought you said he would come for you!"

"I...I can\'t explain it to you," Bosung said tearfully. "Everything has been ruined, Doyoung! His father...his father has been captured by them and he can\'t return to us…"

With that, Bosung began to weep for her husband who was now in the clutches of his own kind. The baby in her arms was not an ordinary human but how could she explain it to others? She had no time and the demons were after this innocent life. If they got their hands on him then they would kill his humanity and let the demon in him takeover! It was the last thing they wanted for their child.

"Take care of him," she begged tearfully. "I...don\'t have much time...Please...Doyoung…"

Doyoung was in a dilemma. Take care of a baby like this? How was this even a logical thing to do? But Bosung had taken such a huge risk and came to her for help. Her good heart could not even turn her away that too when Bosung was on the verge of death!

"We have to get you to a hospital!" Doyoung declared. She picked up the basket with one hand and supported her friend on her other shoulder. Bosung had lost a lot of blood and was nearly unconscious.

"Keep the locket on him…" Bosung murmured. "Never let him take it off…"

"Let\'s get to the hospital first!" Doyoung scolded her. She hoisted her friend to the backseat while put the baby basket in the front seat. Ensuring that the basket was secured, she got into the driver\'s seat and drove off.

As soon as they reached the hospital, Doyoung rushed to the medics for help.

"My friend!" she exclaimed to a doctor. "She just gave birth on her own and is bleeding! Please help her!"

The doctor and nurses rushed to the car and saw the deathly lady who had lost a lot of blood. They carried her onto a stretcher and immediately took her to the operation theater. Doyoung sat outside the surgery room, holding the baby in her arms.

The baby in her arms was beginning to wake up. He let out a soft sneeze and opened his beady little eyes to see the world around him.

The boy had tiny palms and it seemed as if he was looking curiously at Doyoung. Despite her tension, Doyoung felt a strange connection with the child in her arms. He had really beautiful black eyes and he was as red as a cherry. The baby was blinking at her before flashing a wide smile. He held out his tiny palm to touch her cheek.

A single drop of tear fell from Doyoung\'s eye and for a moment, she was mesmerized by the sight of the child. Seeing him took her back to the first time she held baby Siwan in her arms after she had given birth. Her heart warmed up at the view of this innocent soul who had arrived on Earth.

"It\'s almost as if I know you," she whispered, kissing his wrist. The child wheezed in happiness as if saying yes. Doyoung was cooing at him, busy taking care of the tiny life in her hands. He was so delicate that she felt that he would break very easily.

"Do you want to hear a lullaby?" she beamed at the child. "Once your mother recovers, she\'ll sing you loads of lullaby…"

The baby let out a tiny sneeze, making Doyoung inadvertently smile.

"Alright," she whispered. "Let me sing you a nice lullaby. I\'ll sing you the one I used to sing for my son when he was a tiny baby like yourself."

In her broken tone, she began to sing.

"The other night dear, as I lay sleeping

I dreamed I held you in my arms

But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken

So I hung my head and I cried."

"You like it?" she whispered into his ear. The baby cooed and for a brief moment, she thought that he flashed her a small smile as if telling her that he loved it.

She kept on assuring the child, whispering positive things in his ears to keep him engaged. After many hours, a doctor came out of the operation theater.

"Ms. Doyoung…" He began. Doyoung stood up, alarmed to see the doctor looking very grim and sad.

"What happened, doctor?" she asked, feeling ominous.

"I\'m afraid we couldn\'t save her," the doctor said in a sad tone. "We\'re sorry."

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