
Volume 6 38: Celestial – Desolate war (6)

Volume 6 Chapter 38: Celestial - Desolate war (6)

Translator: La0o9

“This is truly a war” Yun Yi looked at the scattered corpses all over the side of the road and found it unbearable to keep his eyes open.

“We are the pioneers. Celestials are a race that came from the Desolates, and within these past few dozen years, our civilization has advanced to a point that others cannot help but lament at the sight of it” Po Nan, someone Yun Yi hadn’t met in a long time, said as he stood next to him.

“All sacrifices are short bursts of pain during treatment. Everything we do today will be for the sake of our race’s prosperity in the future. We believe that they will be able to produce a shining flower of civilization, leave this Desolate Sacrifice world, and complete everything that we hadn’t been able to!!” Po Nan had bandages wrapped all around his body.

As a member of the Celestials’ special ops, aside from very short periods of time where he would remain in the rear-line to recuperate from his wounds and take care of paperwork, he was practically always behind enemy lines. In fact, it was him who set up the device to block out transmissions in the Eastern River Fortress.


“You’re right” Yun Yi nodded.

While the life potential of the first generation Celestials had a shortcoming, they had surpassed the Desolates when it came to their civilization.

The Desolates wanted to wage war because they wanted to maintain their status as the ruling species. They proclaimed themselves to be the strongest generation of Desolates, and that they were making history for later generations to look upon with admiration.

However, if they truly won this war, even if they wouldn’t devolve back into a tribal civilization, they would still divide themselves into many countries that continued their internal strife.

This was the limit of the Desolate Spirit’s vision, as well as the Desolates’ vision as a species. In other words, the Desolates’ civilization had already reached its end; they needed change, but this change would only come about after a long period of incubation.

Even the Desolate Spirit was only capable of creating a country that temporarily banded together during times of war.

On the other hand, the Celestials fought this war in order to make up for the shortcomings of their own civilization. For countless Celestials young and old, everything they had done and was doing even now was to ensure the prosperity and advancement of the Celestial race.

From the moment Yun Yi became the vice-head of the department of technology, he had earned access to basically all of the Celestials’ internal knowledge. Yun Yi had learnt a bit of everything regarding the world’s nature, the [Protagonist Aura], and even faintly realized the connection between Negary and the Lord of Disaster, without concrete evidence of course.

This wasn’t because it needed to be hidden, but because this evidence was related to the ongoing authority war of this world. It wasn’t appropriate to release such critical information at this point in time.

He had seen Po Nan’s reports regarding that mission and fully understood the reasons for his rescue. He had even met Negary personally and accessed the world’s information sea through Negary’s vision.

At that time, he had tried to simulate the future with the available information to see the most probable outcome determined by his destiny.

During that future, he would have become Meng Luo’s most trusted aide, becoming a top brass of the Desolates and helped Meng Luo regarding all sorts of issues. Finally, he would die of old age while holding the position of the Desolate Republic’s Head of Education.

That ‘Yun Yi’ would have lived a more glorious life compared to any others, enjoying plenty of privileges and rights, but from the current Yun Yi’s perspective, he would never choose to walk that path.

In front of Truth and peace, that kind of life might be decent compared to a normal person, but Yun Yi knew that such a life would have been full of doubts. His soul was surrounded by information that he found laughable, making it impossible for him to look straight at himself, always worried about meaningless matters.

Perhaps that ‘him’ would have felt satisfied, but if that ‘Yun Yi’ knew how he currently lived, that ‘Yun Yi’ would have chosen to give up on that life and walk the path of eternal peace as well.

Immediately after knowing that so-called future, Yun Yi had indeed felt a bit lost. He understood that the future he saw was a simulation created through the world’s information sea, which meant that the future was almost guaranteed to be realistic.

This situation where the present and ‘future’ were so detached from one another had indeed been a mental hit to Yun Yi. At the same time, this mental hit had afforded him a more profound understanding of the path of eternal peace, as well as the difference between the Desolates and Celestials.

The Celestials were a species created through accepting Negary’s information, so their bloodline had indeed changed compared to the Desolates thanks to it, but the real factor that contributed to this difference was their mentality. Having experienced both mentality first-hand, Yun Yi found the Celestials to be more agreeable.

Yun Yi closed his eyes, then opened them again to look at the burnt Desolate corpses littered all over the ground. His gaze had now calmed down.

He was indeed a bit sorrowful for these inferior Desolates who were killed through their sudden attack, since he used to be a Desolate as well, but this sorrow would not hinder him, but instead became his motivation.

“The difference between the Desolates and Celestials lies with their mentality, their spirit, their culture, and not with their bloodline. This was the reason why I was able to reach such a high position” Yun Yi understood in his heart that an advanced civilization triumphing against an inferior one would be the natural course of history.

From some of the surrounding traces, he could tell that these Desolates had been living in a distorted civilization system, which made it impossible for them to shine, or even bloom. They had to struggle just to survive, the only meaning of their existence was to provide resources for the superior Warriors to live.

“Our goal is to release the Desolate Sacrifice world, releasing the living beings within from their ignorance. The Desolates will be eradicated, but they will not be killed. Instead, they will be released from their restrained way of thinking, from their own limits, and achieve sublimation to become a completely new race”

Having understood this fact, Yun Yi felt something invisible gathering towards him increasingly more. Recalling something, Yun Yi smiled to himself.

That person should be in a panic right now.


A Desolate messenger who bought his position was sent flying through the door and landed on the ground outside. He struggled and gasped for air, trying to seek help, but none of the Desolate soldiers standing guard around dared to try and help him. After a short while, this messenger died.

President Meng Luo was growing increasingly short-tempered during these past days. He could sense something that used to belong to him quickly receding away. This had begun ever since he lost his arm, but just now, the speed of this recession had just abruptly increased.

Meng Luo didn’t know that this was the world’s foundational consciousness starting to favor Yun Yi over him. As the Desolates’ [Protagonist], his ‘luck’ was rapidly weakening, and if the Desolate Spirit wasn’t protecting him as one-third of the world spirit, he would probably die without any warning due to an eruption of grudge within his Totem.

As a [Protagonist] created by the world, Meng Luo was born with both authority and a mission. His mission was to digest the information caused by Negary’s interference with the world, thus allowing the Desolate Sacrifice world to further grow, and this mission was directly tied to his authority.

Under normal circumstances, even if the [Protagonist] wasn’t exactly the shining beacon of humanity, it would still be next to impossible for the [Protagonist Aura] to suddenly change hands. However, The Unreachable Gate had created an opening within the [Protagonist Aura], allowing Yun Yi to surpass his original destiny and become a [Protagonist] sub-candidate.

And during the struggle between Negary and the Desolate Spirit, the determining factor for becoming the [Protagonist] naturally became ‘the one who better fulfilled the mission’.

Meng Luo was now in a crippled state. In the past, he had been too impatient and rushed to grow stronger by devouring others, so while he still had the grudge under control, his personality had also grown to become more violent. If he was still a complete [Protagonist], then there would be no issue at all, the blessing of ‘luck’ wasn’t just a joke.

However, as his ‘luck’ was receding, he could clearly feel himself losing control. During this occasion, when he found out that the Celestials had launched an attack from the Eastern River Fortress and taken over the majority of their territory through flash ambushes, Meng Luo completely lost it and sent the messenger flying.

Meng Luo had realized that it was over for him, and for the Desolates as a whole. Their strategic loss had caused the Desolates to lose their supply of resources, and with their civilization originally being in a weaker position, this strategic mistake had pushed the Desolates further into the abyss.

For my goal, there is only one solution left.

Meng Luo’s eyes slowly glowed red. A war between species was basically a war of attrition. If the Desolates tried to fight the Celestials at this point in time, they might still be in an even position at the beginning, but it was predictable that their resources wouldn’t be able to keep up.

The Desolates’ fighting strength would rapidly fade until they were completely crushed by the Celestials.

At this point in time, the flaws of the Desolates’ social structure that the Desolate Spirit had forcefully stitched together was clearly showing themselves.

If the two races had clashed directly in war, the Desolates actually had a chance at victory, but because of the limitation in their thought process, they never even considered that the Celestials would take the initiative and launch an attack.

This was something that even the Desolate Spirit hadn’t considered since it was the Celestials who would be at an advantage if they had stalled for time.

In the Desolate Spirit’s mind, if it had been the one at an advantage, then it would have chosen to stall for time as long as possible. Meanwhile, within the Desolate Republic’s distorted structure, the ones in charge consisted of those who had ample personal strength but zero discipline in a large-scale war.

What they could provide was fighting prowess and only fighting prowess. Under the current circumstances where fighting prowess couldn’t change anything, they were only a few steps away from collapse against such attacks.

Meng Luo had realized this, so he was preparing to use the only thing left they could provide to make one final struggle.


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