
Chapter 320: Vol4 Ch45: Fruits of Sin

Chapter 320: Vol4 Ch45: Fruits of Sin

Translator: La0o9

Normally speaking, the death of each Smith would transfer that individual Smith’s power to every other Smith, eventually creating a super Smith. Such an entity might have been powerful, but he would have been useless to Rip Z.

The reason for Rip Z coming to this world this time was to help Xu Fu escape from this world and join the United Front against Negary.

Each person on Rip Z’s side was someone who had managed to break through the world’s limit, so they all had a clear understanding of Negary’s existence. Negary couldn’t be classified as good or evil, everything he does, he does for the sake of evolution, and only by continuously growing stronger, thus becoming more valuable, would one qualify to continue living. One could even say that Negary was a highly strict and awkward father.

It was necessary to understand this to break through the world’s limit, which was why Rip Z had purposely made sure that Revelation would manifest, as a way for Xu Fu to understand this fact.

Smith had the ability to predict the future through data, but normally, this couldn’t be achieved unless he was supported with a huge amount of continuous data.

And so, when the army of Smiths was dying off one after another, Rip Z secretly made it so that Smith’s power wasn’t transferred to other Smiths and were instead infused into this world to observe its future, which would allow Smith’s evolution ability to mutate accordingly with the future.

Very unfortunately, considering the world’s current state, there was only one possible future outcome—– which was the imminent end of the world.

For that reason, Smith evolving into his Revelation form became an inevitability.

According to the United Front’s internal analysis, an individual’s chances of evolving to break through the limit of the world would be greatest when they had to face an apocalyptic power at the level of Revelation. Now that Rip Z had guided Revelation into appearing, it would be fully dependent on Xu Fu himself to defeat Revelation and break through the world’s limit.

As data of the future continuously flowed around the 12-faced polyhedron, the faint figure on top of Revelation opened their eyes. Since Smith had infused himself into this world to obtain its data, but the world was completely within Negary’s grasp, Smith’s evolution manifested as the end of this world, and a part of Negary.

〖 A 1/8888 parallel world is much too weak 〗

Negary’s visage was obscured, this was because his face was a part of his existence, and this parallel world was too weak to bear it.

If Negary were to actively display his visage and expose part of his existence to this parallel world, it would cause a great influence on this world and produce world-ending natural disasters.

In truth, as Negary currently was, his mere existence in even a normal world would act as a constant source of radiation; continuously spreading, influencing everything and everyone around him. This was also the state of existence for Eternal Heat and other entities of their nature. Their mere appearance in the Moon Tree world would cause the world to alter to fit them.

In that sense, they were similar to the Sun, even by remaining still without doing anything, the force of gravity created by its mass constantly exerted interference on numerous other existences, let alone its other influences.

This shadow of Negary observed the data of this parallel world, calculated the possibility of Xu Fu breaking through its limit, then immediately leapt into action.

Among the 12 faces of Revelation, a total of four chains had manifested, each of them nurturing a single Fruit. These were the Sins that would eventually lead to this world’s destruction, and when these Fruits of Sin fully matured, it would be time for this world to be destroyed.

The darkness radiating from Revelation’s form would swallow this world up, turning it into nothingness.

〖 The first Fruit: The undead cannot breed on their own, once the source of food as well as hatchery that is humanity eventually dwindle in number, this world will fall to sterilization and be destroyed. The Sin is Ceaseless 〗Negary’s figure slowly spoke. A greyish-white creature with bloodshot eyes and a lanky lower half with no genitals appeared on top of one of the DNA-shaped chains, the manifestation of the undead being unable to reproduce.

〖 The second Fruit: In essence, the undead are still lifeforms converted from humans, their minds and thought process have yet to evolve to that of a long-lived race, their longevity became the source of their mental emptiness. The Sin is Heartless 〗Negary spoke again, causing another fruit to manifest on one of the chains. It displayed a humanoid figure with twisted limbs and a large hole in the middle of its chest, representing the fact that the future undead’s internal world was empty.

〖 The third Fruit: The undead are naturally stronger than humans, and without a natural enemy, they became accustomed to using force to resolve their issues instead of knowledge or wisdom. The Sin is Ignorance 〗the third DNA-shaped chain manifested its fruit, displaying a ferocious mindless beast within, which represented the future undeads losing their rationality.

〖 The fourth Fruit: The source of the undead’s power all originates from the Progenitor. Without a need for internal struggle or competition, the entire race becomes stagnant and useless. The Sin is Worthless 〗the fourth chain manifested a dried-up husk restrained by numerous chains, representing the conservative and lifeless nature of the future undeads.

A sense of fear appeared in Xu Fu’s heart. Right at this moment, he fully understood that if he didn’t break through this world’s limit, he would get no other opportunities to do so. The Sins that Revelation had pronounced were the undead race’s Sin, but also his future, a future where he would become a ceaseless, heartless, ignorant, and worthless undead.

At the same time, he also gained another understanding. He had been constantly maintaining a connection with 300 other Xu Fu from parallel worlds, but every once in a while, one or more of them would simply cease contact. Not a single one among them wanted to continue living under Negary’s shadow, all wishing to escape from it, but all of them had failed.

And Xu Fu managed to realize a hint of why that was the case from Revelation. Those Xu Fu only wanted to either flee or prolong their lives, but not actually retaliate against Negary as they were Negary’s creations. But for Negary, such creations existed with no value, so they ended up being destroyed.

I will seek life within death!

Observing Revelation, or rather, the faint figure standing on top of Revelation, Xu Fu instinctively knew who that was. A sense of indescribable fear flooded his entire being, but he had no intentions of backing off as he no longer felt fear.

The Six Disaster incarnations swiftly gathered behind Xu Fu, whose vitality surged forward to connect the Six Disasters with himself, preparing for battle.

Negary looked down at Xu Fu with what seemed like a look of praise before the four chains swiftly moved through the air.

Before Mi Yi could even react, one of the chains had already coiled around his body. The lanky figure who had no genitals attached to the chains embraced Mi Yi, then fused with Mi Yi’s body.

As the Ceaseless Sin entered his body, Mi Yi felt a grand power manifest within himself. Furthermore, as this was the Sin that represented the undead’s inability to reproduce, he had also gained the power to render all blood aura useless.

On another side, the Heartless Sin entered Mi Ze’s body, granting him the power to directly attack an individual’s willpower. The Ignorant Sin also entered Central Fu’s body, who had been pretty much a side character up to now, which granted him the power to disturb the undead’s rationality.

The final Sin, Worthless, entered Xu Fu’s body, whose spirit was at its peak. But unlike the other three, this Sin granted him no power, and since he was the origin of this Sin as the Progenitor of the undead race, over half of his power instead became restrained.

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