
Chapter 131: Vol2 Ch29: Exposed information

Chapter 131: Vol2 Ch29: Exposed information

“Down with the black cooperation, hand over your technology!”

“Scram from the 6th domain, dirty alien!”

“Refund! I demand a refund!”

“Ladies and gentlemen, there are countless injustices in this world. There are many people who do nothing but take from us, but doesn’t want to handle the corresponding responsibilities and instead use technology that is supposed to benefit mankind to openly deprive us of our flesh and blood”

“Today, we are here to stand up against this injustice, to make the people of Negary Inc. hand over their technology...”

Very unusually, Negary wasn’t at his lab but instead sitting in his office, looking down at the crowd of protestors below. At the very front, there was even a person holding a megaphone to deliver some sort of speech.

〖 How interesting. Simply because I am an Authority Holder, they have the courage to gather, protest, and try to force me to hand over all the technology my company currently possesses? 〗

〖 Should I call them foolish, or smart? 〗Negary pulled down the curtains of his window, his phone was ringing like crazy.

As soon as it connected, Chang Xia’s voice came from within.

[Do not make any reckless moves, Wang Yuan, our D.E.R division will make sure to resolve this matter] Chang Xia’s voice showed clear urgency. He understood very well how dangerous a person Negary was, if those people actually angered him, a massacre would happen without a doubt.

〖 Then it’s best that you hurry. From the looks of things, these people don’t only want to protest, but also to break in and steal 〗Negary chuckled, he knew the hearts of these people like the back of his hand.

Under a seemingly reasonable cause, people would gather and feel empowered, you know what they say, ‘the law couldn’t punish an entire crowd’, even if they truly did something wrong, most of them would survive just fine, at most, only those in the lead would be arrested.

And the cause of this commotion was a certain list of people posted on the internet after work hours several days ago. The list contained all currently known Disaster Authorities, the identity of their Holders, as well as their locations in every domain and past experiences.

In this way, Negary’s identity came to light, a person from another world who openly operated a company in the 6th domain, and earned a huge sum of money out of it. Just the slimming injections alone had made him excessively rich.

How could anyone accept the fact that an unknown outsider had come into their ‘turf’ and made money from their people? The natural human instinct to reject foreign entities, combined with their envy, had gathered these people here, further reinforced by the willful incitement of some people to cause the current situation.

It wasn’t just Negary who was affected, other Authority Holders were also suffering through the same thing, but Negary’s place simply had the most number of people.


“That’s him, to gain a Disaster Authority, he committed arson and killed his own son”

Lu Ming Hao was walking through the streets while lowering his head, being pointed at by people on the streets as well as their gossips were causing him a lot of discomfort, so he instinctively pulled his hat down lower.

Hearing those hurtful words, Lu Ming Hao felt like he was going crazy. These people were clearly sympathizing with him just a few days ago, but their words had completely changed today.

He was the true victim here, during that fire, he was the one who lost his son.

So why did these people start to blame him for it overnight? Just because he obtained a Disaster Authority from it?

Enduring this, he soon made it to his office. Although the D.E.R division provided a certain amount of monetary support to an Authority Holder each month, he wasn’t the kind of person to sponge off someone else until death. He wanted to restart his life anew, and this company was one that didn’t mind his horrifically burnt face and hired him.

But obviously, it wasn’t just the view of the bystanders that had changed. After paying Lu Ming Hao three months’ worth of salary for his dismissal, they fired him; according to them, their little temple wasn’t enough to handle a big god like himself.

Packing up his things, he felt his body temperature heating up as he made his way back home.

“That’s him, it’s that arsonist, beat him up!” several young people suddenly jumped out of nowhere and started to mercilessly beat Lu Ming Hao with metal pipes.

“I’m not an arsonist! I’m not!!” Lu Ming Hao screamed. He didn’t dare to use Disasforce, otherwise his Disasforce with the extreme heat characteristic would instantly burn these people.

“And I’m saying that you are! You damn arsonist! You already burned your son to death, are you trying to burn us to death as well?” the young people were shouting hysterically as they beat him up: “This is for looking down on people! So much for having superpowers!”

“Beat him up, he’s not going to use his powers, otherwise he’s going to be a murderer. I’m going to take this to the D.E.R division, let’s see if they can still shelter this arsonist in that case!”

Being able to beat up an Authority Holder made them excited, giving them the feeling of lording over other people, especially since this was someone extraordinary, it only made them more excited.

Lu Ming Hao was loudly screaming in pain from being hit by the metal pipes. As he looked around, this was the middle of the day in the middle of a busy street, there were clearly bystanders all around, but none of them were calling the police. Some people were even praising, cheering for these young men, saying that they were doing good for the community.

What’s going on in this world?

His house burning down was an accident, his son was burned to death while he also received permanent burn scars all over body. He was the one hurt by this the most, so why did things turn out this way after he had just mustered his courage to live a new life?

“I’m not an arsonist, I didn’t look down on anyone, I didn’t burn my son to death...” Lu Ming Hao was trying to explain himself, but his pained cries only caused these assailants to become even more hysterical.

Blood started flowing from his forehead, soaking his vision red. The red sight in front of him made him hallucinate, as if he had returned to the scene of the fire that night.

His Disasforce began to surge forward, an intense burning sensation erupted around his body. The metal pipes in the young men’s hands became heated, causing them to throw the pipes away in panic.

“You damn arsonist, you’re trying to retaliate? I’m here, burn me!” a young man appeared incredibly mad, as if his authority had just been challenged, and walked straight up: “If you’re so good, go ahead and burn me to death, there are so many witnesses here, go ahead, burn me, just like how you burned your son!”

“I’m not an arsonist, I didn’t look down on anyone, I didn’t burn my son to death...” Lu Ming Hao was completely ignorant of the other party’s provocations, he was simply mumbling the same thing over and over, causing the air around him to warp, the extreme temperature slowly spread all around.

“I’m talking to you!” the young man shouted in displeasure, then felt his body becoming hot, it was only after he heard the screams of other people that he realized his clothes were starting to burn.

At the same time, the flames spread more and more, even the surrounding bystanders were starting to go up in flames, plunging the entire street into a sea of fire.

Not too far away, a camera accurately moved and captured this exact scene, recording it.

Soon enough, a video titled [Authority Holder committing arson on the streets] circulated around all the biggest video viewing platforms. In the video, the beaten-up appearance of Lu Ming Hao had been censored, showing only the torch-like people around him.

Although none of the videos said who it was, there were only so many fire-related Authority Holders, so the 6th domain’s protestors soon became 10 times more active compared to before.

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