
Chapter 419 - Time To Buy Skills


Her Job seemed that it could level up quite fast, but for now, she decided to slowly level up as the week went by while killing strong beasts that emerged in the middle of the seas.

Aside from this, there were other things she could pick up for some quick powerup though.

Such as using her large quantity of Skill Points, which she has been greedily keeping.

Skill Points were a new thing that her System designed when it absorbed the source energy from the world of Genesis, where Kireina comes from.

According to Kireina, Skill Points in that world were used to change Classes, upgrade Skills, or even create Skills.

And as a response to such functions, Veronica and Ervas acquired a Skill Shop to purchase amazing Skills that slowly unlocked as time went by, alongside a Skill Tree.

Skill Trees were different for Ervas and Veronica, but it seemed that they emerged when both awakened large quantities of powers within them.

Ervas awakened Skill Trees from his extensive bloodline, while Veronica unlocked Skill Trees from the Divine Soul Fragments she had consumed or that were given to her, such as Hades, Thanatos, Legion, and even a Kireina Skill Tree, which weirded her out a lot.

Nonetheless, these were two amazing new ways to powerup in a world where everyone and their mother kind of wanted her death… and even more, now that she was delving into a world where there could possibly be a revived Demon God-King plotting something against her, alongside four other Demon Gods… and a Vampire Progenitor.

It was perhaps at any moment where they would be finally attacked, so whatever power she could pick up now was good.

She was strong, yes, but you can never be too strong in a world such as Kritias… where dangers lurk at every corner.

But she had a dilemma as she glanced at her available Skill Points…

Should she get some Skills from the Skill Shop or upgrade her Skill Trees?

Skill Trees offered not Skills, but "Abilities".

Unlike Skills, Abilities emerged not in the System as Skills that could level up, and when they were maxed out that was their maximum strength.

Of course, their power could keep increasing as Veronica increased her stats and total power.

While Skill Shop would give her Skills of the System, which she could level up and more.

She glanced at her current Skill Points, which were, as of now, 168.240.

Indeed, in all these months since she got the ability to accumulate Skill Points, she had been getting a steady amount of them through the accumulated energy given to her through prayers, faith, and also gratefulness from her believers, the people living within her Soul.

Alongside Ervas, she brought them shelter, food, salvation, and redemption, even a way to live or a reason to keep living. They were even healing the souls of the damned, and giving them new lives.

Each time these people ate, or simply lived their lives, they felt grateful to her, which intensified as she had Guidance, making them walk through her path.

Veronica felt grateful as well to her own people, and had already kind of accepted that she might have become some kind of Goddess if she could get such a large amount of power from faith and more…

"Hm, let\'s check if there\'s anything new in the Skill Shop…"

Without further ado, Veronica simply decided to check the Skill Shop.

The Skill Shop did not have every Skill in existence as she had originally thought, but it had Skills fitting for her, or that could further develop her capabilities.

[The Skill Shop has been updated!]

[New Prices and Skills have been updated!]


[Skill Shop]

<Available Skills>

[Mechanical Creation: Level 1] [Cost: 10.000 Skill Points]

[Mechanical Transformation: Level 1] [Cost: 25.000 Skill Points]

[Nanobots Creation and Manipulation: Level 1] [Cost: 55.000 Skill Points]

[Abyssal World: Level 1] [Cost: 60.000 Skill Points]

[Spectral Shapeshifter: Level 1] [Cost: 65.000 Skill Points]

[Spatial Magic: Level 1] [Cost: 70.000 Skill Points]


Three of the Skills she had not purchased before had their prices lowered for some reason, and three new Skills appeared.

Although Veronica was eyeballing the new Skills as they seemed very amazing (especially spatial magic), she wondered what the reason behind the price lowering was even…

Could it be because she had grown stronger?

Maybe after becoming stronger, the Skills become less hard to learn, and hence, less costly, as fewer Skill Points would be needed for her to understand and acquire them!

Or maybe not?

She simply wanted to leave that theory as the reason behind and not ponder such a good thing anymore.

She began to glance at the Skills and used her Appraisal to see what they were all about.

[Mechanical Creation: Level 1/10]

The ability that only those who are completely made of metal and can shapeshift and manipulate it to a mechanical level can acquire.

It grants the user the ability to shapeshift its own metallic body into mechanical creations, certain mental blueprints are needed to be crafted for greater creation of mechanical items.

This Skill unlocks the ability to acquire Blueprints by spending Skill Points in the Mechanical Blueprint Gacha.

More than the user\'s own body metallic parts could be needed to craft such items, whose ingredients will be specified and adjusted according to the world the user currently is in.

[Mechanical Transformation: Level 1/10]

The ability to transform any mechanical piece created by the user\'s metallic body and other ingredients alongside blueprints into parts of the user\'s own body.

After a successfully created mechanic item is bind into the user\'s body, it can be detached as well at any time. There is a maximum amount of Six Slots that can be equipped and switched around as the user sees fit.

As the Skill level increases, you can equip more items or enhance the power of such equipment through Mechanical Forgery with the use of materials and Skill Points, accessible through the Mechanical Factory Skill.

[Nanobots Creation and Manipulation: Level 1/10]

An ability that only those who have metallic bodies that can be controlled from long distances and made into many small clones of themselves can acquire.

It grants the user the ability to convert its own metallic body into nanobots, or also to convert other materials into them, alongside crafting items through them.

Items crafted through Nanobots Creation and Manipulation need blueprints to be successful and powerful, alongside added materials external from the user\'s body.

Large quantities of Mana are spent by creating nanobots.

Creating too many might affect the user\'s soul, as each nanobot takes a piece of it to exist within the world, which can also be brought back if desired.

"Eh?! This is insane!"

Just by looking at the three Skills, Veronica was left in awe.

She wanted them.

She wanted them now.

With this… her entire concept of power and shapeshifting would increase even further beyond!

She could even use Skill Points to get Blueprints and craft mechanical items, which she could attach to her body like game-like equipment!

Veronica was an avid reader of web novels about some kind of mechanic sent into an MMO game world and a certain snowgirl with nanotech powers… so this really got her pumped up.


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