
Chapter 442

Chapter 442: The Emperor’s Daughter 442

The place where we were brought in was a mansion named Raviebel.

It was often referred to as the ‘Queen’s bedroom,’ and the reason for it being called such was that the queen’s widowers would reside. In other words, the mansion owner was Grand Duke Charles Haroren, the father of the current queen.

My grandfather.

He asked us how we entered the country, to which I answered that we were there for sightseeing; my grandfather asked us to stay in his mansion during our stay in Bureti. I kept refusing that I couldn’t do that, but my grandfather looked heartbroken at my words; knowing that his intention comes from a good place, I tried to reason a little.

“Why do you keep refusing? We got the place for free. Besides, we get such spacious and good accommodation!”

Valer smiled.

Ugh, what he added didn’t help me in any way.

My grandfather smiled at Valer’s words, telling me that it was right, but I sat stiffly; it wasn’t possible. I didn’t even know if he was telling the truth.


Of course, if my mother wasn’t an orphan, it was natural that I had a maternal grandfather and grandmother. Yes, rather, it was shocking that I never thought about them until then.

However, when I looked at my grandfather’s face, I couldn’t think of anything. It was more like a dream.

Was I really dreaming?

I thought that if I went to Bureti, I would find some traces or information regarding my mother. However, I only felt that it would be something like a portrait of my mother. I was a fool.

I never imagined meeting my own bloody family.

And remember their existence at the same time.

I had been away from my mother for a long time. I, too, had a family. There were people I could call grandfather and aunty. It’s really like a dream.

Was I sitting and dreaming?

I had gotten so accustomed to living along with my father that it was hard for me to believe that I had blood relations.

“It’s fine. Stay here.”

Grandfather seemed to notice that I was stiff since I was unfamiliar with him.

Maybe that was why I felt more sorry about it. I was the kind of granddaughter who wouldn’t even hug her own grandfather. I was pathetic, but I couldn’t help it. I didn’t really believe that he was my grandfather, what was I supposed to do? To be honest, I wanted to ask out loud if this was a scam.

The sofa seemed uncomfortable. Valer smiled and walked out. He was trying to give me some alone time with my grandfather, but honestly, I wanted to punch him for doing that!

He was supposed to be by my side during such situations!

“How did you know that I was Ariadna?”

“I knew as soon as I saw you.”

I was puzzled; grandfather pointed to my face. Realizing that he was pointing at my hair, I understood what he meant.

Ah, the hair color.

It wasn’t strange that he thought of me as a person of Agrigient by looking at my hair. After all, it was the color of royalty.

Anyway, everything happened because of my hair.

Ha, I should have dyed my hair for real.

“But I already knew about you three days ago.”


How did he know?

It seemed like he noticed my confusion. He smiled. I felt embarrassed for showing my emotions, but he chuckled.

Normally, a man of his stature would be colder and fiercer, but the man I was nothing like the other generals I had seen before. He was kind and friendly.

“You have Ezelan’s necklace, right?”

I didn’t have to ask who Ezelan was. I knew it.

Princess Jereina.

My mom’s real name was Ezelan.

It was her name before leaving for Agrigient. The man then took out something.

“Huh, ah, is that...”

“Right. This resonated with that and kept telling me of your arrival.”

What grandfather took out of his sleeve was a crystal that gave off a transparent hue. It was a small crystal that would fit in my hand, but it was so pretty that I wondered how such a thing could exist.

The engraved pattern in the middle was of Bureti. In an instant, while I was staring at it, my necklace began to cry as if it found its other half.

“It is what Ezelan had given me before she left for Agrigient. It is one of the relics which protect Bureti, and they are meant to be one.”

I did think that it was unusual, all because it was a relic. Suddenly, it turned burdensome to wear it around my neck.

However, the pendant in his hand was still pretty. As I looked down at mine, my grandfather, too, looked at it. The necklace we were looking at sparkled under the light.

“She left for the fate of the country but gave it to me on a whim, saying that I need to protect it. The other ministers thought it was absurd.”

“... it’s beautiful.”

“It was the greatest gift for a father like me, who was drunk on power and couldn’t protect his little daughter.”

My grandfather was smiling, but that smile seemed burdensome for some reason.

I didn’t speak, but I could understand that grandfather loved my mother. I thought there would be a bigger story to this, but all I felt was pity after hearing about his regret.

Suddenly, grandfather took my hand. His wrinkled hands were rougher than I thought, yet it was warm.

“When I heard the news of your birth, I couldn’t believe it. For my grandchild to be born...”

Whether it was hard to believe or not, I was right in front of his eyes, and his voice trembled. I bowed my head at his trembling voice.

“I was just happy. I was destined to die anytime soon, but I was happy that someone of our blood was born. As a woman who inherits the blood of a witch, it means that we have a successor through you.”

I already knew how unbelievable such a possibility was. I knew my father well enough to believe in my grandfather’s woes.

As expected, my grandfather was biting down on his lip, holding his emotion until his forlorn eyes looked into mine.

“We wanted to take you. Emperor Caitel had killed many of my children, and it was an unfortunate thing to see. We just wanted to bring you in as Ezelan’s blood. So did Ezelan.”

Suddenly, my heart started pounding. That was the first time I heard about this. I couldn’t breathe for some reason.

“I thought if you swore on never claiming the Agrigient blood, we might be able to save you, but with my confidence...”

Ashamed, my grandfather lowered his head, but I had to hear more. As I held grandfather’s hand, he looked into my eyes.

Seeing me trying to help him, he smiled.

“I am fine. Although our request was rejected, you didn’t die, and you grew up well as a healthy and beloved princess of Agrigient.”


“Rather, I began to think that it would be better to let you live as the princess of the great empire of Agrigient rather than a small country like Bureti. If you came to us, in the end, he would only take you away as he did with your mother.”

I could say nothing to decrease the grief he was feeling, but I wanted to console him; to remove such painful remorse wasn’t something I could do.

Grandfather stretched out his other hand. A warm hand touched my face.

“I missed you. I’m glad to see you like this.”

“Don’t cry.”

“I... I really wanted to see you.”

I knew why he felt so happy to see me or why he looked shocked to behold my existence.

His eyes were burning hot. They were turning red. The tip of his nose was turning pink.

“If my child were alive, she would love you...”

The touch which stroked my cheek was of pity. The words of the sad father shook my heart.

I heard that all the princesses who came in as Caitel’s concubine were loved and raised well in their countries. Those words hit me like the truth.

Grandfather was trying hard not to cry; right then, the room’s door opened after a sudden knock. A middle-aged woman with long blonde hair and green eyes entered.

“Father, it was said that princess Ariadna...”

A woman who seemed to be in a hurry made eye contact with me. She opened her mouth but suddenly covered it with her hand; she tried to calm herself.

“Oh, God.”

Who was this woman now?

I turned to my grandfather, expecting him to give me an answer, but my grandfather coughed weakly. The woman came back to her senses after hearing the cough and approached me. There was a warm vibe around her.

“I am the princess’ aunt. Call me Dorothia”

Uh, then she was the queen of the country...

I was so shocked that I couldn’t even greet her properly, but instead of raging about, she just came in for a hug.

Uh, uh?

“For how long have I wanted to see the princess after my sister’s departure.”

A pair of eyes that resembled that of my grandfather looked down at me. Her eyes were filled with tears.

“Welcome home. I really missed you very much.”

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