
Chapter 20 Luck is also a skill

Chapter 20 Luck is also a skill

"Oh? You\'re the young miss of the Yang family? I heard a lot about you." Wren happily opened a conversation. Alas, to Lexi, she assumed that he must have heard the huge fit about her suicide attempt and their alleged bankruptcy. Hence, Lexi could only smile back while keeping her mouth shut. After all, the phrase the less you talk, the less you make mistakes must be applied as she needs to leave a good impression to him.

"Well? Am I disturbing you ladies?" Wren inquired. However, his inquiry piqued Lexi\'s interest since Che Diayu already said they were going on a date but by the looks of it, Wren seems to have his own purpose of going there.

"No, not at all. I shall take my leave so you can continue your date." Lexi smiles as she courteously bowed her head and took her purse. On the other hand, Wren\'s brows knit in confusion.

"Date? Who? Me and Miss Che? Nah."

Hearing Wren\'s denying their \'date\' without batting an eye, Che Diayu was stood rooted on the ground -- rendered speechless. If they weren\'t going on a date, then why would he ask her to meet him there?

Lexi can\'t help but giggle inwardly having a glimpse of the stupid expression on Che Diayu\'s face. Since earlier, she was rather annoyed by Che Diayu\'s constant boasting and innocent act. Thus, being humiliated like this, she can\'t help but feel relieved.

\'Huh, now you know how I felt back then.\' Lexi thought inwardly being reminded of how Morris will deny her existence to her friends and to other people. If it weren\'t for the fact that she was the heiress of the Yang business, Lexi might probably hear a lot of ridiculing remarks. Fortunately, she has a good family background so she can always keep her chin high with her usual proud front.

"Hmmm. Why don\'t we eat together then? Mind if I join you, ladies?" Wren shamelessly proposed. Lexi didn\'t answer immediately as if she pondered about it before she slowly nods in agreement.

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\'You really have nice luck, chu!\' Churu giddily showed a thumbs up to Lexi as they are making progress about Lexi\'s real agenda.

\'Luck is also a skill.\' Lexi telepathically affirmed in triumph. Though her initial plan was to eavesdrop when Wren arrived and pick up a few conversations here and there to know a bit more about the man, and maybe have a glimpse of him to make a perfect plan for an offer that he cannot refuse.

However, all her bad luck before must have been tired of showering her and she was now blessed with only good luck. Hence, she will take this chance to befriend Wren before proposing a business deal with her. After all, she can\'t just approach him bluntly about the arrangement she had in mind as it can also leave a bad impression and might end up on his bad side.

Not long after, Wren perched on the other side of the elegantly square designed table, while Lexi on his left and Che Diayu on his right side. Quickly casting their side profile a glance, he invited as he merrily clasped his hands.

"Well? Dig in!"

As they eat, Che Diayu keeps her silence with her head hang low as she takes a spoonful of soup. On the other side, Lexi was low key observing their interaction and she could tell that Wren isn\'t interested in Che Diayu. How did she know? Well, to someone like her who was in a one-sided love for years, she can tell it with just one look.

"So, Miss Yang, as you can see, I\'m new here but I always admire your company\'s operation and its contribution to the industry."

"Thank you for the kind words, CEO Tanaka. I feel flattered by how you regard my father\'s hard work." Lexi spouted her thanks with her classy demeanor, knowing that Wren was only trying to flatter her but really don\'t mean it. After all, flowery words are often used by businessmen. For some reason, Wren pleasedly smiled by her response.

"Hehe. are you also invited to the event that the Yue family will be hosting?" Wren nonchalantly inquired -- completely forgetting about Che Diayu\'s presence.

"Hmm?" Lexi was slightly confused by his words. Surely, there is a Yue family she vaguely knew about but she never paid attention to them or rather, she hadn\'t been paying attention in the business affairs for a long time. Hence, she doesn\'t know what\'s exactly going on aside from the new oriental branch of L-Tech innovative financing company.

"You know, you should attend -- you\'ll experience a whole different level of connection there." Wren smugly grinned as he was promoting a certain someone\'s business ever since he arrives and while he\'s at it -- he won\'t forget to raised that person\'s chair as if he was worshipping her.

Moreover, based on his observation to the Yang company and Lexi, he was satisfied and found them a prospect business partner in the future. After all, the Yang clan was clean from all illegal corruption in the business world.

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