
Chapter 779: A Shadow in the Water

"Wait here and pay attention; I’ll go into the water and lead the monster away. Then, you guys can quickly swim to the temple," Lu Li instructed grimly.

"Is there a monster in the water?

"There are Sawfin Frenzies. Don’t get attacked by them; their attacks cause Bleed which will attract even more fish. If this happens, you will definitely die."

Lu Li actually felt like these fish were harder to deal with than the Boss of the Instance Dungeon for this very reason.

He could only pull away these bloodthirsty monsters and offer his teammates a chance to survive.

Fortunately, this was just a game – some of them might refuse to get into the water otherwise. After hearing that there was a monster in the water, most people would refuse to get in, even at knifepoint.

Lu Li dived into the water and quickly transformed into a small seal.

He swung his tail and propelled himself forwards. As soon as he saw a monster, he immediately swam dashed it, causing it to aggro onto him.

The others tried their best to follow him. Hachi Chan was the only one having an easy time as she could

also transform into a seal.

Female baby seals were pure-white and very cute, but their swimming speed was no different. Her job was to protect everyone. If there was a fish that got through, she had to lead it away from the group.

Lu Li was soon being followed by dozens of Sawfin Frenzies and had to swim faster.

Previously, he was afraid the others wouldn’t be able to keep up and had been deliberately limiting his speed. However, he could no longer take this into consideration and his figure shot through the water like an arrow.

Lu Li accidentally went deeper than he wanted to and his heart almost stopped; a huge shadow was beginning from the depths below.

"Dammit, what is this monster and how is it so big?" he thought to himself.

This definitely wasn’t a Sawfin Frenzy; even a whale wasn’t this big. Lu Li started to become desperate as the Seal Transformation basically made him an unarmored target.

How could there be such a big monster in a lake?

"Lu Li, why are you going so fast? We can’t keep up!" Azure Sea Breeze shouted from behind.

"Hachi, go and pull the rest of the monsters. Get to the temple as quickly as possible. I have a problem to deal with here."

Lu Li felt like the shadow was gaining on him, but he couldn’t ask his teammates to help. It was too late and he didn’t know how strong the unknown monster was.

Was he going to die here?

If he died here, he would lose a level as he had only just reached level 45. However, the more important issue was that his teammates couldn’t Revive him in the lake.

Most of the monsters were being pulled by Lu Li; Hachi Chan had considerably fewer. Soon, everyone had safely reached the ruins in the center of the lake.

They stood on the ruins and watched in horror as the giant monster chased Lu Li under the water.

It hadn’t reached the surface of the water, so they couldn’t see what it was. The reason why Lu Li hadn’t been killed yet was because it was devouring the Sawfin Frenzies behind him.

The Sawfin Frenzies saved Lu Li’s life. When he saw that his teammates were safe, he quickly fled while the underwater monster ate the fish.

"What is that?" Mu Fish asked with a cold look. He had a phobia of deep waters and his face was pale.

"I don’t know, but I imagine it would be difficult to deal with. I don’t intend to fight it," Lu Li said. His face looked quite uncomfortable as he had almost been swallowed by the monster.

In general, the larger the monster, the stronger it was. This one would have been at least level 50 – 60.

In the end, the group managed to enter the ruins of the Temple of Hakkar without losing anyone.

It was said that a thousand years ago, the mighty Gurubashi Empire split due to a civil war. A group of high-level trolls called the Atal’ai Priests tried to summon an ancient bloodthirsty deity known as Hakkar, the Spirit Reaper.

There were always some groups in Dawn that had fanatical thoughts like this. They were generally stupid, naïve demons that met tragic ends.

Hakkar the Spirit Reaper – a Bloodthirsty God – heard the call of the Trolls and decided to help them. He gave his blood to the Gurusbashi and helped them expand their territory to most parts of the Stranglethorn Vale, as well as some of the islands of the South China Sea.

Although he made the Gurubashi Empire much stronger, Hakkar also sought to receive more and more from them.

This cruel God required daily sacrifices and dreamed of coming to the material world so he could use reap even more souls. The Gurubashi slowly realized the true intentions of the God that they had been diligently worshipping and rose up to fight it. The most powerful tribes rebelled to resist Hakkar and his faithful disciples – the Atal’ai.

The Priests were eventually defeated and exiled, while the great Troll Empire collapsed due to further civil unrest.

They fled to the Swamp of Sorrows in the north, where they built a giant temple of Hakkar to try and summon him into to material world.

One day, the Atal’ai Priests felt that Hakkar’s strength had once again been awakened and became enthusiastic. They shouted the name of their evil God and waited for Hakkar’s presence to re-enter the already ravaged Azeroth, so that darkness could once again envelop the continent.

However, troops from various cities suddenly appeared.

The great guardian Ysera had learned of the Atal’ai’s plot and had sent the Green Dragon Corps to destroy the temple under the swamp.

They bravely fought against the Trolls under the leadership of the Green Dragon Eranikus as green and black blood stained the Swamp of Sorrows...

As they were fighting, Hakkar’s huge and evil figure appeared on the battlefield. The tides of the battle shifted and the green dragons looked defeated.

In this critical moment, the Green Dragon Warrior Eranikus gave a snarling roar and released all of his energy. This resulted in the creation of the Dragon’s Call, the symbol of the Green Dragon’s strength.

Hakkar was then driven back into the Twisting Nether, but Eranikus also died.

Azure Sea Breeze initially wasn’t keen on coming, but when Lu Li told him that the Instance Dungeon would drop an Epic one-handed sword – the Dragon’s Call – his face lit up.

However, Lu Li had lied to him. This was just an Instance Dungeon at Elite Difficulty – how could it possibly drop an Epic equip?

It would be good enough for it to drop Gold equipment, and would be quite a pleasant surprise if it dropped a Dark Gold equip.

Along the way, the bodies of Trolls lay everywhere. Some of them were killed by the Green Dragon Corp, but some of them had volunteered to die.

In order to summon Hakkar, they had to pay a heavy price.

Lu Li was also very interested in Hakkar.

The descendants of Hakkar were the Wind Snakes that were spread all over Kalimdor. They often attacked the adventurers and bothered them daily.

Even if he wasn’t a true God, his status as a deity made him worth studying. However, Lu Li didn’t know if he could improve his ring by defeating this being.

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