
Chapter 343 Busy Holiday 7

Chapter 343 Busy Holiday 7

The other day later after finishing daily training, Jake went to have lunch with these directors, he was so interested to know which movie it was that he even forgot to ask Emily what the directors’ name was.

If it was a good script Jake didn’t even mind investing himself in the movie just to participate in another movie that was filming during his vacation, after all, it shouldn’t be a movie like Jerry Maguire he knew.

After a while two brothers showed up and soon sat at Jake’s front table, so he knew they were the directors, they had a familiar face, but Jake couldn’t remember who they were.

"Hi Jake, my name is Larry Wachowski and this is my brother Andy Wachowski, we are making a movie and when we saw you at the movies and commercials and decided to call you to participate in this movie."

So Jake finally remembered where these managing brothers were and why he couldn’t remember both of them, that was because both of them, especially Larry Wachowski, looked different from what Jake remembered now.

It was the Wachowski brothers who many years later became the Wachowski sisters, known as the Wachowskis They were both very famous directors in the future even though they were not so famous at the moment because their first big hit movie The Matrix ’had not even been filmed.

Jake was a big fan of this movie and can never expect to meet the directors of this movie in person, and by the time he was excited thinking that maybe the two of them came to invite him to participate in the movie The Matrix, he would only refuse to be invited to play the role from Neo because he was a big fan of Keanu Reeves.

"I saw the Bound movie you guys made, very good movie with very good social criticism, I had never seen a movie that talked about the lesbian relationship like that, I don’t know if I said it right."

"No, that’s right, the movie talks about that and I’m glad to hear you liked it."

"The next movie we are going to work on has a different style, it’s an action, science fiction movie and a story with a different point of view from society, it has a lot of visual effects that make the movie different."

After the Wachowskis brothers began to tell the story of the movie that soon it was clear that it was The Matrix that Jake liked so much, they talking showed a movie a little different from what he remembered and part of their point of view about the film.

Having seen the movie several times Jake can understand very well and even comment a few times after the Wachowskis brothers talk about a scene that could be made, to the Wachowskis brothers it would seem that Jake was excited about the movie and interested.

Jake was really interested and excited about the idea of ​​participating in this movie if it wasn’t for the character Neo and other main characters he didn’t even care about making a small appearance in the movie.

"So this is the proposal for the movie called The Matrix, we haven’t picked all the characters yet, but we wanted to talk to you because we know you have a few months left to shoot."

"This movie will be shot between March 1998 and August 1998, your part of the recording can be scheduled for months you can participate in that time."

"I thought this movie was great and I’m sure it will be a great success, it’s exactly between these months that I can participate in the recording and then we’ll see the right dates, I just wanted to know what my character will be in this movie?"

"Yes, I don’t think any of the characters in this story are right for you, but before you give the final script to Warner Bros. Pictures authorize, we had to create a storyboard."

"And on this storyboard, a lot of our ideas were taken to show how the movie would look, one of those ideas was a character from Morpheus the Nebuchadnezzar’s hovercraft who would be friends with Neo."

"This character ended up being cut short before the storyboard because it wasn’t so relevant to the story and because we couldn’t think of an actor who would be suitable for playing this character."

"But when we saw you in the movie Jerry Maguire and in the commercials, we saw that you were the actor we thought of for the character, and you have a great appeal to movie fans as well as acting very well."

"So before talking to you we talked to Warner Bros. Pictures and we said that if you participated in the movie we would have more fight scenes and more action scenes without changing the main story and the studio authorized you to participate if you wanted to participate."

So Jake understood what was going on, but from what his talent for acting he was called because of him the box office of the movie Jerry Maguire increased so much, as they didn’t have a character in the movie that was his profile as an actor they decided to bring a character that had been deleted before.

But Jake didn’t care about that because it was impossible for him to be called to a movie because of his ability to act because he only participated in a few minutes of the movie Jerry Maguire and many actors were called to movies just because the directors wanted to ensure a good box office and audience.

"Could you then explain to me what my character would do in this movie?"

"Yes, the character’s name would be Jev, Jev is someone from the Matrix who was rescued by Morpheus as well as Neo and other crew members of the ship, in the movie Jev would be a friend of Neo and would believe that Neo was the chosen one from the beginning."

"Jev’s role on the ship was like a front-line soldier to help the team getaway should the agents show up, Jev is the best fighter on the ship and the only one who could fight the agents for a while before Neo appeared."

"So he is an important character who will appear a lot in the movie?"

"Yeah, sure, most of the fight and shooting scenes he will be in the scenes, and some scenes can be added with him in the movie to bring more action to the movie, it was just taken because we didn’t think of anyone suitable for the character before and why his story doesn’t change the story of the movie."

Jake liked this character a lot and liked it even more because he would see a different The Matrix movie than he remembered, it would be better for sure because the main story was the same and would only have a character that would not change the story and would just bring more action to it. the film.

"So I definitely agree to participate in this movie, it will be a huge pleasure for me and I’m sure this movie will be a success."

"We can offer you a contract that will be $ 2 million as a fixed salary or 2 percent of the total box office."

Even Jake was surprised by the high salary, even though they didn’t expect much from the box office, giving 2 percent to an inexperienced actor was too much for Jake, but in fact, the Wachowskis thought it was fair, that came from Jake’s current high fame as an athlete copy and the trades he made on television.

Especially after the news that Jake could be dating famous singer Kate Annesley after that who didn’t know Jake came to know and many became fans of him even though he didn’t date Kate for his talent and his character after he saved those people.

So it was true to say that Jake had great appeal to the audience and could increase the movie’s box office, after all an actor’s salary was often related to how much box office or awards he could bring to the movie, so in that case Jake could bring more box office than other more experienced actors.

Jake, who knew how much the movie box office would be, accepted the 2 percent of the final box office, so he would make more than $ 8 million, a great salary for a first movie, the directors were also happy about it because Warner’s own studio Bros. Pictures had suggested this to the directors.

"We are very happy to work with you Jake, we hope you do some martial arts training a few months before the movie, you will be the one who will have to train more than the others because you will fight more during the movie."

So Jake knew it could be a problem because he would probably be playing while the others would be rehearsing the choreography for the movie fights, just as he knew that Yuen Woo-ping was the one who would teach the actors he could ask to spend a few months earlier with him to train.

Before that Jake could even learn something from martial arts to learn things faster before shooting the movie, he knew that with his physical statistics and intelligence he could learn much faster than the others.

If the actors took 4 months he could do in 2 months or less so he told that to the directors who said they would help Jake with that, they already knew it would be harder to work with Jake because he was not just an actor but he was the only one suitable for the character.

So they got all the details right and the directors said they would talk to Jake later if they needed him for something, after all the movie would be shot only next year, Jake was excited about it and decided that he would strive to participate in the film and do the role well his.

The directors also gave Jake some materials to study because he would need to know how to explain Matrix if needed, Jake had no problem with that because he was good at studying and also knew how to explain Matrix for watching the movie before and several reports about the movie.

So Jake returned to the house very happy normally and Eva was happy about it thinking that her son was very happy lately for some reason.

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