
Chapter 353 - 346, Bottom-Dwelling Giant Fish_1

Especially since ‘Meatfist – Kaius’ advanced to Orange-grade Hero and took up the position of the Bloodthroat chieftain.

The oppression of the other troll tribes below has become increasingly severe.

The tribes have been dissatisfied for a long time, but they dare not speak out.

However, the failure of the Undead War has completely pushed the tribes beyond their tolerance.

Now they are determined to overthrow the Bloodthroat Tribe.

“Chieftain Bagath, Kaius has already reached the level of an Orange-grade Hero. I am afraid that no one can confront him directly.” A Troll leader spoke.

Meatfist Kaius is the strongest troll in the Bloody Mountain Range.

In a direct confrontation, no one could stop him.

On hearing these words, Bagath’s expression remained calm. He replied, “Don’t worry about that. I’ve received news that Kaius will leave the Bloodthroat Tribe soon. When that happens, we’ll strike and wipe out the Bloodthroat Tribe first. Then, together, we’ll deal with him. No matter how strong he is, all alone, he can’t cause much trouble.”

“Oh? Kaius is going out, is the information reliable?” The other Trolls were stirred.

“The information came from the Faceless One, it should be reliable.” Bagath continued.

“Oh… well, that’s an option.”

“You people don’t need to worry too much. Without absolute certainty, I would not take this risk. As we agreed, once we overthrow the Bloodthroat Tribe, there will be no leading Tribe and no need to offer tributes on time.” Bagath glanced at everyone.

There were not a few branches of the Troll Tribes.

The other four people present were the leaders of large tribes.

Small tribes didn’t qualify to participate in the battle plan.

Upon hearing Bagath’s words, the others nodded in agreement.

They too were afraid that if the Bloodthroat Tribe were overthrown, Bagath could become the next tyrant.

“Naturally, since Chieftain Bagath has gone to such lengths, we will follow your command.” A troll thought for a moment and was the first to speak.

“OK, remember what we said. If anyone backs out in the battlefield, don’t take it personally if I’m not polite.” Bagath warned coldly.

“Indeed, indeed!” The four troll leaders nodded repeatedly.

While the Trolls discussed, Xu Yang sat quietly on the side.

He was attached to the Bagath Tribe, acting as a contractor.

He led his villagers to extract various resources for the Trolls.

During this period, Xu Yang has done a lot for Bagath, gradually gaining his trust.

He was allowed to attend this meeting as an observer.

Xu Yang kept quiet all the time, appearing somewhat distracted, but he took notes of the plan.

He knew that his relationship with trolls wouldn’t last long.

Once he lost his value, or if the battle against the Bloodthroat failed, he would be the first to die.

So, he was planning to seize this opportunity to escape from the Bagath Tribe’s control with his people.

The best-case scenario would be to pioneer beyond the Bloody Highlands and live in a human city.

“OK, let’s set the plan for now and launch an attack on Bloodthroat when the time comes.” Bagath then turned to Xu Yang, “Xu Yang.”

When Bagath called him out, Xu Yang shuddered slightly.

“Ah! Chieftain Bagath, your orders?”

“Well, ramp up resource extraction. I need food for fifty thousand men.”

“Yes, Chieftain Bagath, I’ll find a way.” Xu Yang respectfully replied.

Internally, though, he had already cursed Bagath’s ancestors for eight generations.

Food for fifty thousand people, don’t you even use your brain, can I possibly manage that?

But Xu Yang had no choice. Recently, the situation in the Bagath Tribe had become increasingly tense. Given the Trolls ate people and he dared not refuse the command.

“OK, everyone, go back and prepare!”

The crowd exited the chieftain’s hall in Bagath Tribe and Xu Yang walked back silently.

He knew he had to bring forward his escape plan.

In his territory.

After eating dinner, Fang Hao received a message from Bronze Bull.

The people who went to ‘Tasgo Orc City’ had returned, bringing the latest news.

Fang Hao used his God’s manifestation to appear in Tauren City and listened to the Tauren’s recounting of Tasgo City’s situation.

“My Lord, Chieftain! There are many people in Tasgo City, and the law and order are not bad.” The Tauren began.

Tasgo City is located to the east of the territory, even farther than the ‘Webweaver Camp’.

Opening a shop in Tasgo implies risks of brigands along the way.

“What are the requirements for opening a shop?” Fang Hao crossed his skeletal fingers and held them against his chest.

“None really, you can purchase a shop, and then choose what to sell.”

“Can I sell weapons and equipment?”

“Yes, weapons and equipment are hot commodities in the city. I saw some tribes coming in wagons to buy in bulk. The city does not prohibit that.” The Tauren thought for a moment and continued.

Pruell City and Lyss City had explicit prohibitions on selling ironware.

Even mercenaries faced strict control over crossbows.

Let alone the selling of weapons, and large-scale weapon sales.

But Orc cities are open to that. Weapons and equipment are hot commodities.

“Good. Bronze Bull, you are responsible for the shop. Weapon shop, tavern, clothing store—— find a good location for the shop and set it up as soon as

possible.” Fang Hao decided after an instant thought.

“Yes, my lord, but about the problem of the brigands on the transport route…” Bronze Bull brought up again.

The transportation route is lengthy, and there might be many troubles.

“I’ll think of a solution for that, you don’t need to worry.” Fang Hao already had a preliminary plan in mind.

Between Tauren City and Tasgo City, there was a Spider-Woman’s camp.

By then, safety concerns can be handed over to Domina, or the Webweaver camp can be used as a transit station.

The Bone Dragon would transport goods to the Webweaver camp and then to Tasgo City.

“I understand, Master. I’ll depart for Tasgo City tomorrow to handle the shop details,” Bronze Bull nodded.

“Good, if anything comes up, keep in touch using the Sound-transmitting Shell.”

“Yes, Master.”

After talking to Bronze Bull, Fang Hao deactivated God’s Presence.

The evening outside was already very dark.

After a quick dip in the hot springs, he returned to his room for rest.

By morning, Fang Hao had finished his morning practice.

He called for several skeletons to clean up the rooms in the three-story tower, then had four beautifully carved bookshelves moved in.

The tower was a newly added structure in the Level 8 Lord’s Mansion.

Fang Hao had a look around. The room was hexagonal and had good lighting.

In the past few days, he acquired several interesting books, so he planned to transform this room into a study.

In the future, any noteworthy books or notes would be stored here.

That way, he wouldn’t misplace them and struggle to find them when he needed them.

After bustling about, the bookshelves and desk were moved into place.

Once all the books were categorized and arranged, the room gave off a scholarly vibe.

If he could get a few oil paintings from Rebecca one day and place them in the room, it would look even more like a study.

Sitting at the desk, he picked up And read through the notes of the Demon Dolls he had obtained yesterday, interpreting the translated text and illustrations.

The notes contained a lot of alchemical terminology, and Fang Hao could understand about half of it while guessing the rest.

His head started to throb.

Soon, Eira called Fang Hao downstairs for a meal.

At nine o’clock, Fang Hao and Anjia arrived at Fu Lei’s fishing village while riding the Bone Dragon.

Despite being called a fishing village, it had reached the standard of a Level 5 city, not in any way inferior to Pruell City.

From the air, the Bone Dragon dropped the Skeleton Giant Fish into an open area in the city center.

“Skeleton Bottom-Dwelling Giant Fish.”

Bottom-Dwelling Giant Fish are large fish, even bigger than sharks, guarding the iron coffins underwater in Crescent Heights.

After Demitrija killed them all in the lake, their bodies were thrown into the conversion field.

Today, Fang Hao went to check the conversion field.

He saw four giant fish skeletons flopping around next to the conversion field. Who knows how many days they had been shaking like that.

“Boss, what is this?” Looking at the four gigantic skeleton fish on the ground, Fu Lei’s eyes widened.

In the morning, Fu Lei had sent a private message to Fang Hao.

Due to the opening of the hot pot restaurant in Lyss City, they were running out of fish supplies on his end.

He could probably hold out for five more days at most, after which there would be a supply outage, and he would only be able to sustain the supply for one city’s hot pot restaurant.

He had just mentioned this in the morning, and the next moment, Fang Hao had sent him several Giant Skeleton Fish.

This can’t be a shark caught somewhere, right? It’s enormous.

“Skeleton Fish,” Fang Hao replied.

“Yes, I know it’s a Skeleton Fish, but what’s its use?” Fu Lei was taken aback and took a few steps back while watching the wriggling skeleton fish.

“Don’t rush, you’ll understand in a moment,” Fang Hao said.

Several Skeleton Blacksmiths came from behind and unloaded fishnets with metal frames from the Bone Dragon.

They used prepared metal clips to reinforce the fishnet in the hollow chest of the Skeleton Fish.

This made the Skeleton Giant Fish into a net that could catch fish.

As the first one was completed, Fu Lei understood Fang Hao’s idea.

This type of Skeleton Fish would swallow fish into its abdomen, where the fish would be caught in the fishnet, and then brought ashore.

“Boss, I can’t believe you thought of this!” Fu Lei couldn’t help but give Fang Hao a thumbs-up.

Even if others could think of this idea, it would be very difficult to carry out.

Finding such large fish was challenging, and turning them into skeletons was impossible.

“Let’s try it out first. If it works, I’ll get you a hundred more from my side,” Fang Hao said with a smile.

“Okay, then the supplies should be fine,” Fu Lei wiped the sweat from his forehead.

In no time, the four Skeleton Giant Fish had their fishnets installed in their bellies.

Every time they opened their mouths, they swallowed the fish into their bellies, where the fish were caught in the fishnet.

“Lift it onto the cart and transport it to the lake to see its effectiveness.”

It took several people to lift the Skeleton Fish onto the cart. Shaking their Skeleton Giant Fish, they hurried towards the lake.

As soon as they entered the lake, the four giant fish freely swam into the water.

They quickly sank to the bottom of the lake.

Not long after, their bellies were filled with fish, and they swam back up again.

The efficiency was impressively fast.

Seeing this, Fu Lei was overjoyed. With the addition of the Skeleton Fish, his work had become a lot easier.

After solving the problem here, Fang Hao returned to the main city.

The next day.

Ten Bone Dragons, fully loaded with skeletons, returned to the Gray Bear tribal settlement.

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