
Chapter 85

At nightfall, the streetlamps glowed golden. The European-styled lampshades cast hazy shadows.

In front of the Musikverein, a river of cars slowly stopped, relievedof their smiling patrons.

When the audience was seated, Qi Mu found familiar faces. Among them was Scott, the cellist he visited, and Kenneth, the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra.

The concert attracted many famous musicians, and the media andmusic critics followed suit.

The ticket Min Chen gave to Qi Mu was on the left side of thethird row, giving him a good view of the violin group. The location also hadthe best audio of the entire performance. Although the hall\'s architecturaldesign provided the audience with an almost perfect sound, a good ear couldhear subtle differences.

Qi Mu looked at the repertoire in his hand. The black card\'sedges were lined with silver patterns. The back featured an introduction of theorchestra while the front displayed the five pieces they were going toplay.

The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra\'s Europe tour this yearfollowed Schumann as their theme. Almost all of their repertoire were hisworks, but they would also play some pieces by other maestros. That night\'srepertoire had two of Schumann\'s sonatas as well as Chopin\'s 《PianoConcerto No. 1》 and Beethoven\'s 《Symphony No. 3》 and 《Symphony No. 9》.

This repertoire reminded Qi Mu of the concert he missed half ayear ago*. On that stage in Huaxia\'s capital, Bai Ai performed 《The Destiny Symphony》 as their closingpiece and earned applause from the entire audience.

"It\'s a pity that I didn\'t get to hear their 《Destiny》…"

Qi Mu smiled helplessly and chuckled to himself softly. Amelodious bell rang out, and members of the brass group filed in from the left.

Amidst the thunderous applause, Christole, holding his violin,stepped out from backstage. After he led the other members by group to theirseats, a handsome man came from the other side. He was accompanied by growingapplause.

Qi Mu also smiled and applauded as he looked at the stageilluminated by spotlights.

It may have been his imagination, but he felt Min Chen\'s gazelock on him, startling him a bit. By the time he recovered, Schumann\'s 《Carnival ofVienna》, full of joy andenthusiasm, had already started.

This piece was bright and vibrant, and when the melody resoundedthroughout the concert hall, it brought the audience to a scene of nationalcelebration. The violin was gentle, and the pipe group played a light tone.When this piano sonata was reorganized into a symphony, many people wondered—

It could be changed like this?!

Qi Mu had listened to 《Carnival of Vienna》 once, conducted by Mr. Charles in Paris. At that time, Min Chenwas sitting beside him. Now. . . He stood before the podium, leading the wholeorchestra.

Although he knew he should be paying attention to Christole\'sperformance to learn something, Qi Mu\'s eyes were focused on the conductor.

When Min Chen raised his finger, the orchestra\'s sound rose.When he clenched his fist, it became silent instantly, and the audiencefollowed suit.

Some conductors preferred to use batons, while others did not.Most didn\'t use batons at all. That night, Min Chen didn\'t use one. This didn\'taffect his performance in the slightest.

No one dared to question Bai Ai\'s level; Min Chen’s strengthswere never doubted.

At the end of the closing piece 《Symphony No. 9 in D minor》, the fierce melody seemed to reverberate across the concerthall. The applause grew even louder. It felt as if the sound almost toppled theroof.

Qi Mu kept applauding without end. This was his second timelistening to Bai Ai\'s concerts, the first two years before. With his ears andsense of music, he noticed Bai Ai had made considerable progress compared tothen.

The concertmaster\'s violin was more emotional, the orchestra coordinated, and even their music style better stabilized and complete. It was as if they reached the peak of their era.

All of this. . . might be due to one man.

Qi Mu couldn\'t help but stare at the man standing centerstage.He bowed along with the members of the orchestra to thank the audience. BeforeQi Mu could tear his gaze away, the man looked at him, a smile on his face.

Qi Mu\'s eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn\'t stop himselffrom laughing.

Min Chen was bold enough to sneak a glance at him on such anoccasion.

After the concert, Qi Mu didn\'t leave immediately like everyoneelse. When he spoke with Min Chen earlier, he mentioned the orchestra wouldhold a celebration, and he hoped Qi Mu would join them.

Qi Mu wasn\'t a member of the orchestra, though, so it wasunnecessary for him to join the party. Despite it, Min Chen said, "I havealready reserved a seat for you," leaving him with no choice but to accept theinvitation.

When Qi Mu arrived at the so-called party venue, he looked athis "seat" in silence. He could only feel dumbfounded.

The young man raised his eyebrows and looked at Min Chen. Voiceslightly raised, he asked, "This is. . . the seat you reserved for me?"

In the double-floored luxury apartment, there were only a fewempty chairs left in the dining room apart from the sheepskin sofas in the openliving room. Unlike the formal celebration in Qi Mu\'s imagination, this was afamily gathering with snacks placed in every corner of the room for everyone\'senjoyment.

Min Chen nodded and calmly said, "Well, I asked Daniel toreserve a seat for you." After a pause, Min Chen turned to Daniel and asked,"Why didn\'t you reserve a seat?"

Daniel: ". . ."

Ditching the responsibility on me!

In front of the man\'s cold and indifferent eyes, Daniel laughed thenreplied to Qi Mu, "Angel, in fact. . . In fact, we originally wanted to book ahall in the hotel, but the hotel was already booked full. So you see. . . wehad to hold our party at Min\'s house."

". . ."

After a moment of silence, Qi Mu said, "Daniel, my name. . . isn\'t Angel. Please call me Seven."

Daniel laughed and said, "Oh, that\'s a lovely name, my AngelSeven!"

Qi Mu: ". . ."

At the word "Angel", several members glanced up at Qi Mu. No oneknew who started: "Are you the violinist who played 《Dance of the Goblins》?!" But, after that,all of them gathered around him.

"Oh God, your 《Dance of the Goblins》 was great!"

"Angel? So your name is Angel? I was never good with 《Dance of the Goblins》, your performance was really excellent!"

"Oh, Angel, do you wantto join us too?"

. . .

One after the other, all the "Angel" comments drowned out Qi Mu.More and more members of the orchestra gathered together, and soon, they weresqueezed Min Chen and Daniel into a corner.

Qi Mu: ". . ."

Really, his name wasn\'t "Angel"!!!

Outside the crowd, Min Chen stared at the group so thick, hecouldn\'t see so much as the hair on Qi Mu\'s head. He snorted and pursed hislips as he whispered, "Daniel, why didn\'t you book a hotel instead of holdingthis meaningless family reunion? Did you leave your brain in Berlin?"

Daniel let out an exaggerated "Ah," and mercilessly said,"Didn\'t a certain someone inexplicably say that the party must be held todayand very kind-heartedly offered up his own house as the venue?"

Min Chen: ". . ."

A certain someone just experienced what it meant to lift a stoneand drop it on their own foot.

By the end of the party, Qi Mu had to explain his real name.

Unfortunately. . . after discovering Min Chen and Qi Mu had aphone call earlier, they all exchanged a glance. They shouted, with even moreenthusiasm, "Angel, you have to visit us later," "Angel, it\'s a good habit toconstantly call," and "Angel, Bai Ai\'s gate is already opened for you."

Qi Mu: ". . ."

It was not easy to get to the end of the party. When it wasover, Daniel realized their celebration, originally for Bai Ai\'s successfulconcert, had turned into something else entirely. It was now about pestering QiMu with a chorus of "Little Angel, make more phone calls."

Daniel screamed, "You useless fellows!"

At his side, Christole burst out laughing. "It seems like theconductor really likes Little Seven. I think. . . it\'s good to have Little Sevencall him more often and let the members relax a little, Daniel."

". . ."

Finally, after Qi Mu repeatedly vowed to make a daily phone callto Min Chen, the slippery members let him go. Qi Mu didn\'t know whether to cryor laugh as he watched them leave one by one.

When Daniel was about to leave, Qi Mu also planned to hitch aride, but Daniel shook his head in horror. "No, no, no. Angel, I. . . My carbroke down, so I\'m walking back."

Qi Mu: ". . ."

Do you think I didn\'t see you come by car?!

The door closed behind Daniel with a "click," and Qi Mu pickedup his coat helplessly. Before he could open his mouth, he saw Min Chen. Hisdeep, dark eyes gazed at him, the corner of his lips curling. His heart skippeda beat. . .

A strange feeling burst from his chest.

"Xiao Qi."

Qi Mu involuntarily gulped and nodded. "Yes."

Why did he call me that name. . .

A smile flashed in Min Chen\'s dark eyes. But his expression wasstill stern like he was about to begin a solemn conversation. ". . . I havesomething to tell you."

Qi Mu: ". . . Wh. . . What?"

"Actually. . . I think. .."

Qi Mu held his breath.

"Please. . . Help meclean this up." Min Chen said calmly, raising a finger to point at the messyroom.

Qi Mu: ". . ."

Do you have to makeyourself look like a national leader for this?!!!


(s): Kuro


(s): Empress, Ayn, Bet


Min Chen is a kid, now everyone can go home. JK, let\'s just watch him fumbling his way through this so that we can laugh some more


Choplin’s Piano Concerto 1 (Long) (Short)

Beethoven’s Symphony 3

Beethoven’s Symphony 9

Carnival of Vienna

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