
Chapter 120 - Oh…my dear companion!

Chapter 120 - Oh…my dear companion!

“Tamer E, guide me. Why are you looking around? I’m talking to you. Oh! Is it because of the name? From today on, you are Tamer E.”


“So that we don’t get bored on the way, tell us how to raise a dragon. Just don’t say that when you took the egg, you didn’t know what to do with it.”

“I know, but only a little.”

If you choose a creature that personifies the fantasy world, then it is a dragon. On Earth, dragons have been discussed since ancient times, both in the west and in the east, accidentally confusing the discovered dinosaur skulls with those of a dragon.

“Little? That doesn’t sound very encouraging.”

Tamer E, who was moving towards the place where she dropped the dragon egg, knew almost nothing about dragons. I hated to say it, but I heard a lot more information about dragons from Lanuvel during the 1st playthrough.

I thought if she was a Tamer, she should know a lot about animals, but this elf knew only a little more than the average person.

And that “little” was also not very useful information.

“Because it’s a dragon.”

Despite my grin, Tamer E was proud of her knowledge. But was it worth being proud of their almost complete absence?

“Wind Dragon, Water Dragon, Sea Dragon, Fire Dragon, Earth Dragon…there are many types of dragons, but they are united by the fact that they are carnivores. Therefore, elves, ardent vegetarians, find it difficult to raise dragons. When they become adults, they stop eating ordinary food and absorb nature’s energy, but the problem is that you need to look for meat before that time. Even if you catch a dragon, it will be very difficult to tame it.”

It’s impossible because I’m an elf! Tamer E said the problem was with the elves’ vegetarianism.

“Do you like to arrange problems for yourself? Eighteen years ago, my companion was a vicious elf who stuffed their cheeks with meat. The population’s low fertility and severe aging are only because you guys don’t mate, right? You don’t have any problems with sexual functions.”

“Well, there is some truth in this, but…”

Hearing my remark, the elf smiled bitterly.

“You seem to want to argue with me. But listen to me. Strength in numbers. To become stronger, a person has to be ready to do anything.”

Modern Earth was no different. If you give birth to many children, your taxes will be refunded. All this is expressed in the noble word social security, but in other words, it is just an increase in the birth rate for money.

Although this could be called a corrupt system in which you have to give birth for money, if it weren’t for this, then everything would be worse. It would be horrible if it weren’t there.

In the fantasy world, everything is more serious. On Earth, they tried to cover it up with social security, but in the feudal fantasy world, people who don’t belong to the aristocracy are forced to give birth without paying any money.

Things were especially bad after the war as young and capable guys died on the battlefield. The problem lay not only in farming and public safety but also in the fact that there would be a problem with the country’s military strength in ten years.

To prepare for the future?

You need to give birth to as many as had passed on. This is one of the reasons why I think this world is wild. Because before and after the war, they acted no different from animals.

“Hero, it fell into this valley.”

While I was lost in thought, we had already arrived at our destination.

“It fell from such a height?”

“Yes. But it shouldn’t have broken. Because the shell of a dragon egg is incredibly strong.”

“Oh my god…”

Why did I meet such an ignorant Tamer? A similar example is…

After a serious accident, the strong bumper of the car wasn’t damaged, but the entire force of the impact was transmitted to the passenger inside, which could cause him to suffer even more. As ironic as it may sound, if the car at the impact site is compressed like a sponge, the kinetic energy from the collision is reduced, providing greater safety for passengers.

There was a great chance that the baby inside the egg could die due to a concussion or cerebral hemorrhage.

Tip: Cadet Kang Han Soo. Sorry to say this, but this is a fantasy world. A dragon egg is not an ostrich egg. The universal laws of physics do not apply here!

Aha! As expected from the fantasy world! Miss Trainee! You should’ve said something before!

“I don’t want to go down this damp gorge…Hey, Spirits. Find the dragon egg.”

“Hero. If you speak with the Spirits in such a demanding tone…Hm?”

Tamer E had a stupid expression on her face.

“What? Is this the first time you’ve seen Spirits working so hard?”

“No, it’s not, but…”

“Don’t try to figure it out with your little elven head. Especially if you don’t even know the reasons for the friendship between Spirits and the Elves.”

In this world, nothing happened just like that; there was a reason why some people became intimate with others. They either had common interests, or the same goal, or the same homeland…

The relationship between elves and spirits was no exception. Foolish people thought that the noble elves created harmony with nature, so they were close to the spirits. But that was all nonsense.

What is the criterion for nobility? Elves, like humans, form pairs between men and women and give birth to new elves, and they feed on the same. There are vegetarians among humans, so among the nature-loving elves, there are those who mercilessly trample grass and insects.

Wake up from those deceitful illusions.

Since the elves captured the First Spirit, the rest of the spirits were forced to cooperate. It’s not like elves are a higher class than humans.

Curious: Cadet Kang Han Soo. Will you go there again?

Again? Ah, to the First Spirit? I will go to the kingdom of the elves. But not right now. Because first, we need to fix the flaws of the 2nd playthrough.

There is a reason the spirits follow me. I don’t know why, but it seemed my body smelt good to them. This was likely since my body went through a change in structure from the very foundation.

I was reborn surrounded by the First Spirit and the rest of the spirits of the fantasy world. It would be more miraculous if I were still normal after that.

“Oh! We found it, ” the girl with a green crown on her head reported to me.

This Wind Spirit lived in my right armpit. She looked like a kind girl, but as soon as she saw other spirits approaching my armpit, her face immediately turned to anger. She, like an immoral dictator, monopolized my right armpit.

The Spirit of the Wind was close to the Spirit of Water, which occupied my left armpit, but they weren’t very close with the two spirits living between my legs.

“Hero? Is this Spirit…”


“Nothing. I was mistaken. The Queen of Spirits cannot be so sweet and docile …”



I spread the wings of a just Hero.

“What are those terrible wings?!”

“Only you, looking at them, think that they are terrible. The hero gave you his precious time and explained everything in an accessible way, but you still don’t understand anything. Let’s just leave it as it is.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Follow me.”

I and Tamer E descended into the valley surrounded by cliffs. Naturally, I flew over the gorge.


Tamer E meanwhile floated down the river, sitting down on a large fish that lived there. It seems, using the Taming skill, she could easily tame the not very smart animals. It was extremely interesting.

“Can this be used in war?”

I wish I had this opportunity in play 8 when I became the emperor of the northern continent. War always brings sacrifices. Regardless of whatever advantageous position you are in, it is inevitable. There was even a guy who fell down a toilet and died.

I couldn’t help it. But if I used animals in the war like how one of the famous rulers on Earth used the “squad of elephants” in battles, I could reduce the number of casualties in my army. Animals are weak, but monsters…

Oh! Is this battle tactic already being used in the southern continent?

“Hero! Over there!”

“I see.”

As Tamer E said, although the dragon egg fell from a great height, it looked perfectly intact. Seen from a distance, it was just a round black stone. But inside hid the most powerful race in the fantasy world.

The size itself was unusual. Lanuvel could be placed in this egg if she curled up into a ball. This species was different from the wyvern, which people use as a vehicle: this at least is a rare evil dragon!

Confusion: Kang Han Soo. It could be a good dragon, right?

Miss Trainee, listen. A good dragon is a dead dragon.

Aside from the treasure of dragons greedy for everything shiny, their bones, scales, skin, and heart are very useful as high-quality materials.

“Hmm…can I put it in my storage?”

At the Festival of Heroes, I received a 3D spatial storage as an award. No restrictions indicated that I couldn’t put living beings there. But after several tests, it turned out that animals and humans have a side effect, which makes them lose their value as “living things.”

Then what about this egg?

? Race: Dragon Egg

? Level: 358

? Specialization: Mage (Age → Magic ↑)

? Skills: Magic B, Stealth D, Survival F …

? Condition: Growth

Unless the born child is from the royal family or the aristocracy, he usually has the specialization “Unemployed.” Monsters and animals are no exception, but the dragons, which were born with a golden spoon in their mouth, were definitely on a different level.

He hadn’t been born yet, but he was already at level 358. And the specialization was Mage. The dragon’s strongest offensive means are its breath and body, but that doesn’t mean it lacks other skills. Some know how to control spirits or use magic.

On the western continent, there are even dragons whose hobby is collecting and manipulating corpses.

So this is a Magic Dragon? With age, this dragon only became stronger. If not destined to fall under the Hero’s blade, such dragons could live up to three thousand years.


Baby Magic Dragon? I had the feeling that I knew this dragon. After rummaging through my memory, I immediately understood.

“Ah! It’s that guy!”

During the 1st playthrough, due to the companions who envied the Hero’s growth, there was one dragon whose experience points and heart I couldn’t absorb.

During the 2nd playthrough, due to the accumulated resentment, I attacked the nest. Still, there I met the Supreme Dragon of Oblivion, Noebius, whose poisonous breath then consumed half of the central continent. After Noebius died a natural death, it seems that this baby immediately took over this nest.

Ten days had passed since the Hero was summoned. I didn’t know when my dear companion might die, but this egg would only hatch after nine years.

“Hero. Do you know him?”

“You don’t need to know.”

“Oh, okay. But…the egg is too big to carry with you, what will you do? If you allow, I can ask for help from my comrades and move him wherever you say.”

“Move? What for?”


“I just want to break it.”


I had no time to wait for it to hatch itself. It would be problematic if there were yolk and white, but if there were even a premature baby there, everything would be fine.

Because I’m only driven by curiosity.

If I get tired of growing it, I’ll just turn it into experience points. Therefore, I cannot wait several years. But before that…



I activated the Black Box. The skills that could be called the work of my 15-year career were unsealed, and I could now use them. I don’t even need 9.99 seconds.

I didn’t especially care about it, but if you keep stabbing and cutting people, your Insight skill increases. My current insight is C-rank.

During the 1st and 2nd playthroughs, I often looked for the area between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae of my opponents to strike there, which is why I pumped this skill to S-rank. But from the 3rd playthrough, I hardly did it. I cut them without trying Insight because it was tricky.

“I shouldn’t have done that.”

If I had Insight, then I wouldn’t have fallen for Thief E’s trick at the auction. If I had revealed the truth right there that she had fake breasts, the bidding for her would have stopped instantly.

Perhaps she would be worth about as much as Sylvia? I still regret it.

Using this skill, I examined the contents of the egg. A large lizard with closed eyes was sleeping inside.

“Good. This means that there will be no problem if it’s broken now.”

I deactivated the Black Box and smiled contentedly. It’s a bit small, but it’s not a raw egg.

“Hero. Heaven will punish you for this…”

“Ha! Punish? Let them try. I am a fair S-rank Hero who chopped off the chicken wings of evil angels. So what is the heavenly punishment for me…Hmm?”

It suddenly became dark. Was it because the sun had set?

I involuntarily looked up at the sky and swallowed. While the Black Box was activated, my transcendental skills “Divinity” and “Dark Energy” were revealed.

“Chaos” disturbed the sweet dream of this creature.

“Oh…my dear companion…”


Haha! This friend, then and now, is pretty shy.

King Dragon of Noebius greeted us with his poisonous breath.


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