
Chapter 291 Hidden magical wonders

Chapter 291 Hidden magical wonders

It was a beautiful Autumn afternoon when Ben strolled into Washington Square Park with a camera hanging from his neck, planning to use this marvelous environment as the background for his photos.

Even though it was a small park, for a city-dweller, there was much to appreciate here. That’s why as he stopped to inhale the fresh air, recognizing it was a rare treat in such a metropolis, Ben smiled and savored the tree farts...

Then, he also opened his other senses, discovering new things. He heard the singing of birds, along with a dreadlocked guitarist in a tie-dye sweater playing a horrific cover of Dave Matthews Band...

Ben’s smile became stiff as he glanced at him. ’You couldn’t just leave it to the birds?’


Nevertheless, it was an intriguing atmosphere. Here, the two mighty powers of nature and civilization achieved a temporary truce, enjoying each other’s company. As for Ben, he gazed around this peaceful scene, realizing that since he’d taken up photography, he’d gained a newfound appreciation for his environment and its wonders. It even heightened his awareness and allowed him to discover hidden magical things:

A dog humping a sleeping man’s leg...

A squirrel chasing another squirrel for an acorn debt in the trees...

A young couple in love on a bench. The man’s eyes scanning around sneakily, before his hand wormed its way under the jacket in her lap as she frowned...

The man’s eyes popping out and her frown twisting into a trolling smile as he bumped into something unexpected...


These hidden wonders were always there but people missed them, not bothering to look, or not wanting to look...

However, Ben’s increased awareness even led to his consciousness blending into these scenes:

He was that squirrel debt...

He was that creeping hand...

He was that surprising sausage. ’NO!’ Ben shook his head violently!


That damn scene was too much!

So, he paced away with an awkward gait as he peered over his shoulder at that man on the bench, finding him narrowing his eyes as if he was making a decision...before his expression became firm, and he grinned...

Ben’s face turned pale as his head swiveled away from them, vowing to never turn his head back to that general direction...

Marching away, in his mind, he recited that man’s eulogy. ’When you gays long into the abyss. The abyss gays also into you."


It was lucky for Ben that not the entire park was full of animal and human derelicts...

Soon, sitting on the edge of the large stone fountain, he discovered Charlotte waiting for him.

When he saw her, he paused for a second, because it was his first time seeing her wear a dress, a cute blue ensemble that showed off her narrow legs on this warm day. Spotting Ben, she also stood up, but kept her head down as she clutched her purse in front of her, nervous when she thought about what they were planning to do.

Today, she would model for Ben once again.

Although he’d agreed to cancel her promise to send her photos into the competition, it was only under the condition that she once again modeled for him, and for Charlotte, it was a difficult proposition.

When Darryl insulted her at the critique, it made her self-conscious, even more than she already was. Yet, Ben used his motivational speaking ability to convince her to do it, along with pretending it broke his heart that she didn’t want him as a model...

He didn’t have to pretend too hard though... In truth, he had oh so many more memes to show off, so there was some regret there...

However, he’d accept it as long as she modeled for him. After all, he’d declared he’d defeat Darryl in the beginner’s photography competition using Charlotte as a model, and when Ben chose her, it wasn’t out of spite for Darryl. He needed her!

In reality, when photographing her, his instincts told him that she possessed something special! Something that could lead to miraculous photos! Albeit, he wasn’t sure what it was.

It wasn’t her appearance, not that Charlotte wasn’t cute, but if he wanted a beautiful model, he could ask one of the girls he was dating. Yet, he didn’t, because he wanted to uncover this charismatic element of Charlotte, to capture it in a photograph, and show it to the world!

So, despite her initial resistance, Ben did his best to persuade her, because he thought it was important. Except after they greeted each other, when they once again stood face to face, Charlotte couldn’t help voicing her resignations once again. "C-can’t you find a prettier model? I’m...not right for this." She believed her looks were nothing special. So how could any photos of her come out well? She’d only make Ben lose the competition.

However, seeing her hesitation, Ben looked into her eyes, and smiled. "Charlotte, trust me. You’re the best model there is."

Crimson-faced, Charlotte’s embarrassment was overtaken by joy in an instant... She couldn’t remember the last time someone gave her such a compliment, and that, pushed her to make a resolution of her own. She’d do it! Even though she didn’t think she was worthy, she’d try her best, if nothing more than to repay this faith Ben showed.

As such, the two walked in the park, amongst the fountain and the grass and the trees, as Ben took his camera out and began snapping pictures of her. Except, Charlotte’s mental vow wasn’t enough to overpower the long-cemented tendencies of her body and personality. Being under the lens, she became anxious, making her movements tense and uncoordinated. Thus, when Ben asked her to turn to the side and pose, she attempted it, but soon lost her balance!

"Ah!" Tripping over herself, Charlotte prepared to fall on her face, yet, somehow...she was, stuck in place?

No...someone was, holding her? Glancing up, she saw Ben, who caught her before she hit the ground, and was now holding her in his arms.

"Are you okay?" His face showed concern.

However, Charlotte was paying more attention to his arms, the ones making contact with her body. She blinked in confusion. ’This is the first time...why?’ Besides for when she dressed as Chuck, she’d never had a man touch her without feeling deep revulsion. It was a phobia that stuck with her since her traumatic incident years ago. Yet, out of nowhere, Ben was touching her now, and she was...fine...

"Hey, Charlotte, are you okay?" Ben repeated himself.

She snapped out of her daze. "Yea, sorry." Straightening herself, she showed an awkward smile, but couldn’t help staring at Ben, because this was too weird. With a little time though, she came up with a quick answer as to why her phobia didn’t trigger. ’It must be because I’ve grown accustomed to him as Chuck... However, he’s still a man, so maybe I should be careful, but, it’s Ben...’ It was all so confusing, as she experienced certain things she couldn’t admit, but couldn’t deny at the same time.

Although Charlotte tried her best to understand herself to solve her issues, it hadn’t ever been easy. After all, she didn’t have anyone to talk to about this. Even with her psychologist, Charlotte never found the courage to tell her she went out cross-dressing. So now, her life was only becoming more unclear, finding herself in the arms of a man...who gave her complicated feelings.

"You ready to continue?" Ben was adjusting his camera for the next shots.

"Mmhm." She swallowed, encouraging herself to not make such foolish mistakes again, and soon, they started taking more photos.

Even so, the results didn’t satisfy Ben, whose frown deepened after every few minutes. This wasn’t it. He felt he was getting further away from what he was searching for! Gazing at his model, his only sense was, that what she was showing him—was wrong.

He needed her to show her genuine self, to bring out the magic inside of her which even she was unaware of. Thus, Ben stepped towards her until they were only inches apart, making Charlotte’s eyes blink in nervousness, as his expression became firm. "Charlotte, I know there are amazing parts of your personality that you’re not showing me..."

Hearing this, she became flustered and waved her hands around. "Y-you think too high—"

"No! I’m certain!"


His conviction left her speechless, but somehow, made her even warmer inside...

Ben sighed as he gazed at her. "Look, can you try something for me?"

After a few moments of hesitation, she nodded.

"Good, then, just pretend I’m not here...and be yourself!" After saying that, Ben held up the camera and pointed it to her, hiding behind it and taking himself out of the equation, allowing her to be by herself, to be, herself...

However, it wasn’t so easy for Charlotte. ’H-how...’ She didn’t know what to do, and it was even more difficult with Ben observing her. Yet, an even greater feeling took over, one of now wanting to disappoint him, and also...of being free. So after clenching her fists, she let go. "F*ck..." She mumbled a curse word like a baby saying its first word.

"Huh?" Ben popped his head out from behind his camera, "Did you just curse?"

Charlotte’s face paled, as she realized the trash-talking Chuck part of her personality came out for a moment. "N-no, I said, I said..." She was stuttering, as her heart pumped, fearing what Ben would think.


Author’s Note: We came in 7th this time, not that far from bonus chaps :( Honestly, the issue this past month with voting was that did not give MPUAS any promotions. We were owed a banner, a library feature, and many other features and received none of them. Even so, we came very close to returning to the top 5 this week. If the votes stayed on par with how they were Sunday and Monday, we would’ve made it.

Unfortunately, some of you brothers and sisters chose to take it easy towards the end of the week.


I hope this week everyone can stay consistent and keep voting every day. The schedule is the same as last week. Up to 8 bonus chaps for getting in the top 5. In any case, thank you all for your support.

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