
Chapter 116 - Women love drama

Chapter 116 - Women love drama

As Ben stood gazing at Penelope in the narrow hallway, with three unconscious men strewn on the ground...he had one thought, ’Women love drama.’

That’s what Beluga warned him about. He said that if a woman gets the chance, she’ll pit multiple guys against each other to compete for her, in complete disregard of what happens to the loser. Ben understood it was true when he realized that was the plot of every modern romance ever...

Not only did such conflicts increase demand for the women, allowing them to enjoy extra attention and feel special, but it was also like an entertaining show to them! One for which they only felt pride as the orchestrators! Shame? Guilt? Non-existent! They felt entitled for men to destroy themselves for them!

Ben sneered. ’Did she think just because she was the first girl I slept with, that I’d get a crush on her and chase her to be my girlfriend? Well she thought right!’


’That did happen! But luckily Beluga set me straight, so sucks for her!’

What was his relationship with Penelope? She just had drunk s.e.x with him! He wasn’t even the only guy she was sleeping with! She wasn’t doing him a favor either. She did it as revenge on her boyfriend!

Ben was a believer in treating a girl well, but she had to earn it! He wasn’t running a free bodyguard service!

Nor was he managing a soup kitchen for s.l.u.ts!

Since they weren’t in a special relationship, Ben didn’t see a reason to do her bidding. ’What would the reward be for getting involved in her nonsense? Didn’t we already have s.e.x? She made the classic business mistake of not signing a contract and paying upfront!’


Ben would never allow a woman to manipulate him like a puppet! Not if they already had s.e.x!


What’s more is he completed the Booty Burglar challenge, so even the system was tired of her!

That was the last condom in the coffin...

Penelope still couldn’t believe her ears as she gawked at him. "What are you saying?"

Ben sighed and put his hand on her shoulder. "Look at it this way, I’m like a web novel translator going on hiatus...

I just need a little break and I promise I’ll be back soon...

Trust me and keep subscribing to privilege..."


Leaving her swimming in confusion, Ben walked right past her, heading to get something to eat. As he approached the elevators, he turned back, waved, and shouted. "Gotta go work on the next volume! See you in two years!"


Just like that, she was left in hiatus hell...


Ben smiled as he descended in the elevator.

[Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Achievement: D*ck It and Kick It(uncommon) - Dump a woman after sleeping with her]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 200]

Although he preferred keeping women around, achievements like this made him not mind wielding his p.e.n.i.s as a double-barrelled pump and dump shotgun...

In any case, this was a step in the right direction to his noble goal of cheating in class...

As Ben approached the lobby, he was already thinking about other things though.

First, what will happen to the three punks he left on the floor? Will they just fade out of existence?


Or did he have to call the mook sweeping service?


Unable to come to a conclusion, Ben’s mind moved to the other thing, something he was looking forward to, and another reason he didn’t need to deal with Penelope’s rubbish; Tonight, he had a date with Annabelle.


An hour later, Tyler and his two friends were lying around in his dorm room, attempting to understand how their day became so awful...

After waking up, they had crawled and staggered there to lick their wounds. Now, they were all holding ice-cold Gatorades to their heads...

Tyler was the first to speak. "Why were we unconscious for so long?"


He looked around and his friends didn’t have an answer. "I read in biology that unconsciousness should only last a couple of seconds or minutes. So why is it when Ben hit us we passed out for an hour?!?


The third guy who got choked and dropped on his head tried to justify it. "It’s like they had prolonged unconsciousness superpowers just to get us out of the way!"


Tyler added, "And how come in all that time, no one called an ambulance? It’s like we’re not even human!"


Staring at the ground, the blonde finally spoke in a shaky voice. "Not me... I wasn’t unconscious. I was only playing dead..."


The two goons looked on at the head goon, listening in silence, as if waiting for him to elaborate on an advanced move they hadn’t reached in the skill tree...


The blonde explained. "I was playing dead to stop the punishment... Then I had to watch as my girlfriend dug her boot-heel into my back, stepping on my corpse..."


His lips quivered as he struggled to continue. "She walked over me to another guy... Then, he even rejected her!’

He teared up as he repeated the conversation between Ben and Penelope...

The other two didn’t know how to comfort him, so they just sat there in the quiet and the quivering...

A minute later, the third broke the silence. "What should we do? Should we get revenge?"

Tyler contemplated it and instantly remembered Ben’s nutsack on his face...

He saw a sudden illusion, where despite the non-existence of any thorough studies proving the effectiveness, the entire human race was forced to wear diapers on their face...


As Tyler began sweating from the absurd masked nightmare...he realized something crucial. He no longer wanted any involvement with the Satanic Ben! Or Leeroy! Or whatever his multi-worded full Demonic name was!

Tyler sat up. "Forget revenge! I’m better off switching dorms!" He looked at the blonde. "And if I were you, I’d forget about that girl. It sounds like she set us up!"

In that instance, the blonde couldn’t hold the tears back anymore! They flowed down his face uncontrollably! The grip of the p*ssy was too good...


Though, it wasn’t her as much the entire horrific ordeal. He hadn’t cried since he was a child, but he’d never eaten trauma like this! Somehow, as he thought about his childhood, he missed those days, playing around...catching butterflies... Unconsciously, his right hand moved towards his mouth, until soon, he was sucking on his thumb!


Tyler and the third man stared at this dumfounded! Somehow, however, it only made them more sympathetic. Watching this scene made them tear up as well as they thought about their own miserable situations...

One after the other, the two moved next to the blonde, putting an arm around him in comfort...

Soon, the three supported one another in a group crying hug...

This was a clear example of bonding through difficulties. The great struggle of walking off a cliff was the best way to bring lemmings together...


Meanwhile, as Ben sat in the cafeteria, something caught his attention, interrupting him as he ate his veal of victory...

[Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Achievement: Cuckold Mind Break(rare) - Break the psyche of someone you’ve cuckolded]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

And with that, Ben had the 5000 points he needed...

One manboy’s pain became another man’s pleasure...

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