
Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Vol. 2 – Episode 30

“Master Sungjin, we can’t win this monster. Please order to retreat!”

A hero begged Sungjin.

“No! If we retreat here, the people who don’t evacuate all die!”

Sungjin understood he was fighting a hopeless battle, but he also understood whom he was trying to protect. He didn’t plan to let them feel the despair and abuse by an unknown power. He couldn’t step back and let that happen.

“But...but...we...no, Master Sungjin has to survive this. That evil monster will disappear in time, so spend some extras and save yourself.”

“Listen carefully!”

Sungjin’s loud voice announced not only to the heroes but to all of his army:

“In the world I’m building, great rights come with great responsibility!”

Everyone was equally important; still, some were strong, and some were weak. That was the difference between the heroes and the extras. That was the reality, and there was no denying it. Sungjin knew that as well. But he wouldn’t allow the strong to use their power and status to have privilege over others. To enjoy more privileges, one should contribute more. That was Sungjin’s rule.

Some called it Noblesse Oblige; the nobility extends beyond mere entitlements and requires the person who holds such status to fulfill social responsibilities.

“If you want to keep your status with your money and power, you should fight here until the end!”

Sungjin’s voice silenced all the heroes for a second. They seemed to have forgotten about the terrible sound from the evil monster.

“That... that...”

“Your status, bloodline, family tree... that doesn’t matter! Only your act will define your status!”

But he didn’t just pressure the heroes, Sungjin gave them a realistic solution:

“I’m not saying you should die here. If we are annihilated here that would be irresponsible, but we will fight until the last moment before we retreat. Then we will reform our army while evacuating the people.”

Although he was fighting against infinity, he had no plan to run away and save his life.

He was ready to accept the inevitable damage, and there was no way he would allow anyone to compromise people’s lives.

“That is the duty of the heroes; get ready to put everything as a hero!”

The heroes didn’t know how to respond to Sungjin’s order.

They still wanted to run away. It was clear how terrible and dangerous it would be if they had to fight until the last moment and risking their lives for the extras didn’t make sense. But they were able to understand what Sungjin was trying to do. He was one step ahead of the merciful rulership, a rulership that a few heroes considered as nonsense.

The right is not entitled; it comes with social responsibilities.

They really didn’t want to follow the idea or continue this terrible fight for the people. They were entitled to the noble right, and Sungjin was just talking nonsense. But running away from here wouldn’t help them have a future. Sungjin was asking them to make a choice. Since he was not asking them to have an honorable death here, they thought maybe they should follow him; most of the heroes had no other choice and followed him unwillingly.


There were some heroes who didn’t.


Ereka had tears in her eyes.

You are always the one who is leading me to the way.

She tried to follow the idea of the merciful rulership, but Sungjin was helping her follow the true way to create the ideal world. Sungjin was someone she wanted to serve with her everything.

I will follow you.

Rittier showed his respect by putting his hand on his chest.

You are the man I approved to be my queen’s partner. That was a great speech.

Jenna shook her tail knife.

Oh. Sungjin, Oppa, and my queen have a long way to go...but...that is why Sungjin, Oppa is such a great man.

The evil monster made even louder noises, as if Sungjin’s courage and spirit was upsetting it.

The scratching sound with nails would be music compared to the noise the monster was making. It was as if the noise was saying that it would destroy Sungjin’s spirit and would keep spreading its evil.

Countless snakes started to attack Sungjin again, and shiny sword started to cut the heads. When it almost looked like the same old fight, a snake soared from the ground.


Sungjin felt the snake’s sudden attack from the ground, but his level-zero body was limited in speed. The black snake didn’t miss the chance and attacked him from multiple directions, tying up his arms and legs and stopping his refined movements with his sword.


The monster made a high-pitched noise again, as if it was saying that it would kill and eat the courage.

It looked like it was enjoying destroying the light and turning hope into despair. The deep, dark desire seemed to be excited.


Ereka tried to save him quickly but a bright silver light pierced the darkness.

“Sword in Mind.”

It was Eustasia next to Sungjin with her bright hair that looked like moonlight.

“That was close.”

“Thank you.”

When Sungjin thanked her, Eustasia laughed.

“It seems like you need more people. Can I join?”

Ereka was surprised by Eustasia’s question.


“Give me my sword back. Let’s fight together.”

Everyone was surprised because she had denied to join them until now. But some heroes simply thought maybe she decided to join the mainstream for now.

If so, she should have joined when we started the fight. Why now?

And Ereka, who knew the secret, was surprised for a different reason.


She couldn’t even imagine how difficult it was for Eustasia to decide this. Ereka’s father was very strict, but Ereka still deeply respected her father until now.

Thank you...I know it was not easy.

Sungjin looked at Eustasia for a brief moment.

“Thank you.”

He didn’t ask her if she was okay because he knew it was not an easy decision, but she made her choice.

Eustasia smiled instead of answering.

She was planning to leave and stay low-key because Sungjin had enough power and courage to conquer the four kingdoms and punishing her mad father would be justice.


She couldn’t be with the man who killed her father, so she tried to disappear.


She saw the terrible scene...

The scene that was engraved in her heart.

Great rights come with great responsibility.

That was the final puzzle piece that completed her decision to follow Sungjin.

She kept questioning if he had abilities because he was just an extra, but she experienced his ability and admitted that he was capable of conquering the four kingdoms.


There was something more than that.

He had his power, and he had his leadership. But he had one more quality that made him deserving to be the king of the four kingdoms:

He was the only one who took care of the people while other kings abandoned theirs. Not just his people, but he tried to save everyone in the four kingdoms. With a sincere heart, he willingly took people’s lives as his responsibility.

When the heroes were ready to run away from the gigantic evil creature, Sungjin, with the lowest level, fought against it.

Ah. That’s right.

Eustasia looked at Sungjin.

Although he didn’t have a crown on his head, he had his spirit to fight the evil. Without any jewelry to decorate his body, his wounds were showing who he was.

In the worst situation, she was able to see his true colors.

His will to protect everyone, that was the real quality of a king.

A country for the people. It was not a fake cause that an extra had advertised to conquer the world or a glory he had tried to force with his power.

It was his true cause that he was keeping with his life.


Father...you gave birth to me...

All the power and luxury that Seyzo II was able to enjoy, the glory and honor that she was able to enjoy as a general came from the people. She knew that her father crossed the line a long time ago.

Now I know.

It was her responsibility to stop him, not only for the people but also to stop her father’s sin before it was too late.

This is my responsibility as a daughter as well.

She activated her heroic power to remove her maid outfit and wear her shiny silver armor. Power or spirit was not able to change her mind, but a truthful heart changed it.

She smiled to answer the man who made her fall in love.

“No need. It is also for my father. I should stop him to help him.”

“Okay, then let’s fight together.”

To protect people, Sungjin gave back the Sword of Heaven’s Will to Eustasia.

“Thanks. Let’s make it brief because we don’t have time.”

Eustasia kneeled in front of Sungjin.

“You granted me the sword; I give my life to you.

My king.

You are the one with

The power of the king,

And the leadership of the king,

With the heart of a king.

I accept you as my king.

My destiny will be with your kingdom.

You will take the glory.

I will take the hardship.

Every drop of my blood is to serve you.

Now I am your sword,

And your knight.

I will stop all the evil against your rulership.”

It was an oath to the king that she had made to Seyzo II before.

But now, it was different.

When she made it to Seyzo II, it was a ceremony followed by the costume; but now, she was making her oath with her soul. It was a true oath, and she was proud to say that she was serving a great king. So now, she was able to proudly say the name of a dead knight who fought against a hundred thousand enemies to protect his country.

“Vitium Successio Roland the Paladin!”

He was a legendary knight with a legendary tale. When his king was betrayed by a retainer and attacked from the back by surprise, he protected his king and the kingdom with his life. The legend said there was nothing that his holy sword couldn’t cut because a messenger from heaven gave him the sword to protect justice, and the light from the sword was shining for eternity.

The holy sword started to shine even brighter to show the letters on the body. The light from the sword was brighter than ever.

Everyone sensed the sword was finally showing its true nature it had been hiding.

“Do you have a plan?”

She asked Sungjin again, knowing that Sungjin had ordered to fight until the last moment before retreating.

Sungjin answered with a grin:

“Yeah, retreating is the last thing I want to do. I’m still trying to find a way to finish it here.”

If not, a lot of people would lose their places.

His brain understood the cruel reality, but his heart didn’t give up easily.

In this absolute despair, without any possible answer, he was still trying to find a way to save everyone. There was no giving up. That was how he fought against anything.

“What is the best solution for now?”

“Like I said, we need to rotate and keep our defense line. I was thinking of supporting the ambush from ten sides...but now you have joined. I think we can win. Am I wrong?”

“You think highly of me.”

“No, I’m being objective.”

“Okay. Then I will give you my real ultimate skill,” Eustasia laughed.

“Your real ultimate skill? What are you talking about?”

Rittier asked her if her ultimate skill was the flying sword.

“She must have an ultimate skill that she couldn’t use.”

When Sungjin said it was not that she didn’t but couldn’t, Eustasia nodded thinking he was really fast.

“Yeah, I couldn’t. I was talking about reality but wasn’t sure what I was doing was justice, and the holy sword didn’t allow me to use its real power.”

That was her last secret.

People thought the flying sword was her ultimate skill, but that was only half the truth.

And she was about to use the full ultimate skill.

The ultimate skill was given only to the knight the holy sword accepted. The power was open to the knights who were true to the holy sword. That’s why she was not able to use the power until now.

Eustasia knew that she could use it now.

The holy sword would accept her because the path she decided to take with Sungjn was true justice.

She activated her heroic power into the holy sword.

“I ask you: This is a fight for justice, not for me but for the people I have to protect and for the people I’m fighting with; please give me the power.”

She heard the answer in her head.

“My knight, I’ve been waiting for you.”

Eustasia was surprised.

Did the holy sword... talk?

“The day you would follow justice without shame, this glorious day. Now, call my real name.”

Oh, you’ve been waiting.

“Now, look. This is the true power of the Sword of Heaven’s Will. I will let you find your way to victory with this power. Command me.”

She showed the true ultimate skill to Sungjin, and it made Sungjin smile.

“As I guessed. Okay. Now we can win!”

All the heroes were confused. What could Eustasia’s ultimate skill be? And even if it is a powerful one, would Sungjin be able to stop the infinite army of evil?

While everyone was confused with questions, Sungjin ordered everyone.

“Do you think it will work?”

When Eustasia asked him back, Sungjin answered.

“I trust you.”

“Then I shall fulfill your expectation.”

She smiled and held her sword.

“Get ready.”

“Okay. Here I come!”

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