
Chapter 388: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 388: The Calm Before the Storm

“As you all may know already, holographic technology is a technology that uses the principle of light interference and diffraction to project the true three-dimensional figure of an object.”

After the audience had finally settled down, Qian Wenhuan started to explain.

“The term holographic technology isn’t a new term. As early as 2010, artists such as Hatsune Miku used holographic technology to present themselves at concerts. This type of holography is known as ‘Stage Performance Holographic Technology’.

“The technology holds wide appeal to singers, actors, magicians, politicians, and many companies. The best example of the application of this technology is during the victorious campaign of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“However, holography is not without its disadvantages. Not only is there a strict set of requirements for stage lighting equipment and setup, but it also loses its effects drastically when observed from a specific angle or from up close. Scientifically speaking, this technique wouldn’t qualify it as a true holographic projection.

“If we’re talking about the principle of the technique, ‘Stage Performance Holographic Technology’ is only one of its many aspects. There’s also the ‘Material Media Holographic Technology’, the practical application of this technology is the usage of smoke projectors in conjunction with underwater holographic projection. With a proper projector inside a monitored environment, the fog that rises from the smoke projector with holographic projection cast upon it creates a realistic holographic image.

“There’s also the more elaborate ‘Fan Blade Holographic Technology’ although strictly speaking, it wouldn’t count as holographic. These devices are fans with assembled RGB light sources embedded on the blades to create a 2D holographic image when activated.”

As Qian Wenhuan narrated, the hexagonal display above provided reference images to reflect the types of holographic technology he was describing.

“Again, strictly speaking, the techniques mentioned earlier wouldn’t qualify as a natural holographic projection. Proper holographic imaging is composed of aerial imaging, laser refraction, and high-precision prism. What our ‘Environmental Holographic Simulator’ utilizes is aerial imaging!”

As Qian Wenhuan said this, he made a signal which summoned a panel of notes right beside him that consisted of a large amount of data written atop it.

“What we use here is a form of ‘Laser Plasma Holographic Technology’. There are millions of pinpoint-sized laser generators embedded inside the simulator. By running low-frequency power into femtosecond lasers, it focuses the lasers into a singular point via 3D targeting. Through this process, molecules in the air become ionized to produce low-temperature plasma, which controls the three axes which are x, y, and z to produce a three-dimensional image.”

Qian Wenhuan smiled as he read from the data above, “The reason we named it non-invasive laser is because the laser generators maneuver around the furniture in your home as well as your eyes and body. Moreover, the laser irradiation frequency is extremely brief, no more than one-millionth of a second. The lasers only activate 144 times within a second.

“Remember computer displays? What the environmental holographic simulator does is essentially transforms your room into a 144Hz computer display, except this display is three-dimensional. Something even better... Not only can you see these images, but you could also even touch them!”


The audience below gasped.

Qian Wenhuan poked the sign next to him several times. “Since this laser is a femtosecond laser, it can ionize the air at specific points to produce sporadic tiny plasma vibrations. This way, we can feel its natural texture when touching it.”

As Qian Wenhuan said this, he paused briefly, savoring the moment. “Hm... This texture is very similar to sandpaper.”

The audience enthusiastically waved their hands in the air, each wanting to go on stage to experience for themselves what the so-called holographic projection feels like.

After the people stepped on stage to give it a curious touch, they each reacted with great astonishment and were taken by how foreign it was. After that, Qian Wenhuan asked each of them how it felt like and obtained a large assortment of answers. Some said it felt like metal, others said it felt like plastic, most of them described it as a rough-to-the-touch substance.

In the end, Qian Wenhuan announced that the highlight of the day, the HP 3D Simulators, cost a million dollars per set. Each set came with four of the devices.

This was because a set of four had to be installed in four corners of a room to achieve a full holographic effect and to cover all blind corners.

Additionally, there was a set of restrictions when it came to the environmental holographic simulators. First, the room could not be anywhere larger than thirty square meters and the length and width of the room could not exceed six meters. If it exceeded the specified area and length, a holographic environment simulator with a larger diameter range and higher frequency was required.

Although this price range easily put it above what ninety-nine percent of the world’s population could afford, many people were well aware that it was not designed for common household use in the first place. Its true value lay in boosting the market value of a commercial area!

For example, it could be implemented in conference rooms or wherever companies wanted to use to conduct floor plan meetings. It was in places like this where the environmental holographic simulator truly shone.

One way or another, the debut of the environmental holographic simulator ushered holographic projection technology to a new era.

After they drew the curtains of the conference, the people who had been paying attention to the conference started to boil over in excitement. Everywhere online, there were discussions about the three era-defining technology.

[Oh my God, that thing they showed in the end is what a real non-medium projection looks like! It’s like the one from Iron Man. Is manipulatable holographic projection technology finally here?]

[The technology used for this environmental holographic simulator is known as a non-medium holographic technology. I never expected to see something like this in my lifetime. Did Blacklight Biotechnology just drop a nuclear bomb on us???]

[Holographic projection technology with supported textures? I suddenly have a bold billion-dollar idea (Dog Emoji)]

[I’ll pay you fifty cents to delete your comment and let me post it instead!]

[With this insane bomb dropped, I think Apple’s new product launch event is going to look silly in comparison...]

[There’s no way anyone can afford the environmental holographic simulator unless that someone is already filthy rich. This product is strictly for business use only and you’d better wait a decade before you can expect to see it commercialized. By then, the technology should be more mature and the price will naturally decline. Shouldn’t we direct our focus to the V.1 series instead?]

[Forget about it, even the V.1 helmet costs nearly ten thousand, don’t forget the tactile suit as well. Can anybody who doesn’t already own a gold mine even afford it?]


Regardless of the reception, keywords like Blacklight Biotechnology, V.1 Tactile Suit, and Environmental Holographic Simulator would crowd the Internet for the following days to come.

Surely enough, Blacklight Biotechnology was taking off while companies like Apple were in big trouble now.

In terms of price, the price set by Chen Chen was rather pricey. Even the working class in Western countries had to think twice before committing to this purchase. This went double, even triple for people in the Mainland. However, in the grand scheme of things, this was a rather affordable price tag. If not for Chen Chen taking the initiative to publicize this technology, it would take humanity another two to three decades before VR technology could naturally progress to such a point.

Back to current events. Chen Chen was seated inside his office, going through the large arrays of comments and trends online. He shut down the computer with a smile on his face while instructing, “X, in addition to installing the environmental holographic simulator into each Spire laboratory, try to have several installed in the office buildings as well.”


Little X’s voice came from behind Chen Chen. If someone else was present at the moment inside Chen Chen’s office, this person would notice an enchanting-looking Chinese girl standing behind Chen Chen.

Little X had changed into a fitted white dress with a pink hairband strapped atop her head. Her cheeks were puffed red as she gently thumped her little knuckles on Chen Chen’s shoulders.

While Chen Chen was enjoying his afternoon filled with nothing but peace and quiet, Little X suddenly paused and interrupted. “The Central Continent Embassy contacted us just now.”

“Which technology do they want to buy?” Chen Chen leaned into the chair and asked lazily.

“The BWMR external nerve electrode technology as well as the environmental holographic simulator technology in its entirety.”

Little X informed, “Their offer was extremely generous. They said that if we authorize them the usage of the technology, the 1.3 billion U.S. dollars overseas investment loan we owed to the Central Continent Bank can be voided. There are also various policy incentives.”

“They are only looking for authorization?” Chen Chen asked.

“Yes, they say that they’ll only use our technology to further their research in similar sectors. They agreed that they’ll not be using the developed technology for commerce and the only one allowed to monetize it in the Central Continent is our company.”

Little X nodded.

“I like that attitude. In that case, tell Old Qian that these terms are agreeable and can be negotiated.”

Chen Chen nodded. “What about the other continents?”

“Musk’s electrode company sent a message as well and voiced their complaints. Says that their technology was essentially a pile of waste papers now. They also say they would like to cooperate with us further.”

Little X continued relaying information.

Chen Chen smirked icily. Musks’ lace electrode technology were implanted electrodes, of course, they were no match for his external electrodes. Provided the outcome was similar, nobody would willingly implant something into their skull. This was especially the case when the lace electrode produced by Musk was nowhere close to contending with the BWMR external nerve electrode.

“Apart from that, many major corporations like Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, and many other media corporations have contacted us in hopes of cooperating with us.”

Little X added.

“Did the embassies of North America and Europe contact us?”

Chen Chen nodded before expressing, “It looks like the Western governmental bodies are preparing to make a move against us.”

That did make sense considering all things. Ranging from the V.1 series BWMR external nerve electrode technology to the holographic projection technology in the environmental holographic simulator, every single aspect had far surpassed all civilian technology.

Take the brainwave manipulation technology stemming from the BWMR external nerve electrode technology for example. Anyone who put on the helmet and sat in that chair would essentially gain a new body. Perhaps at first, they would still have trouble adjusting to it and have trouble stopping their body from moving along with the in-game movements. Once they had grown accustomed to it, the user could effortlessly rest on a chair or in bed as they delve into their little imaginary world.

This was a fully immersive VR experience, but its use was not restricted to games only. There were also educational applications. It could be used for learning to cook or practicing medical modules and other civil practices. Not forgetting the great value it could provide to military affairs.

For example, simulated military training using brainwave control technology was certainly more efficient than training on a computer, second only to actual combat training.

This was also part of the reason why the Central Continent contacted Chen Chen at first notice.

With that said, it was certainly odd for North America, Europe, and all the other continents to sit by idly and not do anything about technology with such major military implications.

There were only two explanations for this observation. Either they possessed a similar piece of technology and were simply not interested or they planned to resort to external methods to acquire the same technology.

What external methods? There was only either stealing or blatant robbing.

Chen Chen was not particularly worried about having them stolen. Of all the technology he was in possession of, the most valuable ones were none other than the brainwave manipulation and holographic projection technology. Other technologies such as the CPU chips were devices Chen Chen had TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) manufacture for him using 3nm transistor technology. Though the self-designed blueprint for these chips was valuable, they were nowhere near important enough on an international scale.

When it came to the two important pieces of technology, Chen Chen was more or less aware that the secret laboratories in North America had not made much progress over the recent years. Chen Chen had professional-level reinforced security both in terms of software and hardware to protect these technologies. The North American Continent would need five to eight years to decode and access them.

By the time they were finished, Chen Chen would have been miles away. He would have numerous technologies under his belt, enough that he would hardly pay any mind to some duplicated brainwave manipulation technology and a lesser version of holographic projection technology.

However, it would be considerably trickier if the opposing parties did not resort to theft but instead chose robbery or to intentionally undermine the development of the company.

This made Chen Chen recall the Huawei incident from some time ago. If past events were any tell, the officials would resort to imposing sanctions. Through technical interference, companies around the world using North American technology would stop supplying computer chips and other core technological implementations in an attempt to hinder Blacklight Biotechnology’s development.

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