
Chapter 489 - Rescue 2

Chapter 489: Rescue 2

Junhyuk’s days were simple. He sparred with Jeffrey, and then, he sparred with Ling Ling while learning more about wind control. After that, he practiced Aksha’s swordsmanship.

Junhyuk thought of nothing else while he trained, and he realized he was getting better. His sparring partners were weaker than him, but that didn’t matter. He wanted to know how much his skills had developed.

That day as well, he trained with Ling Ling with Dentra’s Magic Sword. Junhyuk had Dentra’s swordsmanship seared into his brain, and Ling Ling was helping him put it to use.

It was said that one learned by teaching, and Ling Ling was learning even faster than Junhyuk. He was in the middle of sparring with Ling Ling when Jennifer Rockefeller showed up. She was with Helen, and once he noticed them, he stopped.

“What’s wrong?”

Jennifer looked tense, which meant something had to be wrong. Junhyuk stared at her, and she said, “We need your help.”

“Help with what?”

Jennifer had the strength of the Rockefeller family behind her. It wasn’t enough to deal with monsters, but it could get her anything else.

Junhyuk had plenty of money now, but even he couldn’t mistreat the Rockefeller family.

Jennifer bit her lower lip and said, “I can’t get through to my father. Lend me a teleportation device so that I can get to the States.”

Junhyuk frowned a little at that. Teleportation devices required mana, which were worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. He was curious about why she needed it.

“Has your father been kidnapped?” Who would want to kidnap Charles Rockefeller? Junhyuk had asked that out of curiosity, but he said, “As long as you pay for it, I don’t mind lending you one. However, Helen is a champion from Guardians. She can’t go.”

“Helen is my friend. I have to take her.”

Jennifer needed a champion even though a wave hadn’t appeared.

His expression turned cold then, and he said, “I don’t think you are listening.”

Looking at him, Jennifer was a bit tense. Ling Ling and Helen were champions, and they feared him.

Junhyuk stared Jennifer down and said, “Let’s all go.”


Jennifer hadn’t wanted to take Junhyuk along, but there was one thing to gain from taking him. If she faced danger, he would take care of the situation.

He turned to Ling Ling and said, “I’ll be back soon. Focus on your training.”

“Of course!”

With Jennifer and Helen, Junhyuk teleported to the States. There, they got in a helicopter that had already been prepared for them.

He stared at Jennifer and asked, “Can you tell me exactly what happened?”

Junhyuk was very polite, which made Jennifer uncomfortable. She answered carefully, “My father spent an astronomical amount of money in a lab, but he suddenly shut down its research.”

“Why is that a problem?”

“The research stopped, but the infected people were kept under observation.”

Porings had infected people who had activated powers as a result. Letting them loose wasn’t the best thing, but they couldn’t kill the people either.

“Is that a problem?”

“They were researching an antidote for the infection, but when my father went to visit them, I lost all communication with him.”

“We are looking for him because you can’t contact him?”

“To be more accurate, he sent an SOS before we lost him.”

“And that’s why you wanted to take Helen.”

Helen’s powers were very strong. She could easily kill other powered people with the sword she summoned.

She had been training at Guardians and she had been improving tremendously.

Junhyuk stared at her. Helen had her hair in a ponytail, and her eyes were sharp and knowing. She would kill, and her eyes wouldn’t change a bit.

“I have a question.”

He looked back and saw ten helicopters following them.

“What are you going to do?”

“I didn’t want it shut down, but now, I have to do it.”

Junhyuk frowned and asked, “Do we really need them?”

He looked at the helicopters and saw well trained men armed to the teeth in them. After that, he turned toward where they were flying. It felt like nobody could survive out in that desert. Did they really have a facility there?

They could blow up bombs and fire missiles, and nobody would notice.

Charles Rockefeller had to be in captivity. Junhyuk sighed and asked, “Have you been contacted by anyone?”

“No. That’s what worries me even more!”

If the infected wanted something, they would have called. Because they hadn’t called, no one knew what was happening.

Junhyuk saw the lab far away and saw people standing in front of it.

His vision was superior to that of any human, and he noticed something about the people standing outside.

“Their eyes?!”

When the first poring incident happened, only one expert had appeared. The expert had destroyed Guardians’ lab, but after Elise contained that expert, she vanished from Junhyuk’s mind. Now, he remembered her.

There were more than a couple of people in front of the facility. He could spot a novice, five experts, and a champion.

The reason for why they were standing outside escaped him, but then, the champion lifted his hand. The distance between them increased his curiosity. They were a kilometer away, so what was the champion trying to do?

Green energy gathered on the champion’s fingertips, and he shot them toward the helicopters. Junhyuk thought the helicopters wouldn’t survive the attack, so he frowned and summoned Dentra’s Magic Sword. He thought he would be able to block the balls of green energy heading toward him, so he used a wind blade against them.


The impact created a shockwave that forced the helicopters to take evasive maneuvers. He clicked his tongue and turned to Jennifer.

“We’ll be in danger if we get any closer.”

“I must land.”

Junhyuk shook his head and said, “I can’t protect you.”

The balls of energy didn’t seem that dangerous. Junhyuk didn’t think the infected would pose him any problems even if they had stronger powers. That man was only a champion without items.

“Helen can land.”

Helen could protect herself. She had been equipped with items crafted by Guardians.

Jennifer turned to Helen and said, “Helen, find my father. I don’t care about anything else.”

“I’ll rescue him.”

Junhyuk didn’t say anything. He simply grabbed Helen’s hand and jumped out. He felt the ground rushing toward him, and once he was close enough, he teleported and landed softly.

“I’ll help you get closer.”

Junhyuk grabbed Helen by the waist and accelerated. He had strength runestones, so carrying Helen didn’t hinder him at all. The infected started attacking the two.

Junhyuk was astonished by the range of their attacks. Most of their powers were long range powers.

Boom, boom, boom!

As explosions rang out around him, he moved even faster.

Once he neared the infected, the novice touched the ground. A hole appeared where the novice touched, and the infected jumped through it.

When he arrived where the hole should be, Junhyuk clicked his tongue.

“Maybe he can make a portal of some sort.”

Junhyuk used his spatial sense to inspect the inside of the facility. He wasn’t completely sure, but he could still sense people inside.

“We have to go down!”

Helen replied then, “I can help with that.” She pulled out a keycard and said, “Just in case, I brought this keycard. It gives us access to everything.”

“Let’s go then.”

Helen used the card to open the entrance to the facility. Junhyuk could sense presences far below him.

Helen turned to Junhyuk and said, “The elevator won’t work.”

“They can create portals, so they don’t need it.”

Junhyuk looked down at the depth of the shaft. He could cover three hundred meters with his teleportation, and the bottom was only a hundred meters below them.

Although Junhyuk sensed presences below, he couldn’t tell who they were.

“We have to go down and check.”

Considering the infected’s powers, they might not be able to rescue Charles.

“I’m ready.”

He grabbed a hold of Helen and teleported. The novice with the portal power might be able to cover the same distance as him.

They appeared near the infected, and the infected all looked at the two. He could see Charles Rockefeller tied up among the infected.

Junhyuk immediately teleported next to Charles, grabbed him and teleported back. The rescue had been easy.

There were two champions, ten experts and twelve novices in front of him, and their eyes showed that they were all infected.

Standing in front of Charles Rockefeller, Junhyuk asked, “Why did you kidnap him?”

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