
Chapter 70 070: Level Ups

Cole could not be convinced to use his diamond ranked prism, he was also out of gold ranked prisms and only had two silver prisms left along with the iron grade he just received.

But then again there might be no reason to use them, he was stuck in a tough place because he wasn\'t exactly sure if he would use the prisms along with the stat Points he had available to try and push the rest of his stats to the Iron Rank. Since he has accepted all of these bounties, he might be facing things way above his current ability, and while his weapons gave him a whole other level of power, Cole really wanted to be absolutely careful.

So he used two silver prisms and one iron rank prism. Depending on what he gets, he would allocate the stat Points available to his stats and see just which one could be pushed into the Iron rank as soon as possible. After all there was a massive stat bonus and boosts to be received when all stats cross the iron threshold.

[X2 silver prisms used! +30 to Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma, +13 to Attunement, +4 to perception.]

[Iron Rank Prisms used! +23 to Charisma, +9 to Perception.]

[Charisma has crossed the threshold and become Iron Rank I! all stats +5]

[7 stat Points has been placed into intelligence! Intelligence has crossed the threshold and become Iron Rank I! all stats +5]

Cole felt cold rush up and down his body, from the top of his skull, all the way to the soles of his feet. Then like and electric shock he felt the feeling pass away as his mind became expanded and his body seemed to shape up a bit.

Cole could feel the bones in his body moving minutely rearranging themselves to make him look the most optimum and fit for an iron ranked charisma, while his mind expanded. Cole was never one for mathematics, but countless calculations ran through his mind in just this few seconds as he tried to figure a couple of things out.

He took a look at his improved stat page and laughed softly to himself. The only thing left now was to get Attunement up to the iron rank, and since his [Gravity] skill, which frankly was his most used skill when it came to the matter of defense and was attached to the attunement Stat, things would get a whole lot more crazy soon enough.

Before this event, before Titan Rising Online became more than just a game but a foray into new world\'s within a universe that was more fantastic than anything he has ever seen or could ever possibly imagined.

The idea of Earth and it\'s universe to be swallowed by a digital universe, and that there would be invasions, and not just invasions but a complete of government structures, way of life and so much more. Power would shift, a new world order would settle down on humanity, and there was no version of it where they came out on top….. not unless they planned properly for it.

"You\'ve hit Iron rank in a stat?" the Sylvain suddenly asked as she drew closer, Cole gave her a smile that frankly speaking she couldn\'t see due to his mask and said.

"I have." Then he left it at that, you don\'t go around announcing your stats or which one in particular was now Iron ranked. That was a short cut to getting killed or robbed.

• Aspirant: [Cole <World Breaker> Night] Class: [Reaver]

• Level: [23/30(11/23,000)] Race: [Raen Adolescent]

• Titles: [Savage Connoisseur] [Antihero] [Warrior] [Progenitor] [Genocider] [Rambo The Commando] [Mass Murderer]

• Money: [Tibons: 248] [Tisons: 286] [Tigons: 2325]

• Energy: [188/661] Alignment: [Chaotic Neutral] Lives: [10]

• Buffs: [+15% Damage] [+200% Eating Skills] [+50% Damage To All Alignments] [+70% Damage/Skill With Firearms] [100% Damage to Endangered Species and Solo Enemies] [+10% to all stats when Facing off against more than 5 Enemies, Doubles every +10 Enemies] [Permanent +25 points every 50 Enemies killed in a single Conflict]

• Primary Weapon: [Raen Ranger Rifle] Secondary Weapon: [Black Sapphire Cursed Revolver] [Blue Obsidian Cursed Revolver] [Black Malakai Cursed Sword]

• Primary Armor: [Night Demon Bounty Hunter Set] Secondary Armor: [N/A]

• Party:[n/a] Team:[n/a] Guild:[n/a] Alliance:[n/a] Faction: [Bounty Hunter (Second Floor)

• Charisma(Seduction): Iron I(22/120) [Lesser Mind Control(Active)] [Assassinate(Active)] [Vertigo(Active)]

• Perception(Domain): Iron I(74/120) [Aeronaut(Passive)] [Sin Seeking Eyes(Passive)] [Shadow Dance(Active)]

• Intelligence(Technopathy): Iron I(05/120) [Shielded Mind(Passive)] [Sin Eater(Active)] [Technoman(Passive)]

• Dexterity: Iron I(116/120) [Spectral Rover(Active)] [Sin Reaper(Active)]

• Attunement: Bronze IX(43/100) [Gravity(Mastery)] [Adaptive(Passive)] [Demon Constitution(Passive)] [Chaos Blast(Active)]

• Knowledge: [Martial Arts Master] [Expert Marksman]

• Stat Points: 36

After looking over his stats, Cole felt that he was as ready as he could possibly be. Nothing else would be able to push him hard to master his new abilities and new stage and level of power. He turned to the goblin and asked.

"is there anything else you can tell me about the \'eldritch creatures\' in the manor?"

"Nothing that hasn\'t already been said. They mainly take on the form of floating eyeballs, but they eat any organic matter in their path. Shoot concentrate beams of light from their bodies and just like slimes can combine to form something larger and more terrible. They have range so take them quickly, the farther you are from them the more powerful their attacks, and the closer you are the more impactful even if it is less damaging, you could get your bones broken."

Cole cursed softly, he very much liked it when a fight was straightforward as possible, but going up against the creature in the manor meant he would have to run some calculations. Especially so when you had to consider the fact that there was an optimal distance to stand where their damage is not too impactful or too damaging. It was already bothersome.

"Well I guess there\'s nothing to be done about it!" Cole spoke up, getting an intense feeling of Dejavu in regards to what he was about to say. But there was no escaping.

"I just have to kill them all!"

The foyer had a set of twins stairs that led up to a landing, and from there they went to the east wing and the west wing of the house. There was door that also led directly to a meeting room, and another that led to a balcony and another set of stairs that would lead a person to the back of the house. But as it stands Cole had to clear out both wings, then come down and deal with the dining hall, before going through the door that would lead to the back of the house.

There was also a basement, but whether by luck or by Providence it was not infected by anything. In fact it was where most of the players and the people stuck in the manor were staying, they along with a couple of horses that had been stolen. The horse thieves were being held captive at the behest of Cole.

He would not like to have been done with his work and come and find out that his targets had ran away, or some other ambitious Hunter had taken them for themselves. Quests could be stolen, and Cole did not expect there to be any difference when it comes to the Bounties on the second floor.

There was also an attic, but it could only be accessed from outside the house, more specifically the back. So definitely that was Cole\'s final destination. He marched up the stairs, or rather he was about too when the Sylvain along with the orc and two other humans stepped in his way.

"We would like to be in a party with you. Would you have us?" The Sylvain asked, but Cole smoothly sidestepped her and the others, giving her a single word answer as he placed his first foot into the stairs.


The orc huffed in anger, obviously miffed by Cole\'s blatant disregard. But that was his own problem, Cole could not be bothered by it. But the Sylvain was nothing if not persistent.

"We can pay you! Fifty gold! And you don\'t have to carry us completely, we can pull our own weight."

"You can\'t afford me, 50 gold? What a joke. My entire year from head to toe is at least 5000 gold, I really have no use. For any of you and you will only get in the way. Once I\'ve cleared the manor, or better yet the east wing, then we can talk. By then I should know whether or not I\'m in need for someone to carry my bags." After he finished saying that Cole marched up to the stairs and turned to the east wing.

There was a pair of double doors on it they were tightly shut, and that gave Cole pause. For houses that were like this, the idea of having doors to different wings were weird. Usually the wings were always open. With a nonchalant shrug Cole walked forward and stepped into the threshold of the east wing.

A beam of light was shot at his head. Cole dodged and pulled out his revolvers, and opened fire into the gloomy looking east wind. There was a wild screech of pain as more and more beams lit up in the darkness. It was from there Cole was able to see that there were at least a dozen eyeballs floating the hallways in front of him.

[Chao Blast] [ Fade]

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