
Chapter 1232 Damn...


Coughing into her palm Laila scratched at her cheek and looked at her feet. " Sorry. That might have been a little uncalled for. Especially since you haven\'t done anything evil in cycles."


"Don\'t look so surprised. We angels can tell. The Laws of Karma show you\'ve been somewhat Chaotic Neutral." She added, and my eyes went somewhat wide. "It will seem your soul is finally healing."

"What are you… my soul has been healed for cycles."

Laila nodded and shot me a measured stare. " That is true, but the psychological damage clings to someone longer than you can possibly imagine. Ever heard the saying \'people don\'t change\'? Well, that is very much true within a particular boundary. When was the last time you ate someone? Or tortured someone?"

Frowning, I folded my arms: I hadn\'t noticed this change. I have lived a long time now, but I hadn\'t had a good hunt in a while. And I don\'t feel the need to anymore. But did I actually heal, or has my Pride surpassed my desire to devour?

Perhaps my time on Iluthath has begun to affect my perception. I have remained here for a long time, maybe too long.

"Anyway. Lord Zadkiel is behind these doors." Laila said, pushing open the door as rays of blind light glimmered through my iris. By the time the light faded, I had found myself in a restaurant filled with dozens of people, burdon by the savory sound of sizzling meat on the grill.

"Oh! Arsene! This way!" A joy-filled voice resounded as I saw a young man waving his palm. Skin pale as the moon, with golden silver eyes, with a diamond shape tattoo between his brow. The stranger hysterically waved. "Over here!"

"Zad, you idiot!" Laila moaned, clenching her teeth. "Stop embarrassing me."

Unable to help from snickering, I was reminded of Gabriel. We maneuvered through the dense restaurant to Zadkiel, resting with a frothy bear in front of him. Cheeks a flush red, he eyed me over and beckoned me to sit.

"... I strangely thought this was going to be a serious conversation over food," I said, taking a seat. No longer surprised by the eccentric behaviors of the Fallen and Angels.

I should have known better.

"It can be both. But allow me to introduce myself. I am the Archangel, Seraphim of Mercy, Zadkiel. You can just call me Zad. Everyone else does." He joyously claimed, and my gaze slid to Laila, who sat beside him. Snatching his bear away, she sipped on it.

" Hehe, did my Laila give you an ear full?"


A cute flush rose over her cheeks as she snorted, looking the other way.

Zad chuckled softly, " Well. Don\'t feel bad. She does the same to me. And anyone else. This one likes to speak her mind. Anyway, where is Tiamat? I haven\'t seen her since the birth of Zaid."

"Eh? You know my son?"

A glimmer of surprise filled the Seraphims of Mercys of eyes. "I do… But it\'s shocking to hear you recognize him as your son."

"Well. He has made a lot of progress in my place. That deserves some recognition."

Not to mention. The only reason Zaid is still in the Nine Hells is to be bait. Recognition is a double edge sword for those with power. Should Zaid become stronger, he will be the perfect tool to eliminate all the cannon fodder in my path.

So I\'ll let him have the illusion of power within \'my\' hell. After its the duty of the Father to ensure their child is trained well. And not taken advantage of. This will be a good lesson for him.

I\'m such a good Dad.

Zadkiel smirked. " maybe. But we both know your actions hides a scheme. I am a bit curious, but Hell isn\'t in my jurisdiction. Shame I\'d have loved to investigate you."

"To what end?" I teased as a waiter brought Zad and me large tankards of ale. I lifted the glass, smiling as he shrugged.

"Mild curiosity. We live infinite lives. Teasing and Joking with one another remedy our eternal existences. Don\'t you think?" and he took a sip, smiling. " Arsene, do you believe anything can last forever?"

"Oh? Tia did say you have an interest in debates. Guess we are starting. "

His gaze narrowed. "Well. You don\'t have to participate, but I am curious. I\'ll even give you an example. Your love for Lilith. Do you think it will last forever?"

Lowering the tankard as the restaurant\'s noise continued to thunder. I firmly nodded. " I do. The best counter-example would be your love for the Father. You have lived longer than I can even imagine. How do you explain your affection for him? We both know the Father doesn\'t take action. Yet you bend a knee. You worship him with all your heart. Why have you not fallen out of love with him? Even Lucifer will still have dinners with him, apparently. Why is there no true hatred between the two? Even after so many cycles have passed."

"Why?" he asked.

I shrugged. " How am I supposed to know? But it\'s strange, isn\'t it? How many couples have remained together after a Hell Cycle of marriage and commitment? It could be due to one\'s mental fortitude or the madness that complements your other half. But who knows? Relationships aren\'t really my forte. In case you haven\'t noticed, aside from the Order of Chaos. I have no friends."

Zad displayed a bit of an annoyed expression, only to sigh. " That is true. " And he glanced at Laila minding her own business with her ale. " What do you think?"

"I think I should have spent my time with Tiamat."

\'You… Whatever. Arsene, I am quite satisfied with your answer, or lack thereof. Is there any—"

Taken away by the woman pulling a trace of raw meat between us, I only now notice that grill between the table. And my stomach instantly began to sizzle with zeal.

"I got every meat except fish. Figured you still don\'t like fish. But I must say you are missing out." Zad mentioned as Laila agreed.

"Spicy Tuna is the best."

"Hmmm. There is also salmon." Zad added, touching his chin; he smiled at me as the waitress plated the table.

"Zadkiel, if I had the authority, I would sentence every living thing that eats fish to the nine hells for all eternity. That\'s how much I hate fish." I told him, glaring as that accursed memory of when I was forced to eat fish awoke inside me.

Now I want to throw up.

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