
Chapter 866 Manipulation

Mending the injuries plaguing my flesh, I could not have cared about this hellish energy. I\'d been to the real Hells. And none of the instincts I\'d trained for all my life was ringing. To pull away from my training at such a dire time was not going to help me.

If it was some type of soul attack, I am sure my soul defense would devour it and help mend my injuries. Either way, it\'s either I absorb the energy or suffer. I don\'t have much choice. So instead of worrying, I focused my mind.

I wrapped myself in the mystery of Darkness and somehow found myself within an endless Abyss of Darkness coiling around me. Tracing over my wounds, the Darkness found its way into my veins, moving with the flow of my blood. It passed through my heart and was pushed throughout my body.

My thoughts slowly began to slip away, leaving only instincts. Hours, years, Cycles, Chaos Cycles, I don\'t know how long it had been as time did not exist, but as I awoke, my eyes fell upon the scarlet eyes of Mephisto sitting across from me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, leaning a little closer in the lotus position.

"How am I supposed to feel," I responded, unsure of the answer he was looking for, but it was the only one I had.

"Anger would be a normal reaction, but it seems like you\'ve regressed, and it bothers me." he uttered and hummed in a curious tone, "It does not matter, for now; we\'ll discuss later."

"Is it because you\'ve already figured it out?" I suggested, narrowing my eyes.

His smile deepened, "And that\'s the suspicious Arsene I know; good to see that hasn\'t changed. I have got an assignment for my disciple. I want you to close your mind and replay the battle with Belphegor, not at the beginning but at the end, where his power jumped to a level you couldn\'t perceive."

The air of mist tainted by the brimstone lingering in the air traced over my naked body. I had many questions regarding all this: Why was I here? Why was I a slave, and most importantly, where were Lilith and my two kids?


Hmm, interesting. Even with my emotions seemingly cut, I still feel attachment. Strange. Back on earth, I felt nothing at all. Except for the joy of searing the flesh on a pan of those taught to believe they were my equal.

"I will," I promised, although I am far more interested in this so call Black Sabbath that had Belphigor so interested.

"Good, and you better eat something, Izavith cuts you a lot of slack, but this is still a trial if she keeps helping you; who knows what will happen.

Recalling the years I went without filling my stomach while others had to eat each day despite their high cultivation, I could only nod, understanding the implications. Although, some of these events were caused by Izaviths involvement.

"Before you vanish, care to explain why I had my ass handed to me?"

Mephisto chuckled, "Is that the question? Not where your wife is?\'

"Lilith is a big girl, though I\'m interested. I\'m sure she\'s fine; she\'s got seven generals watching her."

Mephisto\'s eyes narrowed into that of a slit as his pupils shrunk, "Only seven? What happened to the rest."

It was my turn to smile, "You give me clear answers, and I\'ll tell you what happened."

Mephisto sighed, " The involvement of the abyssal fiends was never really part of my plan, but it\'s only a minor inconvenience."

"Till it becomes big."

Vanishing from my sight and leaving many unanswered questions, I peered into the Darkness tainted by the scarlet light slowly slithering around my Soul Flame. Devouring the soul essence, which I was sure was supposed to torment me somehow, the cooling heat of fire warmed my flesh.

Returning a healthy glow, instead of the paleness, I once more reached into the ring of bael to find something to eat.

Two days had passed, and with me actively trying to mend my injuries, I regained the ability to move; the only downside was that my body was so weak that I couldn\'t use much divinity. But it was enough to kill someone my level before returning to a coma.

Sucking in a foul breath of air to fully fill my lungs, I ignored the sour scent that made my stomach churn. When all of a sudden, my ears puckered at the sound of the chamber doors trembling.

Doors opening, I stared dead at the same Guardsman I had memorized. He was a little pale today. But despite the straight face he was showing me, I could feel the sin of wrath coursing through him.

Applying a bit of sin to my voice, I spoke, " Who are you? Your name."

The Guardsman froze, and almost like he had spoken involuntarily, his name slipped from his lips, " Ivan Telp."

Showing a smile that I had perfected to guard my emotions, I continued, " And what is a strong guardsman like you doing here? You\'re a Low God, am I right? One who just made a big breakthrough."

He trembled as the Sin of Pride took root in his heart.

"H-H-How are you still sain?" He uttered faintly, almost too scared to ask.

"It\'s ok to feel proud; I\'m sure the enchanting Ezra has taken note of it. A fairly handsome man like you, who is, to be honest, the only decent-looking man here. When I first awoke, I was greeted by a half-blood dwarf, not even a pure-blood one."

Peering into his Devils Heart, I slowly began twisting it to my will. Such an ability came from my soul, but it never required energy. It was simply something my soul did.

"Lead me to Ezra, and I\'ll show you something you\'ll never forget. She is, after all, just a woman. How could she resist a talented man such as yourself?"

"She\'ll kill—"

"She\'ll fall to her knees as all women do. But if you keep wasting time, I\'m sure that Dwarf will be the one attempting to bed the candy of your eye."

Ezra is going to kill this fool. A rat would have a better chance to bed her than this idiot.

Smile deepening. I struggled to stand up and stepped to his side, " Lead me to Ezra, and I\'ll show you a way to prove your love."

"Really," He whispered, with his cheeks reddening like a love-struck woman, as I applied the sin of greed to give him the desire to have her, Sloth to make sure he doesn\'t run wild, and lust to make sure all his IQ runs to his cock.

"Have you ever been rejected? If you had, I\'m sure they were all dykes." I mused, unsure where these idiotic words of mine were coming from, " Raise your head, champ. And let\'s go get you laid."

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