
Chapter 356: Silvia Scara - Devil Flame

Chapter 356: Silvia Scara - Devil Flame

"She truly is a monster," I whispered from high above, covered in a sphere of abyssal energy. "You think Grey will live if she continues in such a wild manner?"

"Yes, that barrier is still active. It will slow the aging down." Said Elsa slowly, studying the fragile appearance of the once young man. He was now older, appearing rather middle-aged bordering old. His skin was beginning to sag, and his back had started to bend. "Did you know she could do that?"

"Yes. It\'s quite the ability. At its peak, one will simply become a hollow shell, as she drains them of all what they are." I said, but not daring to speak of the weakness it held. "it\'s an inherent ability from the Lilim."

"What is your inherent ability? I have never seen Arsene use one... IN fact, what type of Devil is he? The word devil is so abstract considering the millions of types there can be."

"That is why we chose to simply say, Devil. And Arsene is a royal devil, demon hybrid. Royal Devils usually unlock a unique ability. As for what it is, I cannot say. In fact, I don\'t even think he knows. His flames have been his only weapon for such a long time." I gently said, returning my sights upon the chilling gaze of Zanris.

"We will not fall to this," Andor charismatically cheered, holding his head high.

"Aye, your dead," Ragnor stated, pushing Grace away, "Stay out of this!" He warned, causing a smile to appear on the sinful appearance of the Lilim.

"It seems we found our weakness," Elsa voiced, "Your immortal, so you will be fine; just make sure everything goes right."

"Not a problem," I replied with a dark smile.

"AAAAAAHH!!!" Howling, the clanks of iron passing one another stormed the heavens sending shockwaves throughout the entirety of Sa\'ar. Mountains began to quake, and vanish twisting to dust in a matter of seconds, while new ones began to take form by the explosions that never ended.

Holding her blade untouched by all, Zanris stared silently at the two men, beginning to breathe heavily, "You are outclassed. The both of you," She said without emotion.

"How can a single Devil be this strong?" Ragnar shouted, raising his bastard sword high. Suddenly, his azure stare began to shift to silver as various swords began to appear around him, humming with power. They stood at rest, but there was a powerful sword intent overflowing, causing space to tremble.

"How long can you last?" Said Zanris, "And what of you, Little Demon? I hear you were created, but from what I can see, you are but a low-level demon... a pitiful incubus. No wonder your brother Kain was such a fiend. At least he was able to give dear Lisa a good time."

My God! Is this really Zan? She is so much different! What the hell? I hope I don\'t become crazy like her.

Sneering powerful spear intent appeared overflowing from the spear within Andor\'s hands. Shimmering like the stars, he blinked, clashing with Zanris.


Sending another shocked wave around the Island, the seas began to pick up, and the powerful storm began to brew within the air, but Zanris remained still and untouched. Her cardinal eyes reflected the images of her targets.

Twisting her body in the air, she sent a kick towards Andor, who blocked but was still sent flying away, basting through various mountain ranges. Sending him off, Zan\'s arms began to blur as she shifted into a pillar of light, twisting at speeds I could barely see. Leaving only a trail of crimson light as she parried and dodged the endless blades of Ragnar. It was like a painting, the way the scarlet trail and sparkles clashed with the ethereal swords.

"Fuck! Andor get up! She is to fast tie her down I will cast a circle!" he roared as his gaze began to be filled with a powerful divinity.

Scuffing Andors body too began to glimmer with a sinful divinity as he arose from the rumble, not in the least bit wounded. Taking a single step, space seemed to compress as he appeared right before Zan. Sending a vicious punching to her gut, she was sent flying like a falling star.

Coughing amount full of blood, Zan grunted from a barren mountain base. Sensing the mighty divinity upon his body, a shiver trickled down my spine. It was dreadful, freezing everything it touched.

"Tempest of Heavenly blade, Gather by my law. Recede from the depts of the Darkness, and Walk the Path of Light!" Ragnor chanted as the Qi form from all of Midgard began to appear.

Frowning at the change, I flickered to Zan, who pushed herself from the rubble with a heavy expression. Bleeding from the lips, she coughed another mouthful of blood up. "This was not the plan."

"Neither were you almost killing one of us," I coldly replied, sending the young demoness a deep stare, "But Let me show you the power of Fire."

Licking my lips, I remained by zanris side. Opening my palms, a deep red flame appeared, swirling like a small galaxy. Clenching it down, My emblem appeared above my head.

"Come Forth Dáinsleif," Ragnar roared as if to cast judgment.

And Judged I felt, as the air became calm, and the laws around me stable. Even the Domain of Zanris became almost visible when a shadow appeared within his palms. A golden sword that sparkled with dwarven inscriptions. It was not overly long, but neither elegant appearing rather common. But its power was incomprehensible.

However, the longer I stared, the more I felt my heart and soul beginning to be cut. Blood had already started to overflow as he hoisted his blade high.

"The Sword one can ever heal form," I said without fear.

Increasing my sigil, all of the qi around simple began to vanish as Zanris withdrew her domain, allowing me to freely take Qi.

"Only one!" Said Zan childishly, sticking her tongue at me, "Than these two are Zans!"

"Of course," I told rising into the air, in the face of Ragnar holding the blade of Dáinsleif.

Snapping my fingers, a large circle appeared from the depths of my soul into reality around my crest, sending shivers of fear down those that saw it. It was complex, holding the Crest of the House of Lucifer within its center. The First Fallen.

"Lilith made me hers, but it was Arsene who turned me. Just as Zan is a Royal, So to am I. "I ruthlessly declared as a single flame appeared. It was gentle, unlike the usual flame that were wild. This one was different. There was something about it that made it seem forbidden.

"Ragnar... Stop... RUN! RUN!!!" Andor screamed, rushing to his comrade as I pointed, and he swung down towards my head from a distance. "Sitri said RUN!!!!"

"Kindling of the First Hell, Lerna"

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