
Chapter 325: Nyx - The Snake Appears

Chapter 325: Nyx - The Snake Appears

"Nyx! My sweet darling!" Adrienne lovingly sang, clinging upon my arm with a heavy blush, "Come, let\'s have a few rounds. Hela will be joining, and so will Astrid. We can go for a few million years just like our first time."

Blushing a bit, remembering that embarrassing time, I hastily shook my head, "Sorry, I\'m taken." I whispered, turning my head as not to be tempted.

"Boo!" Adrienne pouted, kissing my cheeks with her warm lips, "That bastard Hades dares to take a member of my harem!"

Rolling my eyes, I flicked her head, "Stop it, I never joined. It was just a one-night stand."

"Darling, it was definitely longer than one night." Adrienne sang, twirling off of me as though she was in a ball. "But you are not here for that. Are you dearie? Tell me, what can Master do for you?"

"He has the parts," I solemnly said, watching Master turn icy in an instant. Losing her childlike nature, she narrowed her emerald eyes and frowned.

"Nyx, are you sure about this? Do you know what Arsene is doing right now? What could happen if you help him?"

"Did you know he is of royalty now? A Noctem Prince?" I coldly asked, capturing any type of microexpression Adrienne may display.

Cracking a passionate smile, she nodded, "Of course, why do you think I said I would help you, or rather him. It has been a while since I have been to Noctem."

Squinting my eyes at this new piece of information, I remained silent. Adrienne was many things, a monster, a killer, a liar, but one thing I knew was that she would never betray those that gained her trust.

"Arsene truly is a mystery, If I did not see him dealing with Yeshamiel and Sitri as such, I would be ignorant, but it begs the question, what is Arsene planning? Do you know, don\'t you?"

"Nope!" I harshly responded. Master was a wild card. She loved pranks, especially ones that could get you killed. To her, life was a game, and she was playing freely as she liked.

Pouting in response, she leaped into my embrace like a koala clinging to my arm, pressing her breast upon my flesh; she rubbed her cheeks against my shoulder. "Please! No, be mean!"Adrienne childishly cried in words that barely made sense.

Flicking her once again, I rolled my eyes; I did not even bother to ask if she was ready before teleporting this walking disaster into a secluded courtyard in the underworld.

Feeling a few eyes upon us, Adrienne glanced around, her gaze falling upon the young man of our earlier discussion.

"Can I presume this is Adrienne Di Lucarvis? You are not what I expected. Tell me, Nyx does Hades know about your playboy... Playgirl habits?" Arsene amusingly inquired, pressing his index finger upon his lips, "Although I don\'t blame you, she is quite ravishing."

Tearing off the Koala, drooling upon my shoulder, I hastily ran behind Arsene to hide, "She is a bit of a perv. Don\'t be fooled by her body; there is a pervy man hidden behind that beauty."

Snorting, Adrienne arched her head high, spinning around with a lustful smile; she slapped her curvy ass, tracing her fingers up to her overly large breasts clinging to her tight leather jacket, "Please, this is all woman, interested?"

Amused but not enough to smile, Arsene shook his head, "Another time maybe," He hollowly said, raising his hands towards the Temptress of darkness.

"Poo, your no fun!" she reluctantly responded, shaking his hand.

"Circumstances, I\'m afraid."

"So we may have a chance?" She jeered to the untainted eye. Master was only interested in women, although she did love playing with fire.

"Are you all done?" Tang Feng asked, with large black eyes. Covering my mouth, laughter abruptly rang from Adrienne.

"Did your son kick your ass?" she laughed, "You look like a panda."

Clenching his teeth so loud, I felt the very lands beginning to shake. I hid my smile.

"Guessing that is something I will be looking forward to in the future?" Arsene half-heartedly asked.

"Yep, knowing my son, he is definitely sending an army to kill you. You had best warn Ygg."

"Please, Little Ygg knows Levi-chan, the other piece of ass I have yet to taste." Adrienne begrudgingly said, "Such a wasted life. I mean, come on, god gave her that rocking ass. It\'s not fair; only Asmo can have it. Anyway, she will be fine to a certain extent."

Hiding my shame, I turned around while Arsene, for the first time, became lost for words. Peering out of the corner of my eye, I could see the twitching of his cheeks as he shook his head.

"I swear every time I am with you, Adrienne; you say some shit that could get you killed." Tang Feng horrifically said.

"Please, I even told Asmo I would steal my darling Levi, but he just laughed, although I do regret that day. Thank god for Levi-chan, she definitely saved me, but I did get to steal a kiss! Asmo was so mad! Tee-Hee"

Unable to hear her brag of her semi conquest, I pressed on the conversation, "So when can we start?" I hastily asked before Master said any more foolishness.

" My first stop was Hephaestus; I even brought some better equipment for him to use, but Arsene, are you ready?" Tang Feng solemnly asked.

Building such a weapon needed a great deal of time, and we are limited on such, very limited.

"I need a few weeks, if not a month. Will that be enough time to prepare everything." Said Arsene, oddly enough not at all filled with anticipation.

"Yes and no, I know you are busy, but we need you to start the furnace. Your flames are very special, so we need to make adjustments."

"I see, but this must be done not un this plane but in the shadow realm away from prying eyes," Arsene uttered, turning to Master, "Tell me, Adrienne, what do you think of the chances of Aldrich finding out about his?"

"And you just assume I know him?" Master replied with a foxy smile, touching her sensual lips.

"You annoyed Asmodeus; I can most definitely say you have pissed him off as well? Does he have a wife?"

Frowning for a moment, a blinding flash of darkness swallowed everything. Questioning my eyes at the surprised expression of Arsene, I could see joy and madness twisting back and forth upon his appearance.

"Good, I see things are starting to come together. " He muttered with such an icy stare I thought I was looking at an enraged Adrienne.

"We need to go now," Tang Feng said, "Lighting the furnace with Arsene flames could take thousands of years. we need to start now!"

Smiling for Arsene, I passed my hands through his hair, "We are getting close." I said while he nodded.

"We truly are." He weakly replied, revealing a weak side I had never seen before, "I have never thanked you have I, Nyx? But, I will now. Thanks. Thanks for everything. Your help... your help is invaluable."

Hugging his head, I kissed his cheek, "Go! I will be there later."

Nodding his head, Adrienne stared deep into my eyes, "It would seem a snake is here," She said coldly, staring off towards in the distance towards the entrance of the underworld, Aeneas.

Arching my lips, I coldly narrowed my eyes, "Leave the snake to Hades and me, you two ready the Flames of Hellfire."

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