
Chapter 322: Freyr - Bloody Head!

Chapter 322: Freyr - Bloody Head!

"What is this?" The God of the Hunt, Ullr coldly muttered as we arrived. Glaring down at Arsene and a few others upon a crimson lake sipping tea, he turned to us, beckoning with his arm.

"A trap," I whispered, sending a glace toward the top hierarchy of the Vanir Clan.

"How did he know we were even coming?" said mother, passing her hands through her blond hair." Where is that sister of yours?"

"She would not do something this foolish," I hastily commented, unable to believe Freya would do something this foolish.

"Agreed, but lady Nerthus, what could she possibly gain from helping Arsene?" Ullr uttered, pulling his gaze off of Arsene.

"How you men even got to rule is such a mystery," Mother scornfully sneered, "You underestimate the madness we can experience, although why she complains is beyond me. All she had to do was spread her legs, foolish child. I cannot believe I spawned such a useless swine."

"Mother!" I shouted, clenching my fist, "Do not speak another word in regards to my sister. She did this to save us, and Odin played her till she broke. You cannot—"

"I shall speak how I wish, boy! Freya had it good; we gave her the best opportunity; it\'s not my fault she couldn\'t dominate her man. God of Sex, my ass, she was nothing."

"Enough of this. We need to kill Arsene. I left the Aesir\'s due to thor abusing mother; I will not allow Arsene to do the same."

Recalling the reports regarding Sif, I kept them to myself. shuttering, not daring to speak of them. "Not yet; we were obviously betrayed. Let\'s see what he has to say."

"then I shall stay behind to watch over the army," said Gerer, my lovely wife, "you three be careful if I see anything I shall attack."

Solelmly nodding, we descended towards the devil, upon the lake of crimson. Touching upon the lake, a slit ripple appeared as we took a seat on the far end of the table.

"Are you done arguing whether this was a trap or not?" He kindly asked, causing me to narrow my eyes, "But it doesn\'t matter. Welcome, I have been expecting you. This is Grey, Elsa, and Salazar."

(A/N: Salazar is Arsene Grandfather if you don\'t remember.)

"Who told you?" Mother venomously asked,

"Freya, of course,"

"Impossible, my little sister would never!" I shouted, clenching my fist tight.

"It doesn\'t matter what you believe because I am here to inform you of the recent changes in the Vanir hierarchy."

"That little bitch!" Mother scornfully screamed, slapping the table in anger. Shooting a fiery glare towards Arsene, she sneered, "What could you possibly give her aside from your cock? You are screwing her, aren\'t you?"

"So this is a god?" Grey half-heartily announced, "And here I thought they would have some class?"

"I would agree, my boy, even we mortals know to keep such discussion behind closed doors. I mean, none have even introduced themself. It will seem like they were raced by savages." Salazar uttered, stroking his beard with a disdainful smile present

"Come now, you two," Elsa, that bloody ice queen, said, "Allow me, that is Ullr, the mother of the woman I was telling you about. At the—"

"Enough of this, where is my mother!" Ullr shouted angrily, exploding out in a powerful divinity. "We want her back! NOW!"

However, despite Ullr\'s vicious divinity, a dominating divinity soon appeared, protecting everyone that sat at the table as a handsome man in strange garms similar to Arsene appeared by that devil\'s side. "No, need for that. Master, I brought what you asked for."

"All three of them?"

"But of course, Freya is holding the final one. She did not want to give it up, and I felt it was within her right."

Feeling on guard, mother arose with a heavy expression, "Who are you?"

"His name is Zalvek," Arsene introduced, "But he is not here for you all."

"Enough of these games Arsene, what the hell is going on?" Ullr asked, growing fed up with these games, as was I.

Feeling the pit of my stomach beginning to tear, a spit in space appeared. Shivering, I gazed upon my twin sister, smiling vibrantly. Her entire body was disheveled and bloody, but she seemed to be joyful—something I had not seen since the death of Odin.

"Brother, Mother, I have something to tell you!" She shouted, placing her palms upon Arsene\'s shoulder. She kissed his cheeks to my shock. "Thank you, truly thank you."

"But we are not done; show them, " Arsene commanded, neither showing joy or infatuation from the touch of Freya.

"Sister, what are you—"

"Let her speak!" Mother demanded in an icy tone.

Flashing me a smile, Freya dug her hand into the ripples of space. Shaking in place, our eyes widened, and my heart froze as it appeared.

Unable to move, I could only stare as father hung by Freya\'s hands. Watching the still-warm blood trickling from his head, I turned to her licking her bloody lips.

"He begged, and begged, AHAHA He begged till his pants ran wet and he knelt. Tell me, mother, did you expect this? Tell me, who will you spread your legs for now?" Freya howled in laughter. "I am sure Sif will enjoy having a familiar face; what do you think, Arsene?"

"I don\'t see why not; this is, after all, that I promised you. They are your subjects, do with them what you please."

"Father!" I muttered, wanting to rush towards him, wanting to take him back, but noticing the icy eyes of Arsene, I halted my steps. Feeling everything happening was within his design.

"Freya, what have you done!" Mother weakly said, covering her mouth.

"So Freyr, what do you think your choices are? Your father is dead, your sister is siding with me, and we are currently in a realm war. I believe you are out of options, don\'t you?" Arsene warmly said, sending my heart into a state of chaos.

"Anger and sadness is quite the most accurate response, but I recommend you hold it all in. Right now, you have a choice to make, join me and let Freya upon the throne, or we battle. Either way, blood will fall."

"mother," I rushed to say as she drew her weapon, glaring hatefully at Freya,

"YOU KILLED HIM! WHY WHY!!" She screamed in tears, glaring daggers at her daughter that held the head of my father.

"Do you remember when I came to you, after my first time with Odin? Do you remember how you dragged me back to him, drugged me, and had him **** me for the next century till the drug wore off? Yet you ask why? Or maybe when you sided with Mimir to send me into the lion\'s den? Honestly, I lost track of the fucked up things you have done to me."

Eh? What? No, mother would not do such a thing! NO!

"Heimdall was to care for you! He was supposed to watch over you!" Mother screamed.

"Watch? Of course, he watched, probably played with himself doing so." Freya hatefully replied, "I was a sacrifice, and now the tables have turned."

"So you killed your father!" Ullr screamed, "You\'re a monster!"

"Tell that to your mother; I hear Sif\'s pussy is so worn out I am surprised she is still taking it. I hear it\'s still tight even after this long. Demons, Orcs, goblins, and various other things are playing with all her holes, yet all she does is screams thors name. Even with all that hatred, all she can do is scream the name of the man who she once loved."

"I will never let you upon the throne!" Mother... No, Nerthus shouted, pointing her blade towards Freya; I, however, knew better. Gazing upon the indifferent eyes of Arsene, and that monster by his side turned to the bloody head of father.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I bit my lips, "Freya... the throne was always yours, just let mother live. Do not take her away from us. The Vanir Clan still needs her! Please!"

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