
Chapter 239: Flames of Hellfire

Chapter 239: Flames of Hellfire

<Reign of Hellfire>

Waving my palm with ruthless intent, massive draconic flame exploded from my arms, causing space and time to melt and distort. However, the flames suddenly began to twist into a massive domain of hell. With the flames searing my skin, I stepped towards the five elders, all within the realm of Nascent souls.

Flooding my mind and body with Soulforce, I gripped dragonsbane as seven elements of nature began to take form within the heavens. Earth, Wind, Blood, Illusion, Light, Lightning, and Darkness.

"Elder Bjorg... who is this boy?" A horrified elder muttered in a deep tone. Nevertheless, I wasn\'t trying to listen, watching as their skin was burning even faster than mine. Unlike me, there were not resistant, requiring them to use massive qi to survive, and even then, qi was not the answer in resisting my flames.

I was originally not planning on using the flames of hellfire, but with the new information, such plans were out the window, and what I was about to do required the death of millions.

"KILL HIM NOW!!!" Bjorg screamed; however, my body suddenly faded as millions of strings of lightning fell from heaven in an endless stream of rain. Fusing many elements together, crimson, golden, and azure lightning began tearing the port city apart.

Weaving through the flames, Bjorg arrived before my body that was covered in darkness. Not surprise my gaze remained chilled as the FLames of hellfire suddenly began to stab towards Bjorg like small needles.

Scrunching my brow at how unusual the flames were acting, I reacted as the flames of hellfire stormed Bjorg\'s unsuspecting body. This was my domain linked to my subconscious. I didn\'t need to think as I knew I would always protect myself. I was a selfish bastard, after all.

"SPREAD YOUR WINGS, TYPHOEUS!!!" I screamed as her draconic roar bellowed from the flames of hellfire.


Suddenly the entire domain exploded at my will, turning into a massive pillar of flames tearing reality apart as a faint image of the Bifr?st became visible. Hearing the screams of the five nascent souls. I narrowed my gaze as my injuries began to worsen. However, as I gazed down at the flames of hellfire reigning over the port city. My gaze chilled at the city consumed in white, slowly turning a deep shade of black.

"ARSENE!!!!" a scream of despair resounded within my ears.

Completely naked, I gazed upon Bjorg with bone-chilling injuries. His bones and organs were all but visible as the flames of hellfire continued tearing apart his body. Like maggots, my flames continued to decimate his soul and body.

"WHY?!!" He yelled as I watched his soul begin to fade in and out.

"Why?" I whispered in a hushed tone as I felt the endless stream of souls filling me. "Bjorg, is there a reason we feel greed? is there a reason bad things happen to good people?"

Tilting my head towards the four nascent souls being consumed into my body, I could not help but smile as I suppressed my breakthrough. Shaking my head, dragonsbane hummed in glee, absorbing all the souls that were being slaughtered by the flames of hellfire.

"Think of it as bad luck or me being petty for being hunted like a dog." I hummed in disinterest at the endless screams around me. "Honestly, I never wanted this to happen, but it seems my wish for a more personal ending will not happen. Life sure is a bitch wouldn\'t you agree? I wanted to fuck your niece, but she may be dead, but who knows. Maybe I will get lucky in the future. "

Watching tears begin to fall, Bjorg fell to knees as the flames began to grow stronger by the seconds. These flames were the only edge I had against all of creation. They were something that should not exist. There is no playing fair; if my enemies can\'t find a counter, then this advantage I hold is massive.

Raising my palm, I sent Bjorg a deep look, "Come, Bjorg. Join your family, let me hear your eternal screams of anguish," I whispered, clenching my fist as my flames suddenly exploded from his body, turning it into dust.

Waving my palm, I extinguish the flames within a five-meter radius, letting me have a second of freedom as I gazed around the hell caused by me. I was waiting on the sect leader, but it seems he was not worried about the sect but rather his family. Shaking my head, I began melding my injuries as the flames began growing stronger.

"I...I am a monster." I uttered aloud, my words over-covered by the flames and screams of my victims. "I-I-I actually feel bad."

Stuffing out the foolish feelings that should not exist, my heart turned cold as I took a deep breath. "I need to finish this."

Removing my mask, dark demonic scales began to grow from my skin as large wings expanded out, overshadowing all of creation with darkness.

Taking to the heavens, my emblem suddenly began to fill the ash-covered heavens screaming in anguish. However, unlike before, my emblem was not dark as night but rather white as snow pulsing with heavenly yet demonic power.

"If you are good, be good; if you are evil, be evil. Is there a point in being in the middle? At this instant... I, Arsene Snow, am evil. So suffer, and burning at my will."

Suddenly Heaven and Earth began to quake, yet; my will was not deterred as I felt the will of millions of Divine senses trying to invade my body only to turn to ash by the flames of hellfire.

Sending my emblem, a deep look, a ruthless smile filled my soul as I pointed down at the city of flames. Suddenly the monster known as TYPHOEUS clawed its way out of my emblem. Its Ashen body consumed with the power of hellfire. Releasing a deep breath of flames, it fell towards Midgard like a pillar of holy light.



Howling in laughter, my mind flashed back to the night of Baphomet decimated a galaxy. Suddenly a large amount of information began to fill my mind as my laughter only grew more derange.

<Noctem of Destruction>

Feeling the seven sins rising at the endless streams of souls, I finally understand how ruthless the War of Demons and Devil were. This Arte was fueled by my rage, my darkness, and my sins. It was a demon arte that preyed on those both stronger and weak than I. Noctem of Destruction is an arte of true Darkness.

"Baphomet, you are pushing me deeper into your debt, yet it begs the question? What is it a man of your power and statue wants with me? Is it truly for an apostle, or do you wish for something more?"

Chuckling at the silence, my body began to fade out as the souls began to stop flowing into my body. Teleporting myself to a secluded area completely surrounded by darkness, my gaze grew empty as I spoke in a deep tone.

"Looks like it\'s finally time for me to make a deal with the Nine Hells." I whispered, "From this point on, my blood will no longer hold the Blood of the Nines.

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