
Chapter 74: Castle of Brimstone - Blazing Demon

Chapter 74: Castle of Brimstone - Blazing Demon

"Flama?" I whispered to myself as I gazed at the massive Demon bearing down at me with uncertainty—his crimson eyes holding confusion yet a hint of astonishment.

"You know my true name? Strange, we have never met before." He responded, meticulously stroking his beard. "I was born from these very flames, but I was never allowed to travel or interact with anyone freely, yet you, a mere mortal, know of my true name."

Gulping, I felt a chill filled my soul as I looked around at the blazing inferno of white flames. Something was going on. Yet the warning of Gabriel rang like wedding bells in my ears. "This game is far more complicated than what you think. Even the words you are currently speaking are nothing more than illusions, governed into the heavens themselves by its new ruler."

"Your name is Arsene Snow, born in the Year of Ash, currently Fifteen, holding an Ancient Physique only held by one other. You hold the blood of Bael and Tenabrea, yet your neither a demon, devil, nor Shade. So tell me, boy, why should I give you my flame?" Asked Flama as a massive screen appeared displaying the battle with Karthronig.

A cold grimace had masked Yura as everyone laid still on the battlefield spilling blood from their bodies. A silver crown had graced her head as her very outfit had changed into silver armor that wrapped like silver serpents around her body, displaying an outward beauty. Space and Time seemed to bend like water as she gazed towards the flame, or was it me one last time? A half-smile seem to flash as she muttered, "I am waiting...I will always be waiting."

Karthronig\'s arm was all but missing as he clenched his missing limb. Glared down at Yura with hate, "You\'re a real monster, even by the ancient standards. I see why they are after you. It will not be surprising if the kings begin targeting you."

Yura didn\'t seem to register what he said as Sigfried shifted into a massively long Katana matching the very weapon Karthronig was using. Sword intent rained from the very void as Yura growled with a feral intent of a white wolf. "The Kings of Hell and the Court of Nox are already hunting me, but even they dear not anger my family. Why do you think Lord Asmodeus sided with us? It\'s not because of our strength but something far deadlier."

Bitting my lips, I felt something in my heart begin to heat up as my vision faded, memories of a lost time surface, as I stood surrounded in black flames in a void of darkness as Yura stood across from me with an infatuated glare.

My blood began to race as she drew close, ignoring my very flames that seem to sear the very sun itself. "Arsene, I finally found you," She whispered with a hint of madness.

Opening my eyes, I turned towards Flama, a hint of impatiens present as I yelled, "I will give you freedom! You are simply a consciousness, so accompany me. I don\'t care; just let me out." I roared, consumed by my very impatience. It was strange; it was like there was a connection between Yura and myself, slowly getting stronger. Yet, no matter how much my body adapted, this feeling continued to grow.

"I don\'t know how you know so much about me or my body, but one thing is clear you are stuck. This might be the last time someone like me will come around. I can adapt to anything, so it\'s not about me being worthy but whether you will settle for the one that could release you from this hell you are in."

Flama grew surprised for the second time as he frowned, "Your time stream is like that girl...it doesn\'t exist, but you are correct. Gabriel may have chosen correctly, fine boy, allow me to see the very heavens through your eyes." Yell Flama as he ignited into a massive white sun that seemed to span as far as the galaxy itself.

I bellowed with a powerful roar as my left pupil ran hot, causing my emblem to appear high above my head. Suddenly, information like no other branded itself into my emblem as I struck out, shattering the very void around me. With heat pushing from my lungs, I growled, releasing a stream of hot air.

Glaring at Yura and Karthronig battling at speeds that I found hard to believe, I smiled savagely. Activating the Mark of Sacerlege, I shot forward. Black and white flames covered me in a blanket as I appeared next to Yura in a fiery flash.

With a tap to her shoulder, my flames gripped her very blade with an ancient power as she bellowed, already knowing my intent, <celestrial oblivian=""></celestrial>

Space and time became split as she struck down with indifference before these very laws began being seared into nothingness as Yura gripped my shoulder, teleporting me along with everyone else away. Suddenly all sound faded as if we were in a vacuum. My lungs began to expand and bleed as I looked in horror at the flames that began searing reality.

A feral roar filled with agony suddenly sounded as Karthronig\'s very soul was disintegrating. No longer would his soul exist within this reality; no longer could he reincarnate as his very existence will fade from all. Turning to Yura, who smiled, I saw the light fade from her gaze as she fell unconscious within my arms.

"It\'s not over," A voice yelled from behind me as I faded like an illusion, along with Yura leaving a flaming afterimage of myself behind for someone to attack.

"Karthronig," I said as I looked at his still burning soul and then towards the ugly grimace of the man before me.

"You really did a number on my second body. Do you have any idea how much resources it takes to make a clone of that caliber," said Karthronig with a terrifying voice? "Damn these princes, why did they pick me? Why is my power so limited here."

Ignoring his comment, I gently placed Yura on the ground as black and White flames gripped my body. I could feel my emblem pulsing as Flama\'s voice sounded, "You have ten minutes. After that, your borrowed power will vanish, and I will merge with your soul."

Nodding inwardly, a deep set of black and white wings gripped my back as I levitated off the ground. My qi and not changed but rather my understanding of what Dao was and what the flames of Hellfire are capable of doing. Knowledge was power, and currently, I was holding an almost infinite amount of knowledge gifted by Flama, all be it only temporary.

Tightening my grip around Dragonsbane, I envisioned Typhoeus through my spear. Causing Dragonbane to morph into a spear that held the appearance of a black dragon that bellowed towards the Heavens. A faint whisper could be heard as Dragonsbane quivered as if it was alive, as if it was trying to tear the heavens apart. Dragonsbane was alive, pulsing with evil intent as I glared at Kathronic. Not worrying about it, for now, I released a feral growl before dropping from the crimson skies.

Seeing me fall, Karthronig shivered for a second but stilled dashed towards me as he bellowed with hate, "ARSENE!!!"

"Karthronig!!!" I responded as our blades clashed.


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