
Chapter 99 A Maiden's Scar [TRIGGER WARNING]

The war on Vestfold was reaching a climactic conclusion but this was not the only place that was changing as Kattegat was a lot different than Askild had left it.

Herfjötur was healed up but she relinquished her power to Ulrik because she knew he could protect Kattegat better than she could, and Garda had settled in nicely as well thanks to being the woman of Ulrik.

"Ulrik, no word from Vestfold?" Karl asked his commander and Ulrik shook his head.

"I have not heard anything from them, but if Askild fell in the battle word would have reached us so he is good," Ulrik dismissed Karl\'s worry because he understood that the death of Askild would mean the end of Kattegat.

Everyone would want to claim it, Ulrik was a good leader but he was no king material.

"Ulrik darling!" Garda called out, clinging to his arm and Ulrik smiled the moment he saw her.

"Hahaha! Garda, what are you doing here?" Ulrik said with a smile and it was clear from Karl\'s face that he did not support this union as he still had suspicion regarding Garda.

He feared that Ulrik was losing his sharp edge and Garda was dulling his intuition that made him so renowned.

"I am glad you two are getting along," A voice said in the opposite direction, it was Lagertha.

Lagertha was happy that Garda had cracked the hardened heart of Ulrik, it started with Ulrik wanting to keep an eye on her until they entered a relationship.

"Lady Lagertha!" Garda greeted, breaking away from Ulrik\'s arm as she bowed her head.

Lagertha was with Herfjötur, Herfjötur looked as majestic as ever, towing over everyone like a fucking watchtower.

Herfjötur looked at Ulrik and how lovey-dovey he had gotten with Garda, it was a rare thing to see because Ulrik was never one to let down his guard around people yet he was full of openings with Garda, this was love.

"Any news about who might be responsible?" Ulrik asked, and both women shook their heads.

They now had doubts that Arvid was the one responsible for the death of Egil and the random Viking on the street but he was guilty of the crime against Asger.

Where did he get such a unique poison? These were questions they wanted to know the answer to because there was a greater threat that lurked within their very walls.

"This uncertainty is not healthy as we have no way of disproving Arvid\'s involvement. These are just speculations so let\'s keep it amongst ourselves." Herfjötur blurred out, she wanted to hang onto the fragile peace Kattegat had managed to hold onto.

Ulrik nodded in agreement, but Garda\'s breast pressed up against his forearm sent the blood meant for his brain flowing in the wrong direction.

He quickly bid Lagertha and Herfjötur farewell as he rushed home with Garda to blow her back out.

Lagertha looked at Herfjötur, both women giggling at this side of Ulrik. It was a refreshing side and Lagertha was also relieved that Garda was now in the care of one of the strongest men in Kattegat.

"Lagertha, about Erik…" Herfjötur started but Lagertha glared at her with such intensity that Herfjötur could not complete her sentence.

"That\'s enough Herfjötur…" Lagertha warned but Herfjötur had had enough, Lagertha was no longer her superior whom she had to take orders from and on the contrary, it was quite the opposite.

"You have to tell Ragnar, Lagertha!" Herfjötur warned.

Lagertha was infuriated by her insistence and tried to walk away but Herfjötur grabbed her by the arm.

"Lagertha, I know it is not in my place but the longer you wait, the harder it is going to be to tell him." Herfjötur sounded like a worried sibling.

Lagertha stopped in her tracks as she began to tremble, turning to Herfjötur with tears in her eyes. This was a sad sight to see and she did not want anyone to see Lagertha in this state so she took her to her place which was nearby.

"Lagertha, I am sorry. I should not have said that…" Herfjötur apologized, offering her a glass of water to cool off, but Lagertha had come to her senses.

She calmed down and realized that Herfjötur was right because she would not like it if her husband kept anything from her but she did this for his best interest or at least that was what she told herself. She was grateful for Herfjötur because she told her as it was.

She told her when she was messing up and this was one of those times.

"You are right, Herfjötur. I need to tell my husband what Erik did to me…" Lagertha muttered, gulping water.

"Erik is a dangerous man, if he is infuriated no one knows what he is capable of because he is a very violent man. You fought him once before, didn\'t you?" Lagertha asked Herfjötur.

"If you can call that a fight, Erik underestimated me because I was a woman. He told me that the only place I belonged was in his bed. It was a scuffle that I won before it could escalate but I am certain it would have been different if it was a life-or-death battle." Herfjötur said, downplaying her victory.

"Erik is a pig and I have no doubt that Ragnar is capable of subduing him if it comes to it because Ragnar has even more impressive stories than Erik but each day you keep it from him is a day closer to losing him when you do tell him. Erik\'s crime cannot go unpunished." Herfjötur said and Lagertha\'s eyes held a resolve.

"You are right, I have to tell Ragnar. I have to tell him I was raped by Erik…" Lagertha had finally spoken these words out loud and this was a breakthrough in her psych.

Every time she tried to say, she found herself unable to speak but right now, she knew that Erik must be stopped. He might have gotten away with it for so long because no woman spoke up but Lagertha was not going to keep lying to spare Ragnar the anguish.

She had convinced herself she was doing it to protect her husband but the truth was, she kept it to herself because she did not want to sully her honor nor look down upon him with pity.

Herfjötur embraced Lagertha as she sobbed in her arms.

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