
Chapter 949 949 Reborn

Chapter 949 Chapter 949 Reborn

"Now the next step should be easy." Our bored gamer said in the privacy of his chambers. He could not see any fault at how the Northguard School of Mages was treating him.

Thus, he would reward them all in time and more. But that would have to come far into the future. Tonight, he has a more important thing to do.

"Unravel and become mine." Clark whispered and began a process that was close to lunacy. This was a forbidden technique of mages that only a few dared to commit.

It did not need telling that the majority of those who tried this crazy deed went to the grave in the aftermath. Luckily enough, death was merely a minor consequence that our avid gamer had to face.

Should he fail, there was really no real loss to be had. He only had to create another soul fragment in replacement and that was it.

"BANG!" A blinding light exploded in the scene as one man tried to become something else entirely. Our very own protagonist would not come out from his room for at least a year.

* * *

Somewhere in the Northguard School of Mages, an old man widened his eyes in shock.

"This man is seeking for death!" This was of course no one else but the Lord Mage Infinite Ocean. He had heard of this technique and had known no one to date that can brag any success whatsoever.

It was obvious that everyone died after trying it in full. What this Lord Mage did not know was that our very own protagonist had seen someone succeed in the past.

Not him but only a memory from the fallen immortal in that blood diamond. It was a gamble of some sort but it was something that our good game was willing to take.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" And from the time on, a guttural scream could be heard which echoed in the entire school for an entire year.

* * *

Time passed and in a blink of an eye, a whole year has already elapsed. Inside the room of agony, our bored gamer remained seated in a lotus position.

He had no more skin on his body but only bones and a lick of blood. One can only imagine the torture he went through in order to get to this point.



"HAH!" The loud shouts from before had now turned into whispers of pain. Nonetheless, this has not bothered our very own protagonist at all.

He persevered and it was curious to see that he even had a small smile on his face at this time. This much suffering was not enough to break him.

"You did well, Aurora." Our bored gamer said his first words after almost a year. The powerful crown of power was no more. Nothing was left of it but only the memory of the people that beheld it once.

"I\'m happy that I have not failed your expectations of me, father. It is my duty to do everything in my power to please you." A loli voice answered in all its cuteness.

This was of course no one else but the Crown of Aurora that was given sentience unto this world.

He has done this with an extra protection against those high existences that would have threatened him should he take action in this world.

Unfortunately for them all, they had lost the chance to defeat our very own protagonist after this action.

"Sleep, daughter. You have many things to do when you awake." Clark whispered and the newly born spirit heeded his words.

Silence ensued but that was perhaps the greatest sound he could have wished at this time.

"Time to master time itself." Our bored gamer smiled and concentrated on what was left of his body. It was a miracle itself that he was still alive and breathing at the moment.

Nevertheless, these wounds were not enough to deter someone that has already achieved immortality many times over the passage of countless years.

"DING!" A circle of power materialised and it captured out avid gamer from within it. Time visibly slowed down from inside it until it reversed its effect entirely.

The wounds were healed and flesh, blood, and vigor came back in full. Before long, our good gamer was sitting there complete with everything that he had lost in the aftermath of his crazy gamble.


"It really helps to be old and wise." Our bored gamer could not help but treasure the gift of time. It was so easy to improvise on techniques that were originally thought as impossible from before.

Clark felt pity unto the opponents that dared to bar his way of conquest.

"Let\'s see what\'s happening outside." Clark mused and made use of his divine sense to explore everything in the school. No secret could hide from his eyes as everyone was made bare before him.

Even the Lord Mage himself could not defend against such wanton intrusion.

"What an eerie mage spell!" Lord Mage Infinite Ocean commented the moment he realized that he was helpless in the aftermath. He could have been furious but kept bay his feelings at the moment.

He was weak and so he accepted the fate of the weak. The world was not fair to begin with.

* * *

"War still began but perhaps the greatest surprise of them all is how the mc of this novel still rose in power in just the span of 1 year. This protagonist luck is definitely not for show."

Clark shook his head while smiling. He would have let the war take place but not without taking care of someone important in the first place.

"Should I save her or not?" That was the question that needed some answers.

"Tsk. Tsk. It would take me much time and explaining if I were to show myself in person. It would be best if I do another trick instead." Clark nodded.

He was thinking about the original Song Shuhang\'s fiancée back home. This woman had given much in order to secure Song Shuhang\'s escape.

"Done." Our bored gamer blinked and that was all he needed to do in order to assure that woman\'s security for a lifetime.

"Having op powers truly makes many things easier." Clark grinned and stood up thereafter. There were many things to do yet before he would settle down for good.

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