
Chapter 890 890 No More Heroes and Villains

Chapter 890 Chapter 890 No More Heroes and Villains

"This is a losing battle." The sickly weak looking young boy gasped to himself.

This was not an exaggerated statement at all since he had been fighting this senseless scheme for more than 3 hours already.

Gone was his metal wheelchair but this truth has not limited his movements at all.

It could be seen from how easily he hovered in the air that his immobile legs proved no hindrance to his battle prowess.

Alas, his only problem at the moment was of course the hundreds of opponents the encircled him tightly at their center.

He was akin to a rat in a cage and there was no place to go whatsoever.



"BANG!" The paused violence resumed once more and the myriad supers of different sizes and abilities all assailed him at the same time.

The weak looking young boy evaded with ease but he admitted that he can\'t keep this game up for much longer.

Three hours against this horde of mind controlled supers was not a simple matter at all. Still, he held on for as long as he could. There was great success on this act until...

"PUCHI!" A slice of ice penetrated him from the back. His sorry form dodged further attacks but it was no use. The damage has already been done.



"HAK!" The young boy coughed lots of blood and he could taste it iron taste in his mouth. He could not anymore remember clearly when he had suffered such pain and loss.

This was the problem of long lived men. They easily forget those things that they don\'t want to recall.

"I must applaud you. You have lasted the longest amongst all the people that i have brought in this arena. I can\'t say that I\'m not impressed. That was a heroic battle to watch."

Our bored gamer took this chance to make his presence known. His resounding claps was not one of ridicule but only of honest admiration to this weird looking young boy.

"So you finally show yourself. You hide behind this legion of undead. You are nothing but a coward." The villainous young boy spat blood in ridicule.

The ground slowly turned red around him but it has not stopped him from standing up in order to size up the one who had planned his capture.

The young boy merely saw a man that was wearing a black funny armor and a cape. This was not in his expectations at all.

It did not need telling that he had expected better from this mysterious adversary. To continue to hide behind this costume was a taunt beyond measure.

The young boy\'s pride could not take it.

"Reveal yourself!" The villainous young boy invited.

"I apologize but I\'d rather not. I find no point to such actions. Most especially unto someone that would soon fall to become nothing but a toy soldier in my hands."

Clark shook his head in reply.

"Go to hell!" The weakly looking young boy screamed and his mental powers rose to the extreme.

He tried doing the same thing to the bunch of manipulated supers around him but he could neither break the drug that enslaved them nor could he maim them permanently since the healing factor that ran in their veins was a tale of legends indeed.

Nevertheless, the villainous young boy threw everything he got against the master behind the scenes. To kill a monster, it was always best to go for the head.

"Mind Blast!" The young boy spelled and the shock waves of his power toppled down the hundreds that stood motionless around them.

Alas, the same could not be said at all towards our very own protagonist. Clark remained unaffected amidst the chaotic mental waves that assailed his costumed form.

"That was music to my ears." Our bored gamer sighed. He had expected no other outcome from their meeting. This young boy\'s villain name was Lord Phantom.

A legendary super that had waged war against the alliance of countries from many centuries yet he remained hidden and free.

This was the only reason why Clark targeted this man in the first place. A wise person like Lord Phantom was just too dangerous to let be.

"Continue to whittle him down. But don\'t kill him. We need him in our ranks." Clark commanded the hundreds of minions that he had at the moment.

A breath later, he left the scene as it was. It was only a matter of time for when all the supers in this world would become his to command.

No conquest was ever been done in such a discreet manner.

* * *

"What?! Where am i?" Captain Joseph Shaw wondered in alarm. One moment he was in his office, a second later he was transported unto a place he neither knew nor recognize.

This was of course the plot of our bored gamer. He would teleport his targets one by one and capture them thereafter. There was not escaping against such a technique on hand.

"Welcome to my domain. Let the games begin!" Clark greeted and so another war raged unbeknownst to the knowledge of the general populace.

This kind of cheat continued for less than one year and before long, our avid gamer stood alone in power. He found out that there was no more supers left to resist him.

"Tsk. Tsk. Conquering a world has never been so easy. One just needed to be smart about it." Clark smiled at his accomplishments.

His real campaign began and nations laid helpless in their lands.

With the disappearance of all super heroes and villains on their side, the mortal means for battle was impotent against the forces that our good gamer brought in the world.

Less blood shed occurred and it took no time for Clark to stand supreme above the heads of billions.

The golden throne sparked brightly in the sky but our bored gamer withheld further traveling at the moment.

He spent 100 plus years in Aubrey\'s side, had kids, and grand kids to color their lives with and in the end, a mortal\'s journey has come to an end.

* * *

"It is time." Our bored gamer said in conclusion.

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