
Chapter 436 Ironlake III

Cain walked down the mountain toward the lord’s mansion with quick steps.

“Can’t we just fly there?” Nemmoxon asked. She wasn’t going to spread her wings and fly but using magic seemed like an option.

“They could see us as a threat, I want to know what they are thinking of. This whole situation could be a misunderstanding for all we know.” Cain looked at her.

“I bet that isn’t the case with a town like this, If I was alone I would have already dropped the man into a remote island,” Nemmoxon growled.

“Will know soon, the town gate is ahead of us.” Cain stopped, where is the gate?

There was only an empty arch with two soldiers standing on each side with spears. They could see the people walking behind the guards. Skinny, dirty, and exhausted. They all looked pale meaning they were infected.

“Who are you? Stop there and surrender your weapons!” The guards shouted pointing their spears at Cain and the girls.

“I am Isbert Silver Ruris, I came here with my knight to meet Lord Ironlake.” Isbert tried to introduce herself.

“We never got notice, who are you bi…” CRACK! The soldier didn’t believe Isbert’s claims but soon got punched by Cain in the face.

“This is for talking back to the princess,” Cain said. CRACK! He then kicked him in the face breaking his teeth. “This for not using honorification.” CRACK! Another kick “And this just as a warning for next time.”

Cain cracked his neck, it was nice to move once in a while.

“You dare attack…” CRACK! As the second soldier approached, Cain punched him immediately. “Did your lord never teach you manners? The princess is here so go grab a red carpet, if not I will make one with your blood.” Cain glared at them and turned toward Isbert.

“Sorry my lady, those goons must have been an eyesore. Want them dead?” He asked with an innocent smile. The remaining guard’s faces went pale.

“No, and stop punching them. You there, lead us to the Lord’s mansion.” Isbert said with a serious face.

“Is she really…” CRACK! Cain leaped in and kicked him in the face, “You dare question her identity again.”

“But she said not to hit us!” The soldier cried.

“The order was not to punch you, don’t go twisting her words, you buffoon.” Cain was ready to kick him again.

“Don’t kick him!” Isbert stopped him. What was with Cain being so violent out of the blue like this?

Cain shook his head in disappointment, “As you wish.” He said bowing to Isbert.

The soldier stood, relieved that he won’t get him again. Cain immediately turned around and headbutted him. “Where did we stop? Yeah, don’t go twisting her words.”

“I told you…” Isbert tried to stop Cain but Nemmoxon stopped her. “Look, the guards look healthy.”

“Yeah, isn’t that normal?” Isbert looked at her.

“Not in an infected town, it’s the guards’ duty to protect the citizen was it a disease or an invasion. Them not being infected means they knew of the disease, had a cure yet they chose to do nothing.” Nemmoxon looked at the deathly people walking behind the gate.

“But they are just following orders…” Isbert looked at her.

“Can’t they run to the capital and inform the king? It’s just a few minutes away.” Nemmoxon said with a serious face.

They were still technically in the capital, which means they all worked for the king. Lord Ironlake is just the assigned ruler of Iron lake. All the guards here are supposed to report back if the current lord had done something bad. Keeping an infection like this a secret was definitely something they should have reported.

“Cain, calm down, and let’s hurry to the lord’s mansion.” Isbert dragged Cain away.

“I know you were angry but what happened to your calm self?” Isbert asked.

Cain was remembering his past life, what happened before he was taken in by Zaleria.

He pointed toward one of the alleyways. “See that cardboard there? Homeless people have spent the winter there, I doubt much of them survived with the disease.” Cain said scratching his head, “Let’s hurry, I might kill someone here.” He added and started walking immediately.

After quickly walking through the village, Cain and the girls approached the lord’s mansion.

The guards at the mansion had no idea of what happened at the gate so they stopped Cain and the girls. “Who are you?”

This time Cain was actively trying to stay Calm, he silently walked past the guards with Isbert and Nemmoxon.

One of the guards, enraged at being ignored swung his spear at Nemmoxon who didn’t seem armoured. Smacking her in the face should teach those fools a lesson he though.

ROAR! A powerful shockwave blasted from Nemmoxon’s mouth and sent the guard smashing through the wooden fence. “Sorry, I sneezed. Your stench in unbearable.” She glared in the guard’s direction, her eyes glowing green.

A maid that was carrying the water from the well fell on the ground from surprise spilling it. She looked in the Cain’s direction terrified, is this an attack.

ZON! Cain immediately teleported toward her, “Let me help you up.” He helped her stand. She didn’t resist his offer less she get beaten up.

“Here, drink this it will help. And stop working, go rest.” He smiled.

“But, I must…” she looked at the spilled bucket of water.

“You must rest, go now!” He dismissed her.

The king must take over this place and reform it, if he wasn’t up to the job, Cain didn’t have a problem sizing the place. Having the kingdoms most important mine was a benefit he won’t pass.

“Isbert, we came for the rebellion. We found a mess, from now tables have turned.” Cain growled.

“What do you mean? We’re here to talk right?” Isbert asked but Nemmoxon pinched her.

“Wake up, we’re sizing the place. Do you want to let those people suffer?” Nemmoxon said.

The guards started swarming in from every corner, pulled their weapons and shouted at the same time.

“Surrender immediately!”

Lord Ironlake walked toward the balcony to see what was happening, his face bore an annoyed expression as he scratched his head. “Is it more thugs, get rid of them I’m busy right now!” He shouted with a snort.

Inside the room, Lord Ironlake was spending some time with his wife in bed. Getting interrupted felt awful and he was ready to sentence whoever did it to death.

Lord Ironlake then turned with a smile, his beautiful wife was awaiting him on the bed naked. The lights were slightly down to get the feeling right.

Exited to continue, he walked in happily.

Right there on the bed, beside his wife, Cain was sitting. Menacingly glaring at him.

“Who are you, get away from my wife!” Lord Ironlake screamed but Cain didn’t move, he didn’t even care about the wife being there.

Slowly lifting his hand up, “Should we talk here? Or in the torture room?” Lord Ironlake got suspended mid-air with an invisible force.

Cain was doing his best to hold back on killing the lord, “Let me down!” The lord growled.

His wife was sitting there in silence, unable to speak or move. Just being that close to Cain was enough to make her stomach twist, she could feel that a single word is enough to get her smacked across the room.

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