
Chapter 378 Our tribute

Kevin then told them that all the magic crystals that seemed to power the one in the center, which was of unknown origin, would soon all be empty of energy and the core of this world then reconnected to Axel and Kevin immediately told them continuing to interpret their conversation : “The core of this world is agreed to help us train, but we have to promise to change the crystals when they are empty, and it says that if we want more red dungeons we will have to use more powerful crystals.”

Miguel smirked then and he conjured up 5 magic crystals of divine grade that could only be found inside a dimension created by a God and he said looking at the core of this world : “I have plenty more like this and I promise to personally come and change the crystals if our Warrior Spirits can come train in red dungeons.”

Kevin then looked at Axel with wide eyes and everyone saw with astonishment Axel grabbed the core of this world and after a flash of light that dazzled everyone, Axel had become the owner of this world and he then said to Miguel : “It agreed.”

And the 5 magic crystals of legendary grade were immediately replaced by the magic crystals of divine grade which was not only much more powerful than the ones of legendary grade but they were also of large size, and Axel after receiving the information directly from the core of this world, immediately transmitted it to Miguel and Elias : “It said that with this new power, 2 red dungeons can be opened per day, and it will also double the number of purple dungeons and blue dungeons like that everyone will be able to train.

It also reminded me that only Warrior Spirits and in groups could loot the red dungeons, and that they were extremely dangerous..

It told me that some of the creatures inside the red dungeons were from a different universe than ours, so they had to stay vigilant.”

Miguel looked at Elias and he said : “Damn, I can’t believe it, those red dungeons look even more awesome than expected, and to think I wanted to throw away those magic crystals because they were useless to us.”

Elias then said to him : “Um, I was right to tell you to keep them.”

Miguel smiled at him and he said : “As always the intuition of a Warrior Spirit is flawless.”

Elias winked at him and then he turned to Axel and asked him : “Axel, if we leave the magic crystals in this room is it okay ?”

Axel nodded and he said to them : “Of course… That feels really too weird to be connected with this core, but yes, it’s okay, it’ll teleport me here when they need to be changed.”

Elias then asked him really curious : “Did it tell you why it chose you ?”

Axel then told him as the core of this world was explaining to him why it had chosen him : “It wanted his master to be someone who had grown up in this world so that this person would be attached to this world and would do everything to protect it.

And although I’m not a God, my father’s bloodline and the fact that I became a divine Werewolf was enough to create a bond with me.

It says that it also knows that our group wants to restore peace to our world and it is willing to help us get rid of the outsiders who are still here and want to harm our world.”

Axel stopped then and he widened his eyes before saying to everyone : “It says that it can make the mark appear on the foreheads of those who work for these two Goddesses, and that it will make an identical mark appear on the Titans.”

Elias smirked then, he had had the answers to his questions and they didn’t need them anymore, so he looked at Miguel who immediately threw a magic bag to Axel and he said to him : “Our tribute so we can train in your dungeons, and when you have time Kid, ask it what the origin of the dungeons is and who created this pentagram.”

Axel nodded and Elias said just before leaving to Kevin and his men : “See you later Kid and as for you guys, try to remember that this world is very different from yours so stay on guard constantly.”

Mathias and the other shadows once again stood at attention and they all responded in unison : “Yes Master.”

Once Elias and Miguel had left, Axel said to everyone : “Let’s go back into the dungeon and finish collecting our rewards.”

Axel left the bag in the corner of the room and Kevin then asked him curiously : “How many magic crystals of divine grade are inside ?”

Axel smiled at him and he said : “Enough for a long, long time… They gave us 5 000 magic crystals, all of large size.”

5 000, Kevin thought, decidedly Elias and Miguel were really specials.

And once they had finished collecting everything and were out of the dungeon Kevin then said : “Let’s look at the rewards in the boxes before we continue.”

He looked at his men and he said to them : “You’ll see, it’s really cool… I wasn’t sure what to leave you as a reward, as most of the stuff won’t be of any use to you in our world, except for the gold coins and healing potions, but I’ve kept all the boxes we’ve earned since I’ve been here and I’m sure you’ll be able to make a fortune out of them, let me show you.”

And without further ado he brought up the divine grade box and the legendary grade box and his men could not believe their eyes.

The divine grade box, which was the bigger one, was made of a metal that looked like a black opal, you could see all the colors of the prism glittering on a black color and it was really beautiful.

As for the legendary grade box, even though it was not as big as the divine grade one, it looked like it was cut inside a diamond, and just with these 2 boxes, their organization will never need money again, and so Mason told him : “We’re fine with the boxes boss, no problem.”

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