
Chapter 201 - Vision

Ashton withdrew his hand as soon as Nolan released his wrist, and indeed even through his clothes he could feel his erection, he then said to him : "If I accept and we make the mark of the Union, how are we going to do, I want to stay here Nolan, I feel good here and I have friends ... I won\'t go to the capital."

Nolan smiled reassuringly at him and said : "Let me handle this my little rabbit, if you prefer to stay here that\'s fine, I will join you, but I\'m going to need some time to arrange my transfer here."

Ashton went from surprise to surprise and he asked him doubtful : "Are you really going to request your transfer here ? But the organization won\'t agree, here you are too far from the border for them ... and what about Al… ?"

But Ashton could not continue to express his doubts because Nolan finally could not resist the temptation any longer and he leaned to gently touch his lips.

This innocent touch quickly turned into a more daring kiss and as Ashton placed his hands behind his neck to surrender to their kiss, Nolan then bit his lower lip and when Ashton opened his mouth in protest he invaded it with his tongue and he immediately found his.

And as Nolan was playing with his tongue, Ashton\'s weak protest turned to moans of pleasure, and as he let himself be carried away by all these new sensations, Nolan finally ended their kiss.

He said to him again : "Don\'t worry, I\'ll take care of everything ... And as for Alan, I think it\'s time for us to reunit but don\'t tell him yet, I want to be the one to explain to him why our father had to banish him from our family.

I may only be 24 but I\'ve fought hard enough for the organization to get something back from them ... I will end my brother\'s banishment and come to join you, I promise."

Nolan\'s confident tone reassured him and he reminded him that he couldn\'t stay longer this morning, but that he would do his best to come back to see him quickly.

When Nolan left, Ashton got up and started to do his exercises with his head still in the clouds, but he quickly recovered and was even more motivated than before.

If Nolan came to see him fight at the Selections he wanted him to be dazzled … He wanted him to be proud of him.

After his exercises, he prepared himself to join Yelena, and he was really eager to discover if he could also create this kind of shockwave.

He had also thought about something else while he was doing his exercises, if Yelena was able to make her chakra visible thanks to the amount she was able to concentrate, may be they would be able to combine her chakra with his spells, that would make them undoubtedly much more powerful.

With a lot of ideas in his head and a strong motivation, Ashton was ready to do anything to become stronger.


Back in the purple dungeon, as Ian led them inside, Liam said : "Axel, I know you\'ve already sensed that the next Elemantaries are stronger and also more numerous, I think I\'m going to have to fight with you, I\'m afraid that with just the two of you it\'s going to be a bit of a struggle."

Alan looked at Axel who nodded in agreement and Axel then said to Liam : "Okay, I admit I\'m a bit impressed with their numbers and levels ... But if you can make sure to let us hit them before you kill them, that will help us to earn half the experience points you\'ll get."

Liam looked at him surprised, after all he had never wondered how they leveled up, the only thing he knew was the more he fought and trained the stronger he got, but apparently it was a bit more complex than that.

When Liam asked them to explain more about the experience points, Kevin explained what he knew, he also explained that for the mages, crafting potions was what allowed them to gain experience points.

He also explained to him that every day everyone could earn a certain number of Stats if they met some conditions, this also seemed to interest Ian a lot because just like Kevin, they could both see the potential that this information well used could have.

If the training for fighters and the classes for mages were created so that everyone could get their Stat points every day, everyone would be able to become much stronger.

Kevin who could feel their enthusiasm promised to write down everything he had learned from his system about experience points and quests to get the Stat points, but he reminded them that his knowledge for fighters was still very limited at the moment, because the system only provided him with information for mages.

As they were all talking in a carefree manner, Kevin immediately felt Ian and Liam\'s change of behavior, they had slowed down and seemed tense, Kevin looked at Axel and saw him frown so he asked : "What\'s going on ? Is it only because we are getting closer ?"

Axel shook his head and told him : "The boss of the dungeon is moving, he was relatively far away from the other Elemantaries until now, but he is joining them at a high speed."

Curious thought Kevin this didn\'t look like the behavior of the other bosses they had faced so far, but he didn\'t have time to wonder too much because at that moment he had a vision.

Time froze and he saw a huge silver lightning bolt coming straight at them, its size took up half of the hallway and this lightning bolt was not only silver, there were also black flames on its surface.

He saw Ian and Liam trying to stop it but they were both thrown against the rocky wall of the hallway.

Axel immediately stood in front of him crossing his swords in an attempt to stop it but that strange lightning bolt broke his swords and pierced them both ... The vision ended there and he heard Ian swear and stand in front of them with Liam to protect them.

Kevin knew that he had only a few seconds to find a solution that would protect them all and that\'s when he felt the Chains of Restraint stirring inside him, as if they too had sensed the danger.

Kevin didn\'t think any further and he released them, ordering them to protect everyone from this overpowered attack.

The Chains of Restraint appeared in front of them and formed a protective circle around them that looked like a dome.

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