
Chapter 118 Battle Stages Part 2

“Hey, girly, I suggest you quit before the matches start. I do not go easy on women, never mind children.” The man in front of me yelled with a sinister smile. Of course, I was not affected by this at all, but I did wonder what made him think he was going to win. But more than wondering about this blatant lack of intelligence, I was wondering much more about which angle I should eject him to.

Ignoring the fool behind me, I looked around to see if I could knock out anyone else that was close by on another stage. But to do this, it would take the right angle and the right amount of power to launch him just right. If I am lucky, I can knock both fighters from a stage off instantly. There was no rule stating that you could not knock other people off their battle stages as well. And since there are no barriers around these stages, it was the perfect opportunity to do just that.

I couldn’t even keep the mischievous grin off my face as I looked for my targets. I had only one bullet, so I needed to make sure to really make good use of it. If I was lucky and did things just right, I might even knock out two stages. “Hey, you listening to me!? I said, hey, answer me! Are you giving up or not!?”

You know, I do wonder why this idiot behind me likes to yell so much. Is he hard of hearing, so he has to scream at the top of his lungs? Or maybe he is so dumb that he doesn’t realize that I am ignoring him. Either way, him getting even more upset is good. This will bring an even more satisfying expression to his face for me to see as he is flying through the air.

I know it sounds sadistic, but what can I say? The idea of catapulting people is very entertaining. Plus, this time, I will get to watch what happens, unlike before, when I forgot to look. At any rate, I just wished things would hurry up! I want to get to sending people flying. I mean, I already got a good line of sight of the groups I want to send flying along with the idiot here.-.

Sadly I still had to wait ten minutes for everyone to actually settle down and get to their battle stages. Only then did the announcer begin to speak again. “The first round of battles will now commence!”

With the sound of horns blaring in the air, I heard a war cry coming from in front of me. I watched as the tall skinny man charged toward me without hesitation with his sword in hand. It looked to me as if he truly wanted to take my life. But sadly for him, I began counting down.





“1! Blast off!”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!” I heard a wonderful scream as the spot where the tall skinny man stepped suddenly sprang into action as I stepped to the side. I had already been standing in the perfect direction. I just had to count the tall skinny man’s steps to get the right amount of lift. I shaded my eyes with my hand as I watched him sail overhead towards the other battle stage. He was actually flying quite fast. And the reaction of the two on the other stage as he slammed into him sending both of them flying off of it with him, was just too priceless. I am sure if I were to make those youtube videos back on Earth in my past life doing this every time, I would make a killing.

“Battle stage seven hundred seventy seven, contestant number one thousand seventy two, Faith Cyrilia, winner! Battle stage five hundred twenty three. Double out!” When I heard the announcer outting the two I hit with my contestant, I couldn’t help but chuckle.  It seems with so many contestants having two people kicked out due to outside interference wouldn’t be an issue.

“Wait! We were hit by someone else’s contestant!” One of the men crawled up from the ground and yelled out.

“Rules state that under any circumstances that you exit the battle stage, you will be disqualified. You both left the stage before I could call a winner, which means you are both out. Maybe next time you will keep a better eye on your surroundings, especially you who could see the man flying towards you. Now get out of here before I have you dragged out!” The announcer sounded very mad. I guess he didn’t like people talking back to him. But when he turned towards me, the old stern face showed a slight grin as he gave me a secret thumbs up.

I knew people would love my catapult. Send them flying with everything I have, that is my job! Not only do I get entertainment myself, but I also get to entertain others. Luckily my battles end quickly, so not many get to see my schemes.

But now I can only wait. With me being so far out, it is hard for me to see anything from where I am standing. Hmmm, since I am in the stadium, I can fly, right? But using my wings will get tiring, so let’s just use air walk and find a good place to sit. “Well, I am not allowed to leave my stage, so what if I just make the entire thing lift up high enough so I can see everything.”

With this thought in mind, my eyes lit up, and the whole stage suddenly shot up into the air. I walked over to the edge and looked out over the other battle stages. Although I do wish I had some kind of snacks so I could eat while watching them all fight.

Oh? Gesel and Sei, also just finished up. Sir Derek is tormenting his contestant. I mean, standing there with his hands on his hips while laughing at the guy hitting him with a sledgehammer is not very good sportsmanship. Well… Maybe I am not the one to be talking about sportsmanship. I mean, I did just send my opponent flying through the air with the intention to take out other contestants. I am not sure where that puts me on the good sportsmanship concept.

Anyway, some of the battles are not bad. There looks to be some fairly strong people. Out of everyone I know who is battling right now though, the one who stands out the most is Runa. she seems to be going kinda crazy over on her battle stage. I wonder why she must fill the entire battle stage up with flames. I kinda feel bad for the person still trying to hang on. I can see them sweating bullets to the point that there is a wet spot under their feet.

While it is fun to watch the matches, it is kind of boring sitting here by myself. There seems to be quite a few battle stages with people who are having fierce battles, but I think that is because they are all close to the same level of ability. I wonder what would happen if I accidentally catapulted all of them off into the space?

Not that I would do that since I would definitely be reprimanded, disqualified, and arrested. Which none of these three are things are things I wish to happen. I mean, this is one hundred gold on the line. Plus, I made promises to fight everyone. But I do think two people may pose a challenge to the others. The huge fan girl and the bunny girl seemed quite strong. If I were hit by either, I might be sent flying due to my low body weight. But I think if I weld my feet to the battle stage and use mana shield, I can ward off the attacks without turning into a kite. ‘

My main worries are Runa, Sei, and Sir Derek. I do not know the extent of Sei and Sir Derek’s combat ability, while Runa uses a lot of indirect attacks from what I can see. I just wish the two latter would give me something to work with here. “Oh?”

It seems there may be another dark horse as well. Small in stature and has a tail. Also, wearing a cloak like Runa. I am not sure who they are, but they are easily defeating their opponent without much effort but making it seem like they are not good at fighting. I wonder how strong they truly are…..

I guess I can only wait to find out. Let’s hope I am not going to end up losing to this unknown factor. Because if I did, I might cry. Well, maybe not, but still. I owe Thurul a lot of money right now and wish to pay him back as soon as possible. While he says it’s fine, I still feel bad since he has been funding my venture from the get go. I guess I should cross all my fingers and toes that I will win!

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