
Chapter 189 187. Eklavaya's Guru

Chapter 189 187. Eklavaya\'s Guru

But he knows what kinda disaster level this single boy possesses, he is the boy who is blessed with such an archery talent that even without having a proper teacher he can stand above all the archers in this time and age.

Narada also knows that is to his lord what supposed to happen to this kid, and it was clearly not being here, he should be wandering around with his aunt and her children in the jungle.

And then later found Drona and learn seeing him teach from afar by himself after which he would going to lose his thumb as he did even not learned from the Drona will becomes so skilled that his favourite student Drona not able to keep up.

If this boy was able to do that even without having a teacher then Narada was sure to what extent this bit would grow if he actually got a proper teacher to teach him.

All the people present here are the people capable of taking that potential out of him, Especially Sukracharya, This man already hate Deva\'s and is disgusted by his Lord.

If he taught someone like Eklavaya who to not have any favourable impression towards his lord because how much he suffer through in his adolescence, Sukracharya could turn this boy into a man capable of standing in front of Deva and their army alone.

He is yet to take care of Karna and then there is Ashwathama now who considers that same Karna as his friend, He has to hurry up and break that friendship as soon as possible.

And now there is this trouble, He prays that these sages here should not be able to figure out who this boy is and what this boy here is capable of.

Later with the right opportunity he might be able to use this Eklavya against Karna, That is now the only solution he can think of.

"Guru\'s pet? Didn\'t Ashwatthama say she belonged to Karna?"

Shukracharya, surprised by the words of Eklavaya asked him, Of course there was another reason why he decided to speak to Eklavaya now and that is because he felt a weird feeling come from this boy.

He can\'t put finger on it but he has the gut feeling that this boy standing in front of him is also not a normal child, there is something special about him and that is what he wants to find out now.

"Why do you care who that pet belongs to? Now you know it let these kids take it away, Didn\'t Bhrigupati Rama worry about his lost axe? We should focus on that, So let\'s go and find Karna like Rishi Durvasa said."

Narada jumped and quickly tried to change the topic, He saw the look in the eyes of Sukracharya, This man got the hunch of the specialness of Eklavya, This is the last thing he wants to happen.

Things are already getting out of hand, he really does not want to have another variable destroying the grand plan his lord created for the betterment of the world, He does not allow anyone to mess it up.

"That axe is not going anywhere, It\'s the Axe of Parshuram, No one but he can use that axe, So it\'s not a matter of hurry, I still need to ask some questions."

Shukracharya after the stunt pulled by Narada is more convinced that there is something amiss with this kid, which is more of the reason for him to stick here and try to find out as soon as possible.

Though he didn\'t understand how can someone as smart as Narada could make this rookie mistake that might not even be able to fool a toddler, But he didn\'t care.

This action of his shows him that he should ask more questions. Reach the bottom of it to figure out what this man is trying to hide.

After all if there is something for Narada then that something is very useful for him and his Asura underlings that is for sure.

"Hey don\'t make decisions on my behalf, It\'s true no one other than me can use that axe rather they can\'t even life it but that didn\'t mean I am not in hurry to get back my axe back, It\'s a gift given to me by Parameshwara, I want it back."

Parshurama was quick to answer, He really wants his axe back, though it\'s true no one other than he can even lift it but there is just one thing they were missing out.

If someone tried to lift it, Axe would show superficial resistance and if someone ignored that then the axe would go on full offence and this time it would be for kill.

So the longer he stays away from the axe the more chances there are for this to happen. At any moment his sword would go into a frenzy and start attacking everything.

That axe really hates being touched by anyone other than him. Before that was just safety protocol but after the tears it was a rule that fixed into the axe\'s consciousness.

This makes that axe even more volatile and hard to predict what it would do when it is provoked or to what degree violence will be used.

"Don\'t worry about that Bhagwaan Parashurama, If it is with Karna which I am fairly certain of it then it\'s not rbag big if a deal, I too have some questions here that I need to ask before we go."

Durvasa who was talking with Ashwatthama also spoke up this time as he still needed to ask a few more questions to Ashwathama.

Though he was not that crazy about taking him under his teaching but he did need to know more about Shivansh just like him.

There are many things that he need to learn and told Ashwatthama, After all having the raging volcano inside once being that can explode anytime the moment they lost control over their emotions.

This is not only for the state if the people around Ashwathama but for his safety too, Durvasa who learned to pretty much master his Rudra power, Is the best person who can teach him how to control his Rudra part.

And he can also learn what are the triggers of Ashwatthama. If he finds those triggers then it will be easy to train him to be able to have full control of that power everyone yearns to possess.

"Yeah, Forgive me, Rishi, We can\'t leave, We have to wait for her to finish eating, I can\'t leave her here, I should bring her back to my Guru."

Eklavya seeing he now has the opportunity said to Narada who suggested that they should leave, Though he sensed the ill intention of Narada towards him thanks to his time spent in the forest surviving.

But he also did not feel any strong threat from Narada and so he was as polite as possible to him as he told the realism of why he can\'t leave yet.

His Guru\'s fox is still here eating those powers that even from this distance makes him terrified of it.

How can he go back empty-handed back to his Guru when he know that the pet if his guru was here? It would be a shame and impotence of his if he fail even such a normal task.


Sukracharya when he heard Eklavya saying this second time even though it\'s mentioned that this fox belonged to Karna.

So it was not hard for him to jump to the conclusion of Karna being the Guru of Eklavaya, Which just made him more curious about this boy.

And why won\'t he? The moment he found out about Karna, He saw everything that is related to Karna is one way or mother is special.

Just look at that fox. He has never seen a fox with nine tails, even it is a small creature but the bloodline of that beast he never encountered before. It has some very strong domineering effect that even he felt it not to mention the ability to create barriers that can\'t be broken by others.

After that he met Ashwatthama calling himself the Mitra of Karna, A Shivansh calling that kid his friend, That is some powerful coincidence, Unfortunately, he was not the man who believed in coincidence.

He knows everything happens for a reason and if two powerful creations were hanging around Karna means Karna is special and so that also make this bit calling Karna Guru special too.

\'How to take them away?\'

While Sukracharya was already very close to figuring out the secret of Karna, Narada was still thinking about how to keep them away from here.

Yeah he still not figure it out that Guru Eklavay was saying was Karna, No he not even heard the guru part at all

Well it sound dumb but anything is possible when one has the heaven defying luck that change the reality itself for it\'s possessor.

And so while Narada was racking his brain around to prevent things that had already pass of preventing, That nine-tail fox finished eating.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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