
Chapter 59 The CEO's Runaway Omega And Three Little Buns 37

The minute Li Yexi got to the Li mansion, he narrated all he had observed to his brother and father. They were stunned. Even if Li Shiyu had messed up badly, those kids still had the Li family blood in them so they could not overlook this.

Li Anjing instructed Li Yexi to pay close attention and even had Li Shu send some of his men over to watch over the kids for extra measure.

That night, Li Yexi pulled out the laptop and started going through all the videos within.

From his memories, he was certain that the entity that occupied his body did not pay attention to what was going on in the Zhang mansion when Zhang Jun was in jail so he offhandedly decided to go through the videos.

Li Yexi looked through the lengthy recordings one after the other. The first month seemed okay. The second month was also okay. It was beginning to get very late and his eyes were dropping... Until he skimmed through the recordings of the third month.

His eyes widened and he rewound the video. This was when the Zhang madam started humiliating Li Shiyu. He kept rewinding until he got to a certain point and pressed play.

[It was late at night and Li Shiyu called Zhang Ye over to his room. The omega started crying and placed a laptop before the child.

"YeYe, you\'re so smart. How about you come and make some money how you used to? It doesn\'t have to be too much, just a little and nobody would find out."

Zhang Ye stared at Li Shiyu with large eyes before slowly shaking his head in confusion.

Li Shiyu frowned. "What do you mean by no?"

"I don\'t understand what you mean daddy."

Li Shiyu dragged the kid forward by his ears and pushed him against the laptop. "Don\'t play dumb with me, do you think I don\'t know of how you and Zhang Di were always making money and randomly sending it to my account abroad? Hurry up and do it?!"

Zhang Ye shook his head repeatedly and tears were beginning to spill from his eyes. "I really don\'t know what you mean daddy!"

Lu Shiyu sneered and pinched the kid in his side hard. Then he began forcing Zhang Ye to operate the laptop. When the kid started screaming, he smacked his head hard and sent him out of his room.]

Li Yexi was trembling. This wasn\'t the only video like this. There were more involving both Zhang Di and Zhang Ye until Li Shiyu finally gave up.

He was coaxing and pressuring the children into committing a crime! The reason Zhang Jun wasn\'t incarcerated that time was because there was no evidence.

No wonder Li Shiyu had run away without his kids. They all lived together abroad and Li Shiyu knew how talented they were, it made no sense that he left without his little money making machines. It turns out the omega realized early on that they no longer had their OP capabilities so he abandoned them.

Li Yexi carefully documented the videos and then connected his laptop to the cameras in Zhang Jun\'s run down apartment just in time to see Zhang Jun walk into the kids\' room.

["What did you tell Li Yexi?" The alpha asked.

The kids shook their heads repeatedly. "Nothing papa. He only came in here to ask how we were and then you came in."

"Okay." Zhang Jun nodded. "Zhang Hua, go to the living room." The little girl hesitated for a bit, eyeing her brothers before walking out.

Zhang Jun locked the door, pulled out his belt and placed a laptop before Zhang Di and Zhang Ye. "Have you finally figured out how to do it?"

The boys shook their heads uniformly, they were trembling in fear. "W... We really don\'t know what you mean papa."

Zhang Jun brought the belts down on their butts. Hard. "Do you think I\'m a fool?! This is not the first time you\'re doing this so you better start producing results before I beat you fools into unconsciousness!"

Zhang Jun was fuming and he stared at the kids with pure dislike. This habit of his started when he had moved to this run down apartment with the kids two weeks and some days ago.

There was no money left, the alpha had not a single clue on how to raise the kids and he was still feeling bitter about his fall from the top.

After drowning himself in food and alcohol one night, the alpha finally remembered how Zhang Ye got the massive amount of money the first time. Although that was what landed him in jail, Zhang Jun convinced himself that if Zhang Ye took a lesser amount, no one would find out.

So since then, he began the ritual of pressuring Zhang Ye with loud threats and insults every night and even involved Zhang Di. He only resorted to physical beatings five nights ago.

If they still refused to bring him money after this, he was going to take it to the next level. What that level entailed, he had no idea but he would figure something out. He was already beginning to find the thrill of having little punching bags to take his anger out on.

The belt was about to land on the boys\' backs a second time when Zhang Jun\'s phone rang out. It was a call from Li Yexi. He let the belt fall from his hand and picked up the phone with an arrogant smile.]

Li Yexi really had no choice. He had to call Zhang Jun to end the torture he was watching. Even with all the hell the kids had put him through when they were possessed, he never harmed them like this. How could Zhang Jun do that to his own children?

[Li Yexi?] The alpha\'s voice came from the other end of the line.

Li Yexi cleared his throat and said the first thing that came to his mind. "Let\'s meet up."

When the meeting place was decided, Li Yexi ran over to Li Shu with the videos and had the alpha send them anonymously to the police.

Zhang Jun went over to the restaurant but Li Yexi never showed up. Instead, a bunch of policemen rushed in and arrested him.

On the other hand, notices were sent all around for the arrest of Li Shiyu. It didn\'t take long for the omega to be found, he was living as a mistress of an old alpha this time.

Zhang Jun and Li Shiyu were tried in court for the offense of compelling a minor to commit a crime and also nonsexual child abuse.

The Li family ensured that they were both given the maximum amount of time possible, earning the both of them 15 years in jail with hard labour.

Once the alpha and omega were fully locked behind bars, Li Yexi adopted the triplets and even though they weren\'t traumatized to the point of mental instability, he still made sure they attended therapy.

As time went on, Li Yexi forgot more and more of his past life and of an entity ever occupying his body. He still had flashes, but now he felt that they were just dreams.

The kids spent six months in therapy before they were back to the lively kids they once were. Li Anjing and sons were of great help as they made sure to shower them with as much love as possible.

One day, Li Yexi was dropping the kids off for school when an alpha walked up to him. The omega was confused, he knew the alpha but they weren\'t close so he was wondering why the man walked up to him.

"It\'s been a while," Pie Jing said.

Li Yexi only nodded with a confused smile.

Pei Jing looked into Li Yexi\'s eyes and frowned. "You seem different." The alpha paused and his brows furrowed. "Never mind, wrong person." And then he walked away. He kept wondering why he felt it was the wrong person in the first place but he couldn\'t figure it out.

Li Yexi only shook his head over the strange encounter and drove away.


The Li family had pulled some strings and ensured that Zhang Jun and Li Shiyu served their time in the same prison yard. It was a maximum prison yard that jailed both alphas and omegas together due to their terrible crimes. The omegas were injected with a solution that inhibited their fertility.

When Zhang Jun ran into Li Shiyu the first time, he had beaten the omega to a pulp, blaming him for everything that went wrong in his life and for running way.

This continued on for sometime until Zhang Jun found a better way to punish Li Shiyu. He started pimping out the omega to the different alphas in jail in exchange for protection and favours.

Li Shiyu soon outsmarted Zhang Jun and hooked up with the leader of one of the prison gangs. A few whispers in the thug\'s ear and Zhang Jun was offered up to the felons in prison.

These were people who had been jailed for terrible crimes and were horribly perverse so even if Zhang Jun was an alpha like most of them, they had no problem whoring him.

How could the proud Zhang Jun stand such humiliation? He struggled for the first few weeks after constant beatings and molestation, he lost his drive.

Instead, he became used to pleasing the other alphas just to make the torture easier to bear. After months of whoring himself out, he smartened up and hooked up with the leader of the second prison gang, who was rumoured to be into alphas.

Just like Li Shiyu, he tried to use the power of the thug against Li Shiyu. This caused war to break out between the two prison gangs. After months of extreme bloodiness, the two leaders decided to come together to call a truce.

In the course of the meeting, the gang leaders came to realize that this entire problem had been caused by Zhang Jun and Li Shiyu who they\'d been receiving sexual favours from.

Angry over being played by the two and losing a lot of their members, the prison gang leaders tossed the alpha and omega over to the deadliest of prisoners to become their semen dump.

In the end, the two lovers who were once praised and sympathized with as star crossed lovers, ended up as whores to the deadliest of criminals in prison.

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