
Chapter 49.

Chapter 49.

After Yuria’s test ended, I left the pair of siblings behind and arrived at the middle-rank knight school’s exam site in time to see a large knight rushing towards Lisbon.

At a glance, the exam-style was just like the Crow Tribe’s sparring style, where they made it difficult by pushing your limits till the end. Of course, when I was in my hometown with my brothers as opponents, their attacks were not something that could be dodged or survived if hit. However, from Lisbon’s perspective, his opponent’s attack may feel similar.

The spectators cheered and yelled at the rapid exchange of attacks. The close and intense battle ended much quicker than the spectators wanted. The difference between Lisbon’s and his opponent’s abilities was too clear.

I don’t know why, but even at a glance, the knight in black fighting Lisbon was twice as strong as the other examinee’s opponents. It seemed that I should applaud the pushover for putting up a good defense. I wasn’t sure though because I wasn’t interested; however, if Lisbon had fought anyone else, he probably wouldn’t have lost so easily, if he were to lose.

After the exam, Lisbon splashed water on his head with a defeated face. Then, he wiped the dirt and sweat off his face with his clothes. When his six-pack and developed muscles were exposed, the women in the stands squealed cheerfully. Since Lisbon also had a handsome face, it was only natural.

"Oh my, oh my!"

There was a weirdo mixed in with the women. With hair going a little bald and biting a pinky finger with thick lips, a muscular man was cheering while wearing a feminine v-neck. The moment I saw that I got goosebumps.

Run away, Pushover! Beast, a beast is after you!

"Huh? Den?"

Lisbon ran towards me waving with a welcoming face.


As Lisbon moved, the gallery mainly composed of women gradually turned their heads toward me. Along with them, the man turned towards me as well. My guts warned me to run away with all my might.

Don’t come! You are going to get me involved! Don’t come here, you Pushover!

Despite my silent clamor, Lisbon came to me with his characteristic relieved smile. Suddenly, I felt a chill run down my spine. The man was looking at me. I could instinctively tell by that man’s aura which was trickling out.

That man was dangerous. The knight that Lisbon sparred barely reached this man’s toes. At the least, one shot of Angel ☆ Rush was enough to take him out.[1]

There was no one here who could beat that man except me. I grabbed Lisbon’s wrist and said, "You’re done with your exams, right?"

Lisbon was bright as usual oblivious to the major crisis of his chastity. "Huh? Uh, it’s over.”

At the same time, I pulled on his wrist and shouted, "Alice is waiting! Let’s go!

"Huh? Ok."

Lisbon looked puzzled, unable to understand my sudden behavior, but I was protecting his chastity for everyone’s sake. I had to run before that man’s gaze locked on to me -- for my own safety. Thanks to the fast running, I was able to get to the magic school exam site quickly. As soon as we arrived, Yuria asked with a slightly sullen face, "Where did you go?"

I changed the topic as I felt a burdensome matter come over.

"Woah, I saw the magic you used in the exam."


"It was amazing. The other students were just barely able to fly, but seeing you do aerobatics, I was amazed.”

It wasn’t a lie. I wasn’t amazed by the flight but the clean and precise mana control."

"Hehe, no, it’s not much."

Yeah, it actually wasn’t much. I didn’t bother to voice my thoughts and instead sat next to Yuria who embarrassedly scratched her cheeks, and continued to compliment her.

"Turning the target into a honeycomb, and the ice castle you made, they were incredible."

"No, it’s not that much."

While praising an embarrassed Yuria, it somehow became Alice’s turn. Other than the exception of Yuria, everyone else participating in the exam was so mediocre that Alice’s magic seemed high level. Flying and magic shooting were ordinary, but the spirit magic she used for her specialty was quite interesting as I had never experienced it before.

Olympus was a place where a spirit, a creature of mana, could not live. I thought about finding out about spirits from Alice later, and at the same time, all the entrance exams of my acquaintances were over.


Ten days had passed since Lisbon and Alice’s exam ended.

Ten days ago, I was trying to go back to the boarding house when they clung to me asking to go watch the graduates’ exams with them. I shot a look of help at Alice to get rid of Lisbon, Alphonso, and Yuria. But she was already intent on going, so I had to keep them company until late at night. Well, today’s also the end of forcing myself to hang out with them. Today was the day the successful applicants for the civil service exam were announced!

It was okay not to check because my passing was a given. Still, I had to go to the place where the successful applicants were announced as they were handing out the civil servant certificates and guides for moving into the dormitory.

I had better move into the dormitories on the first day possible. How was I supposed to live in a boarding house closely watched by my uncle’s friend, the Prime Minister? The surveillance had fallen off, but the occasional hidden guards’ aura still had me on edge.

As the civil servant training center, the knight school, and the magic school were right next to each other, I would be seeing Lisbon and Alice frequently. So there was no need for me to feel sad. If there was one thing I would feel sad about, it would be the luxurious dining at this boarding house.

I happily confirmed my name on the list of successful civil servants, which was in the top 5, at the Ministry of Treasury and Foreign Affairs.

I had purposely got a few wrongs, but the ranking was much higher than I expected. I couldn’t believe I failed to keep my rank in check. My efforts to peep at the exam questions were becoming meaningless. It would be quite difficult to manage the ranking at the training center.

I confirmed the admittance list and went into the treasury office building. It was a place I had searched like it were a job, so it felt more familiar than my room at the boarding house.

I headed to a desk with a sign that said, ’Admitted Candidates’.

"Excuse me. I’m an admitted candidate."

When I spoke to him, the official sitting at his desk looked at me with eyes enwreathed by deep dark circles.[2]

The official was subconsciously scribbling something even while looking at me, but taking a closer look, ‘Die Lupin’ was written over and over on a piece of paper. I spoke to him while looking at the paper full of curses.

"My, it looks like you’re having a hard time.”

As if my words triggered something, his dry eyes began to become moist.


When I saw the official covering his eyes with his hands, I looked at him pitifully. Treasury officials were said to have a high salary and a high authority to go with it, but I thought it would be better to be a low-level civil servant than be so miserable.

Hmm? But when I looked closely, I was familiar with this official. Oh, that’s the official who took my picture when I registered as a civil servant!

Suddenly, the pity cleanly disappeared. Thinking back, the price of the picture at that time was pretty iffy. As I recalled, I suddenly felt an urge to be Lupin again.

"Excuse me, but I heard you could get a civil servant’s certificate and a guidebook here."

I decided to resolve the impulse later since it was more important to obtain the civil servant certificate and move into the dormitory right now.

"Oh, yes, that’s correct."

The civil servant who answered in a cracking voice asked my name.

’What’s your name?’

“Den von Mark.”

The treasury official looked at the list with a sunken eye, checked my name, and found a civil servant’s card attached to a lanyard in the drawer.

"Here you are."

I asked after I received my civil servant’s card, "What about the guidebook?"

"Oh, Mister Den is not a dormitory resident."

"Excuse me?"

No, it can’t be! Aren’t all civil servants going into the dormitory?! Do you know how far away my hometown is from the capital?!

Regardless of the cry of my innermost thoughts, the official said in a dry voice, "The training center guidebook will be given when you start. The start date is August 3rd at 10 o’clock in the morning.”

"Hold, hold on! Wasn’t the dormitory for everyone?"

The official openly looked at me with a look of annoyance.

"Well who knows, the dormitory is not our jurisdiction. I just gave you the instructions from the top."


The official cut off my words and shook his hand like swatting an annoying fly and spoke in a vexed tone, "Ah, I don’t know. Contact the training center for dormitories."

Then what am I supposed to do?

The official pointed at the admitted candidates in line behind me and waved his hand. Upon the look from the people behind me, I decided to take a step back.

Be prepared, you civil servant, I’ll pay you back good!

Come to think of it, there were many organizations in the empire, but the most powerful were the imperial family, the military, and the temple. The military was a place I couldn’t touch rashly and if I messed with the imperial family, it’d negatively affect my civil servant life.

Then there was only one place left. Religious beliefs were scary no matter where.

I had no choice but to back down with my fist clenched. But this retreat was just temporary. I could only inwardly yell, “I’ll pay you back for this” like some third-rate villain in a cat-shaped hot air balloon.[3]

I trudged back to the boarding house, and when I opened the door, all of a sudden--

Boom! Boom! Boom!

- Congratulations burst out.

Unable to comprehend the situation, my eyes were wide open, but then I saw a banner in the back that said, "Congratulations on passing the civil service exam!"



>Denburg’s vision is going dark at the congratulations!

>Denburg headed for the PoXmon Center!

I decided to stop playing around... and ask sincerely, "Why are you all here?"

Alphonso, who shot congratulations with Lisbon, said with a smile, "Yes, I’ve decided to live here from today!"

... What?! I’m afraid I’ve lost my hearing suddenly these last few days. All of the sudden, I’m hearing nonsense.

At the voices of the two in front of me, Alice and Yuria came from the kitchen from inside the mansion.

"You’ve arrived?"

"Hmmph, come on in and have a cake."

I looked at a smiling brightly Yuria, and Alice, who was talking like a child, and asked, "Hey, I can’t seem to understand the situation? Does someone want to explain?"

The one to answer my question was Mrs. Arscilla who came out from the kitchen.

"These new friends are going to stay here starting today. I heard from Miss Yuria and Mister Alphonso that Mister Den is already familiar with them. That’s great." She smiled gracefully and continued. "Oh, because they seemed sad to see you leave for the dorms, I asked to let you commute. Thanks to Mister Den, I had some quality time with my son."

I couldn’t help but laugh at Mrs. Arscilla’s words.

"Ha, haha, hahahahaha.”

Dammit! My life!

1. One punch man reference to the gay muscular character who has a characteristic attack move called, “Angel Rush”.

2. Official is used to refer to a civil servant

3. Pokemon reference

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