
Chapter 2.

Chapter 2.

“I don’t have much interest in camping.”


My father thought for a while then finally said, “Well then, how about following my path and becoming the village head?”

“—Excuse me?”

For a moment, I thought I misheard that he wanted me to become the village head. God, isn’t it already known that my father would never say such a thing.

Eldest Brother once wielded his adamantium axe and attacked Father while shouting, “Father, I am succeeding the throne!”

In response, Father casually repelled the attack with his bare hands and said, “Son, I’m still young!”

“What’s with that stupid look on your face? I want you to take over.” Father sullenly reiterated.

“Father, what kind of nonsense is this?” I dumbfoundedly asked.

“It’s not nonsense.” He calmly answered.

“No. It is nonsense.” I reaffirmed.

It was very possible that my father’s iron hands would be immediately foisting upon me if I spoke disrespectfully like this. Unfortunately, what had to be said had to be said.

“I’m weaker than Eldest Brother and worse at swordsmanship than Second Eldest Brother. Isn’t this village a place where strength is everything?”

However, rather than foisting his iron first, he simply let out a small sigh. “But, amongst all the villagers, you are the best at magic.”

I was taken aback by his words. “Ever since I started learning magic, you told me that magic is just a small trick!”

From the very beginning, my father had opposed my interest in magic. He would often say that it was a petty trick for weak people.

“Yes, I did say that and it is what I still believe. However, the magic you perform is not just some small tricks.”

I couldn’t comprehend my father’s words. It was like he was saying that driving after drinking wasn’t considered drunk driving.

“No small tricks in this world can defeat a dragon. If a small trick could defeat a dragon, it can’t be considered a small trick anymore.”

I was at a loss, I didn’t know what to say to those words.

“Even if you are lacking in strength compared to your eldest brother, amongst the villagers, you are still one of the top. More so for swordsmanship. If you are right below your second eldest brother in this village, then you are considered the second best.”

“No, not really.” I waved my hand and denied it.

But he laughed and said, “Your second eldest brother, the best swordsman in the village, said that when he takes a day off, you catch up by two days. He has to do three days worth of training every day to continue maintaining the distance.”

I pursed my lips.

“Your second eldest sister taught you magic, she told me that you are the best magician in the village. Elder Mirpa, who is officially recognized as the number one magician in the village, also concurred. Also, your eldest sister, the one I always seek out for advice, said that your depth of knowledge is either at the same or higher level than hers. She told me that if I need advice, it would be helpful to ask you as well.”

The look on his face was asking if I would still deny his words.

“Seeing how resolute you are, it looks like you’ve already been considering making me succeed as the village head. Since when did you decide?”

“Ever since you defeated that dragon.”

In other words, he had decided that I would be his successor since I was 12.

“Eldest Brother and Second Eldest Brother defeated dragons as well. So, why me?”

To my father, being good at magic or being highly educated was only secondary. If I had to make a comparison, it was equivalent to writing down a second-degree certificate in Korean history or Chinese language on the resume for a large company. It was a level of achievement that was too subtle to distinguish me from other candidates.

“Your eldest and second eldest brother did not catch it alone. They did so with two or three companions. In addition, when your brothers were twelve, they couldn’t even catch demons, let alone a dragon. Instead, they were busy fleeing. Hahaha, it’s funny even as I think about it now. Hahahaha!”

My father banged his desk as he laughed.

I could suddenly empathize with my eldest and second eldest brother for launching a sneak attack against my father before their coming of age ceremony. Should I just launch an attack now as well?

I felt the urge to attack as I recalled the memory of being tossed down into the dragon’s den. However, doing so would just end with me suffering in bed for a few days after being thrown around excitedly by that muscle-monster.

“That’s why you can’t go to the empire. You have to succeed after me,” Father firmly said then added, “Well, I’m still in my prime and you’re too young for the position for now. I’ll pass it on to you when you get older.”

“Yes. I understand. I will start heading out then.”

With a smile, I said goodbye and left the office.

While walking back home, I saw a child in a vacant lot. He looked to be about ten. He was holding a sword and attacking an old man, seemingly his grandfather. The child’s grandfather blocked the sword lightly with his fingers that were shrouded in sword aura. The old man seemed to be enjoying his grandson’s antics.


At this rate, it seemed like I was about to become the chief of a tribe of battle crazy fighters.

The chief of a tribe was not a position that a normal person like me should inherit. I had ideally wanted to leave this village with a smile on my face. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about it.

It was time for plan B.


Doomstone Blade, Chief of Crow Tribe, one of the battle races, laughed as he recalled the event that happened yesterday. His youngest son, Denburg Blade, had come in as he was about to become an adult.

Unfortunately, unlike his other sons, Denburg did not launch a sneak attack or attack him. Still, it was remarkable that his youngest son, his dearest child, had come in to pay him a visit as an adult.

However, Doomstone had been taken aback when Denburg had said that he wanted to leave the village. Fortunately, he was pleased that the latter had left with a smile on his face as if to say that his son had understood his feelings.

To be honest, Doomstone had been planning on letting Denburg know about inheriting his position when he was a bit older. Still, since he was now almost sixteen, he reckoned it would be fine to let him know.

As such, Doomstone announced to his family over dinner last evening. Although he had not expressed it, he had felt a bit nervous over their responses. Fortunately, it turned out to be needless worrying.

His sons and daughters also approved of Denburg inheriting the position. Disregarding his daughters, the youngest son, and the second eldest son who had no aspirations for the position, he had been a bit surprised that his eldest son had also agreed.

“I saw Father going through a pile of documents a while back and it made my head hurt. Youngest Brother can be the greatest ruler and I can be the greatest warrior!”

Feeling proud of his eldest son, Doomstone gave him a headlock and patted his head.

“My sons and daughters! Give me a hug!”

As Doomstone opened his arm, Hestia, the eldest daughter yelled, “Everyone run away!”

With this warning, his two sons and daughters simultaneously ran away.

Hmm. He murmured that this was going to hurt his feelings. As he spoke, Doomstone asked his eldest son who was trapped by the headlock and unable to run away, “Don’t you think so too?”

“Yes! Of ...Of course! But father, how about you let me go—” Gallahad, his eldest son, asked while pushing his arms but Doomstone had no intention of letting him go.

“Wait? Dad? DAD!”

As Doomstone’s chest came closer and the pressure from his arms strengthened, Gallahad started yelling frantically at his father.

Yes, Father loves you too.


“Village Head!”

Doomstone woke up from his reverie of the happenings of the previous day as he heard someone calling out to him.

His receptionist standing next to him whispered in his ear as he shook away his musings.

“Village Head, I have summoned the elders according to your instructions.”

Without him realizing, the room was now filled with old muscle men who called themselves the elders.

“Ahh, I am sorry. I apologize for being away in thought.”

“To think that you would know how to think. I am proud.” Upon Doomstone’s apology, Elder Mirpa, the only elder in the room without any bulging muscles, teased him.

“That’s so mean of you to say. I’m also getting older and have been working hard lately. Additionally, I’m still technically the village head. You can’t just address me informally like that.”

“So noisy. Just tell us why you summoned us all. Based on how you called all the elders and not just me, it looks like you have something important to say.”

The most gentleman-like Elder Wager also added as if he was curious: “Yes, Tribe Chief. Tell us why you summoned us. You know as well that you become more impatient as you get old.”

“Haha, Tribe Chief? Just call me Village Head rather than using such outdated names.”

The elders kept calling him tribe chief as if the other title was foreign to them. As trade with the empire increased, Hestia had suggested that the title tribe chief be replaced with village head. But it was clear that the title village head did not seem very impressive.

As per Denburg’s suggestion, Doomstone considered changing his title from the village head to something more invigorating such as “Fire Shadow”.

“Tribe Chief or Village Head, stop changing the topic and get to the point.”

Upon Elder Mirpa’s continuous nagging, Doomstone lightly said, “I called everyone because I’ve decided on the next person to become the village head.”

The elders were silent at first but then started talking amongst themselves.

“Are you sick somewhere? Do you have some disease I’m not aware of?”

Upon Elder Mirpa’s questions, the other elders became worried and stared at Doomstone.

“No, I’m fine.”

“Then why is a fine person already talking about appointing the next village head! Why are you saying something like that!”

The volume in the room grew louder as the elders started yelling.

“Everyone shut up!” Suddenly, Elder Mirpa exploded and the room instantly quieted.

Once the room had regained silence, Elder Mirpa stared right into Doomstone’s eyes and asked, “Okay. Let’s ignore for now why a perfectly fine person like you is already deciding on the next village head. Who is the successor? You eldest son? Second eldest son?”

Doomstone shook his head. “It’s the youngest son.”

The chattering started again. Elder Mirpa glanced back and forth to shut them up.

As he watched this scene in front of him, Doomstone became slightly depressed as he imagined his future.

Although every elder here used to be loud and vigorous, their age had weakened their muscle and deteriorated their abilities. As a magician, Elder Mirpa was the sole exception to this rule since his magic power grew with age.

During his youth, people had looked down on Elder Mirpa for learning magic instead of swordsmanship or martial arts. But those same people became helpless against him as they grew older and went past their middle age.

As Doomstone was considering learning magic from Denburg, Elder Mirpa said, “It’s fine if your youngest son becomes the next tribe chief. Unlike yourself, Den is wise and smart. Also, it’s not unheard of for the youngest son to become the tribe chief.”

In contrast to the outside world where the throne was succeeded by the eldest son, past village heads, no tribe chiefs, were chosen based on strength. Therefore, the youngest sons also had the chance of becoming a tribe chief.

The occasional female tribe chiefs were also due to this.

“But why your youngest son?”

Elder Mirpa was not asking why the youngest son Denburg had been chosen over the eldest son. Rather because Doomstone considered magic as petty tricks. In other words, he was asking the latter why he would choose someone who specialized in magic as well as whether Denburg had superior strength compared to his other brothers.

There was only one answer to the question.

“Because he is the strongest. Could there be any other reason?”

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