
Chapter 100 Support

Surrounding Xavier, who had just left Achara\'s home after waking up not too long ago, before he could even thank Connor for bringing him the clothes he needed, or do anything else, he was cut off.

"Zack told us how you planned on making the money and we already assumed it was something along those lines already," Achara revealed, which he had already realised.

"And we\'re not here to stop you, but just to remind you that we can help you if you need us and are here to support you just as much as you want to support us," Connor added.

Sam and Karim merely nodded their heads, while Zack handed over to him a sheet of paper.

"That\'s the line-up for today\'s Wild Dog Fight Club event and it also has their fighting records and whatever other information I could find about the fighters on there."

Xavier was lost for words and the looks in the eyes of the 5 that he had chosen were so strong that they could barely be considered the same people that he had met not long ago.

But he felt proud to see how much they had developed and was excited to see what the future had in store for them.

While they also seemed to have noticed the changes in themselves and the other 4, which just made them believe in Xavier and the Outlaw Gang even more.


"Thank you all, and I know I\'ve put a lot of pressure on you and the others to improve, but if we can make it past this period, everything will become much clearer. And I say clearer because I know it won\'t become easier, as nothing is ever easy. But we\'ve got each other\'s support, and that should be enough to overcome anything," Xavier managed to get out after a short moment of silence.

It was a bit cheesy, but he wanted to say something befitting a leader as he tried to squeeze past them.

However, before he could leave, Achara had one last thing for him.

"Take this with you. It\'s all the money we could gather, even from the others, and they all volunteered to provide it for you to bet. We know you like to do things alone, so we\'ll trust you and wait for the good news."

Xavier hesitated slightly, but then took the money and thanked them.

He doubted himself for a second and was worried he might end up losing their money, but quickly snapped out of it.

\'If they believe in me, who am I not to believe in myself,\' he said to himself, before making his way to the venue of the Wild Dog Fight Club event.

And as he did, he made sure to pull up his mask and put on his hood before making a call to let them know that he was coming to the fight club...


Xavier had already consulted Zack about his phone calls being tracked and was worried that his previous phone calls might be stored somewhere by his service provider, which could then be used against him.

However, Zack reassured him that it would be impossible for them to keep recordings of every call, so he didn\'t have to worry about that, but then he asked for Xavier\'s phone.

This all happened while Xavier was at his house in the morning, and as Xavier watched him work, Zack no longer seemed like the loser he was when he first met him.

Instead, he was unbelievably impressive and would focus so hard that he wouldn\'t even notice Xavier observing him, as he returned the phone to him in a matter of minutes.

And supposedly in the short time he had plugged Xavier\'s phone into one of his computers, he had been able to do something to his phone to keep it from being tracked in any way.

Xavier didn\'t bother trying to understand and remember all of Zack\'s explanations anymore, but from what he gathered, it just encrypted his calls and messages so that only the receiver could access them and so that they couldn\'t be traced.

However, Zack made sure to reiterate that nothing is foolproof, and that\'s why he had put up a backup program that alerts him if anyone\'s phone has been accessed.

And if that were to happen, Xavier\'s phone would automatically implode.

The physical phone itself would be fine, but everything on it would be corrupted and destroyed before the data could be stolen by a hacker or the authorities.

Which was why Zack had given him the option to back up his data or any nice photos at his house.

However, Xavier didn\'t have any, which was quite sad.

\'I\'ll get some nice photos with my mother and my new friends. Maybe even with those three little demons,\' was what he thought at the time, before asking Zack if he could do what he had just done to everyone else\'s phones.

Agreeing, Xavier could see Zack\'s hesitation and he had so much to do, but he didn\'t complain and continued working the whole day even when Xavier had gone to scout possible recruits and places.

Zack had done so much in a single day and was capable in so many different ways that he truly was a diamond in the dirt that Xavier was lucky to have come across.

And so was everyone else so far, who all showed great improvement and drive, doing their best to make sure the Outlaw Gang succeeded.


Because of that Xaver couldn\'t slack off either and had to keep his word when it came to generating the large amounts of money that he promised he was going to.

And now it was even more important to place the right bets at the fight club since the money he was betting with belonged to all those in the Outlaw Gang, who all trusted in him.

But pressure makes diamonds was the saying that Xavier kept repeating to himself as he called the number that one of the 5 elite guards, who were second only to the one-eyed demon, had previously given him.

Since they were now running the fight clubs and were so senior in the Wolf Gang that they were likely to be busy all the time and have a lot on their plates, Xavier was shocked when somebody answered almost instantly.

To add to that, they instantly knew who he was before he spoke.

"The Unstoppable Beast I assume. How can I help you today?"

It seemed as though the last time when he had called them with his number to let them know that he, Achara, Sam and Connor were fighting, they had saved his number.

However, Xavier didn\'t think about it too deeply since Zack had reassured him that nobody had hacked into or was tracking his phone so far, while he was also pretty sure he hadn\'t given them a reason to do so yet.

Although he had performed well and in their eyes was an interesting prospect that could make them a lot of money with the great upsets that the results of his matches usually came with, he wasn\'t a threat to them.

He also wasn\'t high up in the rankings or someone that they needed for the fight club to run, and also hadn\'t formed any sort of contract with them, which they usually would do with the rankers.

The reason for that was simple.

There were too many uncertainties and they were unsure whether he took the fight club seriously, which they were right to assume, and Xavier liked that about the one-eyed demon\'s 5 elite guards.

They were sharp, ran things smoothly and only acted when their actions would breed them greater profits or power that would please their boss to whom they were completely loyal.

How the one-eyed demon had made them that way was a mystery to most, but it wasn\'t the same kind of loyalty that Xavier was creating or seeking with those he recruited.

They were completely subservient to him and at his every beck and call despite being intelligent and capable individuals, which baffled Xavier, but he decided not to look into it too deeply.

Or at least not yet.

He was currently focusing on building and establishing the Outlaw Gang, and he\'d leave finding any other weaknesses or information about the Wolf Gang to Zack and Karim.

And to make sure that he could complete his mission of crushing two small gangs, which would also set up the foundation that the Outlaw Gang needed to start expanding, he needed to gather as much money as he could.


"I am going to be spectating the fights tonight and am also going to be placing large bets," Xavier stated directly.

"Okay, a viewing booth along with one of our gambling staff will be prepared for you and they will come and collect you from the side entrance, which I\'ll send you the location to," was the response he received.

However, despite how respectfully he was being spoken to, he could tell that the one speaking to him didn\'t mean it in the slightest and it seemed to be one of the 5 elite guards of the one-eyed demon.

"I appreciate that," was all Xavier said before ending the call, reciprocating exactly how he was spoken to and preparing himself for what was to come.

He couldn\'t allow himself to make mistakes and lose money, and also couldn\'t lower his guard or show any signs of weakness, as he arrived at the underground venue and was welcomed in...

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