
Chapter 31: Going hunting

Chapter 31: Going hunting

<<"When a hunter is in a tree stand with high moral values and with the proper hunting ethics and richer for the experience, that hunter is 20 feet closer to God.">>

– Fred Bear

The feast was followed by a period of celebration and memorial. The two friends were overjoyed and excited about their mutual success, and they felt a strong feeling of pride and solidarity in their friendship and cause. They were excited about the future and what they could accomplish together. They were also infused with a sense of urgency and purpose to continue their collaboration and achieve common goals. It was a true tribute to their alliance\'s potential and promise.

Unlike in Bohemia, Conradin was able to restrain himself from overindulging in wine this time; instead, he spent most of his time laughing and joking with Frederick.

However, the feast had come to an end, and it was time to continue preparing for the invasion.

They\'d have to assemble troops and supplies and make sure their armies were ready. In order to complete their mission, they would also need to make strategic plans and pre-think about possible decisions they would have to make. It was a time of intense planning and preparation, with a lot of work to be completed in a short period of time. The two young men were full with zeal and drive, and they were determined to succeed no matter what the cost.

Frederick and Conradin however did not want to stay close in a room and discuss like old men, they instead decided that this work would be completed while on a hunt. Conradin, his three retainers, Orion and Frederick, fled the castle and entered the nearest forest equipped with spears and crossbows. Conradin let Orion fly up into the skies in search of small animals such as rabbits, while the rest of the group went inside in search of stags or boars. Conradin enquired to his companions about their total army numbers while the group was looking for animals.

\'\'So, Frederick, mind telling me about the army you brought with you? I didn\'t ask because I didn\'t want to break the mood yesterday."

\'\'Well, as I mentioned in my letter, I brought 2,000 footmen, 700 of whom are bowmen and the other 1,300 are men at arms."

Conradin pondered the figures, and he was grateful to Frederick for bringing so many troops. Along with the 2,000 soldiers, Frederick possessed 3,000 German knights the cream of his armies; however, he had no idea how many troops his allies communes had opted to help him with, so he could only make an estimate in his mind.

While Conradin was deep in meditation, Galvano raised his hand and motioned for silence because he had sighted a boar, and a big one at that.

When the four hunters discovered the boar, they were silent for a minute and studied it attentively as it roamed around its surroundings. It was a massive and impressive beast, brown was its fur, long were its tusks and Conradin was sure that whoever managed to take it down would truly gain a worthy prize out of his body . The group remained still and vigilant, waiting for the proper opportunity to strike and take down the boar. They were determined not to let the boar escape, and they were willing to go to any length to ensure that they could claim credit for putting down such an outstanding beast. The group was primed and ready for action, and the tension in the air was apparent.

Conradin signaled Galvano to pass him his crossbow, and once he had it, he pointed it toward the gorgeous beast\'s heart. He then took a long breath so as to not mess up his aim and then let his finger press the trigger leading to the bolt flying.

\'\'Pluck, swoosh.\'\'

The bolt had landed in the beast\'s gut. In anguish, the boar raised his head and once he took sight of them , charged at the gathering. Almost everyone took their spears and positioned them to protect the monarch and his friend. Suddendly though another bolt was fired, striking the boar in the head. The boar made two or three steps before collapsing and howling in agony.

Corrado was the one who shot the boar ,since he didn\'t want to endanger his liege\'s safety just shortly before the campaign; after all, it would be a pitiful way to go.

\'\'Excellent shot, Corrado. You surely have a magnificent aim that rivals that of the Genoese, meanwhile I should improve mine." Conradin praised trying to shake off the slight fear that he felt during this short moments.

\'\'Thank you very much your Majesty , you honor me "

Without further ado, Corrado then put the boar in his shoulder afterall it was his prize, and then the gathering decided to call it a day and return to the camp.

On the walk there, Fredrick asked Conradin several campaign-related questions.

\'\'So tell me Conradin , whose communes have decided to back you?\'\'

\'\'For the time being, we have formed alliances with Genoa, Pisa, Verona, and Pavia. We also have decided the path we will take on the way there.The idea is to proceed through Savoy, which we have permission to do so by its ruler, then we will march to Genoa, from which point we will then go across central northern Italy to connect with the rest of our allies."

Conradin gave Frederick a thorough summary of his planned campaign, including the anticipated path and the allies who had already pledged their support. Frederick was also relieved to see that a number of communes had already pledged to support their cause, and he was relieved to know that they would have comrades along the way who would come to their help.While the two men were discussing , Corrado was in his own inner world deciding on what he would do with the head of such a beast. After much thinking, he decided that he would put the head on the wall as trophy while from the fur he would prepare a pair of gloves that he would wear for important occasions.

Once at the camp,with a loud thump the boar was put down from Corrado\'s shoulders, the boar was then skinned, the meat cut, and then roasted along with the two rabbits caught by Orion. The fire was prepared and the meat roasted. While the group was eating, wine was taken out, and Conradin threw some meat to his dear falcon while laughing and joking with the group.

The group of new hunters had a great time eating and drinking together, and they shared a wonderful meal and many laughs together. It was a time of celebration and camaraderie, and it would be one of the last peaceful times they would have together for a while. They had a great deal of hard work and sacrifice ahead of them, since in the next few months they will be campaigning in Italy starting from next week


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