
Chapter 137 All For What?

There were a group of low-class workers wearing ragged clothes who were standing close to Elijah\'s house\'s entrance. One of them looked at Elijah and scoffed,

"You dare call me a bastard? Hmph! You\'re the ones who have stolen our jobs and you fuckers call us crazy!?"

Another person beside him chimed in as he pointed at Dele, "How does a man like you get to live in such a fancy house and be driven around in a steam car?"

"Yes! Look at you! Go back to where you came from!"

"You don\'t deserve any of this! My wife is sick and my children are starving at home. Give us back our jobs!"

"That\'s right! Give us our jobs back!" The rest of the people in the mob began to scream as they started to throw rocks at Dele and Elijah.

During normal times they would have never thought of doing such a thing. However, now the times were different. The resentment that had been bottled up for all these years was finally beginning to erupt.

Seeing the rocks and stones being hurled at them, Elijah felt unprecedented anger, "My father has never once treated his workers poorly!"

He gritted his teeth as he covertly erected an invisible wall of spiritual force around him and his father.

The rocks hit the wall and bounced back as they fell to the ground. The mob of low-class workers began to grin as they thought that the rocks were hitting the duo.

Elijah grabbed Dele\'s shoulder and escorted him into their house through the main entrance.

He then turned around and looked at the snickering expressions of the workers as he took out about half a dozen small silver balls, the size of his nails, from his pocket and threw them at their feet.

He then activated the silver balls with his spiritual force and the next moment, the silver balls began to disperse white smoke which instantly enveloped the workers.

The workers began to cough violently as their eyes reddened and tears started to fall incessantly.

"Hurry, get back! Get back!" One of the workers shouted with great difficulty as he covered his mouth and nose and began to run away from the house entrance.

Meanwhile, Elijah and already gotten inside his house as he supported his father to help him walk.

As soon as they entered the house, Elijah\'s mother who was sitting on the couch in the living room and reading a book turned to look at her husband and son and gasped as she ran towards them, "Goddess! Dele, what happened? You\'re bleeding!"

Dele waved his hand at his wife and replied weakly, "It\'s nothing. Don\'t worry about it."

Panic-stricken, Elijah\'s mother nearly screamed as she replied, "How can I not worry!? Wait a moment, I\'ll fetch a bowl of water and a dry cloth."

She then ran back towards the kitchen and began to instruct the maids. Elijah helped his father sit on the couch as he looked at the wound on his forehead, "It\'s not a deep wound, father. You\'ll be all right."

Within a few moments, Elijah\'s mother had returned from the kitchen with a maid in tow as the latter carried a bowl of water and a white towel. Both displayed distraught expressions on their faces.

Elijah\'s mother grabbed the towel and dipped it in the bowl of water. She then crouched down beside Dele and helped clean the blood from his forehead gently.

She looked at Elijah anxiously and asked, "Eli, what happened? Tell me everything."

Elijah was about to reply but was cut off by Dele as the latter sighed dejectedly, "All my life, I\'ve had to work harder than the next person just because of how I look.

The things that I\'ve had to sacrifice, the insults that I\'ve had to endure, and the fake smiles that I\'ve had to put up when others looked down on me… All for what?"

Elijah and his mother\'s eyes couldn\'t help but redden. They knew very well what it was like to be discriminated against. As they had been victims of it for most of their entire lives.

Dele added, "I have shed blood, sweat, and tears to get to where I am today. But at the end of the day, all they see is the color of my skin."

He began to sob as his shoulders trembled ever so slightly, "There is no fairness in this world."

Elijah and his mother hugged Dele tightly as the three of them cried silently.

A few moments later, Elijah wiped the tears from his eyes as he suggested, "Father, mother, It\'s best that you both take a vacation and leave Damascus for the time being."

Elijah\'s mother looked at Dele waiting for his answer as the latter seemed to be deep in thought.

Elijah continued, "You guys can go to the family vacation house on the East Coast of Belize Kingdom. Just stay there for a few months and relax. Please listen to me on this."

With the strong undercurrents in Damascus due to the involvement of the Inferno Order and the Holy Blood Sect, the city would be going through a major upheaval sooner or later.

It was best if his parents were out of the city before anything happened.

Dele looked at Elijah and nodded, "Perhaps, that is for the best."

Elijah\'s mother helped Dele stand up and took him upstairs to their bedroom. As Elijah looked at his father\'s desolate back and her mother\'s heartbroken expression on her face, he couldn\'t help but tear up.

He looked outside the entrance of the house where the mob of workers was earlier standing as he clenched and unclenched his fists repeatedly.

In the end, a sigh escaped his lips as he shook his head and muttered under his breath, "They\'re not the ones at fault either…"

He then thought of the actual culprits—members of the Inferno Order—as anger brewed in his heart, "I\'ll make sure to kill all of you, bastards."

Elijah knew very well that the Inferno Order was up to something terrible. It was just a matter of time before everything came to light.

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