
Chapter 136 Indicator (5)

Basil slightly frowned his forehead. He didn\'t understand the correlation between Matheus\' last word and his responsibility as a Fragment Bearer.

—Enjoy yourself.

What is the meaning of that sentence? Should one dilly-dally to be considered enjoying oneself? Do I look like I am not enjoying myself? What should I do to enjoy myself?

Questions ran through his head. However, Basil was selective on what to think and what not to. Fully sure thinking of the matter wouldn\'t bring him any benefit, he quickly tossed the matter to the back of his head.

"Are you alright, darling?"

Basil raised his head, and found Vagus was looking at him in worry. He wanted to casually nod his head like usual, but suddenly something weird happened to him.

When he looked at Vagus, he was assaulted with a sense of familiarity; he had never felt this before, despite having spent more than a decade with Vagus.

Too many bewildering things happened in one day, it confused him. In result, he could only nod his head rigidly to answer Vagus\' question.

"I can\'t take that answer as a yes, if you answer it like that, you know?" Vagus touched Basil\'s cheek, then looked at him warmly. "You seem overwhelmed. Are you really alright?"

Basil slightly recoiled in surprise. Something wrong was happening to him. His heart slightly tingled, and he didn\'t know why. It was so foreign, he ended up touching Vagus\' hand, and looked at her silently.

"I am fine." Finally, he could give her an answer. "I think there is something going on inside me." Then, he took Vagus\' hand off his cheek.

"Is it a bad thing?"

"I believe it is."

"Does it hurt you or something?"

"No." Vagus blinked her eyes in puzzlement. Basil continued, "But, you look dignified right now; it doesn\'t suit you. Something weird must be going on inside me," he frowned, "or maybe, there is something wrong with the world."

Vagus\' eyes gradually lost their previous brightness, before completely turning neutral. "What is wrong with me being dignified, darling?" She smiled, but her eyes remained neutral.

Basil squinted his eyes briefly, before answering, "As I expected, I can never think of you being a dignified person. You have lost the privilege to look that way in front of my eyes." He was being honest.

Vagus put her hands on Basil\'s shoulder. "Why... just why..." Then, she shook Basil vigorously. "Why can\'t you be nice to me?!"

Of course, she didn\'t really have the power to shake Basil\'s body. Therefore, her body ended up going back and forth instead.

Basil faintly sighed in exasperation. However, in the next moment, a small smile unconsciously crept on his face. Extending his hand forward, he put it on Vagus\' head, stopping her movement entirely.

He rubbed her head tenderly. "Although you have lost the privilege to look dignified in front of my eyes, you have secured the place to look forever sweet in front of my eyes."

Vagus\' eyes widened in surprise, before a blush decorated both of her cheeks.

In the other hand, Basil\'s eyes froze. He was shocked by what he had said. After everything he had experienced in this life, his word was the one that actually shocked him for the first time.

He couldn\'t believe he had said something like that to Vagus!

Although he had been extremely popular in his past life, he hadn\'t been a Casanova. He could praise women; literature was his hobby, he was well-versed in poem. However, he could never flirt, he would never do that.

Just now however, he had just flirted with Vagus. Vagus of all people! He was absolutely sure Matheus had done something weird to his head.

Caesar, who was ignored by the two lovey-dovey couple, looked at the scene in nostalgia and slight bitterness. He was glad his esteemed Lady could still enjoy herself after what she had been through.

However, he was saddened by the two\'s insensitivity.

He couldn\'t help it. He hadn\'t gotten out of the Dungeon for 2000 years. How could he not envy seeing the very scene he had missed out due to his entrapment?!

"Pardon this old me from seeing the very thing I have missed!"

Of course, he didn\'t shout that out loud.


Whitney silently looked at Cray, who was laying on the bed in one of the Church chambers. Cray was currently being treated by the Priest of the only Church in Raneil Barony.

They had arrived there a few minutes ago, and Whitney had quickly taken Cray to the nearby Church to get treated.

The Priest, Abel, glanced at Whitney from the corner of his eyes. He was curious of what had happened to Cray and Whitney. Seeing a heavily injured Mage was very rare, after all; they always played safe.

"Why hasn\'t he gained consciousness yet?" Whitney asked the Priest.

Abel calmly answered, "He is shocked. I believe it is his first time receiving an injury of this caliber."

"What do you mean by that?"

Abel pointed to Cray\'s leg. "The bone is not fractured. It is ground to dust."

"Can it be healed?"

"Although it will take sometime, it can be healed. Nothing the God\'s power can\'t do."

Whitney bowed politely. "Thank you for your service."

"Thank our God, not me."

Whitney smiled professionally, then nodded his head faintly. That was the least courtesy he could show to God\'s believer.

Abel\'s palm kept shining in golden light, and Cray\'s leg was slowly healing. The bruised skin slowly regained its color, and the bent leg was slowly mended. It was a fascinating process to watch.

However, Whitney still had one task. Since he had arrived at Raneil Barony, it was time to visit Familia Inn; the time where he had to tell the truth had come.

Whitney sighed, then looked at Abel. "Can I leave my friend here? I need to visit my friend\'s family." Abel turned his head to Whitney, then smiled kindly. "Of course. You don\'t have to worry. I will assign some nuns to look after your friend later."

Whitney bowed his head politely once again, before departing to Familia Hotel.

The journey from Lone Plain to Raneil Barony had roughly taken three days. Which means, Basil\'s family hadn\'t seen him for a week. They must be eager to hear the news about Basil.

Since Raneil Barony was a small part of Fortescher County, it didn\'t take him long to arrive at Familia Hotel.

It was currently 8 in the evening, but the hotel was as bright as usual. People went in and out, and all of them had happy faces; whether they were male or female, it was the same.

This was Familia Hotel, the cheapest luxury hotel with the warmest atmosphere in the entire Raneil Barony, and possibly the entire Fortescher County.

Whitney bit his lower lip, before steeling himself. Stepping inside the hotel, he was greeted by the same warm and homey feeling he liked about the hotel. Some of the staffs saw him, and immediately bowed at him.

They recognized Whitney as they had seen their Young Master, the owner\'s son whom he liked to brag about, had worn the same uniform uniform as him.

Not only that, the owner had made sure to engrave the face of their unsociable Young Master\'s friends in their mind.

Yes, at this point, Basil being a loner was already a common knowledge amongst the staffs.

One of the female staffs approached Whitney, then politely asked, "Good evening, good sir. How may I help you?"

"Can I see Mr. Danzel, please?"

"Of course, sir." The female staff smiled. "I will call the owner, and you may wait in the lounge room for a moment."

Whitney nodded his head silently, then proceed to go to the lounge room. Upon arriving there, he could see all kinds of people—Knight, Mage, and civilians—chatting amongst themselves.

The scene was so peaceful, it calmed one\'s mind.

Although his presence attracted everyone\'s attention, he paid them no mind. He took a seat on the sofa, while everyone was focused on the uniform he was wearing.

No one dare to approach him as they were aware of how monstrous the students of Randalvine Magic Institute. Therefore, Whitney was given the time to ponder for the thing he should say.

However, time is a funny thing. When one waits for it to come, it comes so slow; when one wants it to go slowly, it goes so fast. It felt like a few seconds, and Danzel was already there, smiling at him.

"Hello, Whitney! How did the Exploration go? You found many good things?"

Whitney could only smile politely at Danzel\'s enthusiastic question. "About that, can we talk about it privately?" He was forcing his eyes to keep looking at Danzel.

Danzel grinned. "Of course, Whitney! Let\'s go to the guest room!" Although he looked like that, he was hiding the uneasiness he was feeling inside.

Although Whitney didn\'t show it, Danzel could faintly feel the guilt and the sorrow he was feeling. It was subtle. But, he was old enough to notice that subtle emotion. Furthermore, he had been training himself to read people better these days.

With his lead, they soon arrived in the guest room. They sat on the sofa, and the hotel staff prepared them a tea. When the tea was done, the staff exit the room, leaving them facing each other silently for a few minutes.


Danzel sipped his tea calmly, while giving an assuring look at Whitney. Whitney didn\'t give a particular reaction, but he was shaken inside. However, he soon resolved himself, and did the thing he had never done.

Without dilly-dallying, he dropped his knee to the ground and kowtowed in front of Danzel.

"My incompetence has brought your son to his untimely death. For the people he had only known for a few days, he sacrificed himself. I, being one of them, am very ashamed of my incompetence."

He paused, before continuing, "I beg not for mercy, nor sympathy. Tell me how I should repay your son\'s kindness."

Danzel looked at the scene surprisingly calm. He put down his teacup, before also kneeling on the ground. He put his hand on Whitney\'s head briefly, before helping him to get up.

Whitney looked at Danzel straightly. Tears didn\'t come out of his eyes, but guilt filled his gaze. Danzel smiled, then patted his shoulder tenderly.

"What did he say before his death?"

Whitney immediately answered, "He told me to tell you, his family, \'I will be back.\'"

"Then, back he will." Danzel patted his chest, the place where his heart was located.

Whitney inhaled a deep breath. Then, tears came out of his eyes. His guilt was amplified by Danzel\'s way on facing the matter. He had thought he would receive insults, curses, hatred, and physical abuse.

However, he received none. Instead, he was treated in kind. Danzel merely smiled, as if comforting him; he became even more ashamed because of this.

Danzel hugged Whitney and patted his back. Then, he smiled bitterly without Whitney noticing.

Basil had given him his Life Orb long ago. He kept it in his room, and it was still shining brightly. Therefore, he knew Basil was still alive.

Looking at Whitney, he was glad Basil had finally gained a good friend in his life. Still, he knew Basil was up to something. Therefore, he didn\'t tell Whitney Basil was still alive.

He was sure Basil did it for a reason.

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