
Chapter 491 Inner Demons Due To Being Too Emotional

In this city, there were also several teams.

"This wolf runs too fast, but he’s too naive... You wait in front of him and drive him into a lane. Mr. Gui said just catch him but don’t hurt him."

It was quite clear... Violence was necessary, but not to kill him.

For Wind-Chasing Wolf, he couldn’t know this--- he was just afraid. Those monsters catching him were not the same age as him, or just a few vengeful monsters. They were not even street fighters.

But he didn’t understand why he was wanted all of a sudden. He thought a lot of possibilities... In the ordinary course of events, he didn’t do any bad things.

The only thing he could think of was about Xiaojiang... But he was not sure. Though Xiaojiang’s family had lived a long time and his ancestors knew many monsters, they should not be able to mobilize these guys.

"Stop running, little wolf. Just be captured and go back to see Mr. Gui."

A dark shadow was in front of Wind-Chasing Wolf. Wind immediately turned around but found the road behind him had been blocked. He looked up at the top of the eaves, seeing a moving dark shadow--- he had no way to escape!

"Mr. Gui... was he Gui Qianyi?" Wind-Chasing Wolf frowned.

He was scared but he was not too flustered to lose his thinking; therefore, he went on, "What does he want with me?"

"Don’t care about that. Anyway, what we’ve been told is to take you to him. So you’d better not run. You are young, we do not want to start a fight with you."

"Who knows what will happen if I follow you?" Wind-Chasing Wolf angrily said. He bared his teeth, "Say it clearly, otherwise, I won’t go!"

"Born with violence." The dark shadow in front of him shook his head, "Don’t know how to assess the situation, it will be hard to reach greatness... Don’t you know that if I really want to hurt you, I would have many opportunities? Go ahead. Don’t waste breath on him."

Then, three dark shadows flew toward Wind at the same time, Wind didn’t last more than ten seconds before he was crushed to the ground while facing the siege of the three adult monsters.

"Let me go! Let me go! I’ll kill you!!!!!"

He struggled wildly on the ground, but what he got was a brutal fist... And then, he lost consciousness and blacked out.

"Did I strike too heavily?" An adult monster frowned.

"He’s too noisy. This wolf is too wild, and his eyes are full of violence and hate... " A monster shook his head and lightly said, "Tell Mr. Gui, we’ve caught Wind-Chasing Wolf. And we’ll go back!"



Wind-Chasing Wolf was awakened by the slight shock. Of course, when he woke up, he could also hear the bangs, like the heavy, low beat.

In front of him was an empty huge stone chamber, and three monsters surrounded his left and right side... They were adult monsters and each of them was very strong enough to scare him.

Now Gui Qianyi sat in front of him with a walking stick in his hand.

Beside Gui Qianyi, Ghost Baby stood there with no expression.

Wind-Chasing Wolf wanted to climb up, but he found his hands were bound by chains. And his feet... were also locked by fetters.

"Where is this? Why did you bring me here?"

Hearing the roar of Wind-Chasing Wolf, Gui Qianyi waved his hand, letting the monsters go out except Ghost Baby. Then he lightly said, "Wind-Chasing Wolf... this is your name, right? Your background is unknown, I heard that you were abandoned when you were a child?"

"You... You are Gui Qianyi? The old turtle of Elysium Bar?"

"Really born with violence." Gui Qianyi indifferently said, "You may find it difficult to survive in the monsters prosperous age according to your character. Don’t you know your situation?"

"It’s just a life!" Wind-Chasing wolf snorted, "Kill me as you like! I will be a hero again in eighteen years! "

Gui Qianyi stared at him suddenly, which made Wind-Chasing Wolf feel that this enormously enlarged old monster’s eyes would directly drag him into a dark abyss. Then, he started trembling, "Bold wolf! Don’t talk nonsense! Didn’t anyone tell you that you can’t reincarnate if the death door doesn’t open? And you may become a lonely ghost, your soul will wander the heavens or earth, and eventually it will die without any trace left!"

Wind-Chasing Wolf’s head was throbbing and aching. He cried and feebly knelt down.

"You’re a fool, who is just brave, but does not cherish your life!" Gui Qianyi moved his gaze away, "You can rest assured, I do not intend to kill you, Master Long just gave me the order to catch you."

"Long... Long Xiruo... " Wind-Chasing Wolf on the ground lifted his head and bit his teeth, "It’s her..."

He was not only surprised, but mostly knew what had happened from Gui Qianyi. It’s not difficult for him to imagine that Cheese would take Xiaojiang to Long Xiruo for help in the first time, and he also could imagine that Cheese would say that he was the murderer under Long Xiruo’s inquiry.

"It turned out to be... Sure enough... " Wind-Chasing Wolf suddenly hit his head on the cold floor, "He would rather believe that monster..."

He laughed, this strange laugh made Gui Qianyi and Ghost Baby look at each other and think he was scared.

But Wind-Chasing Wolf suddenly raised his head and asked, "Mr. Gui, you are a highly-respected predecessor of the monsters. Can you answer me a question that I don’t understand?"

"I have no obligation to answer your question." Gui Qianyi indifferently said.

Wind-Chasing Wolf murmured, "If all the people in the world don’t believe you and wanted to deal with you even though you were innocent, what will you do to all the people in the world?"

Gui Qianyi frowned, "If you are innocent, then there’s a chance to prove. You should try hard to prove it or just wait. What else would you do? Besides, why can’t people believe you? Isn’t that your problem?"

Wind-Chasing Wolf bit his teeth and stood up, his eyes were red, "Can you tell me, how to deal with the people in this world?"

Gui Qianyi deeply frowned, Ghost Baby nearby took a step now, "Mr. Gui, this wolf is going crazy!"

"I knew this from the time he opened his eyes. I don’t know why this guy has such strong anger in his heart."

Gui Qianyi shook his head, "What has he been through... Ghost Baby, knock him off and take him to Master Long. Don’t let him go mad. Well, why are young guys so extreme?"

Hearing this, Ghost Baby who never gave pity to other things quickly came and directly knocked Wind-Chasing wolf’s forehead...This was enough to cause the wolf to lose consciousness.

Simply carrying Wind-Chasing Wolf on his shoulder, Ghost Baby left without turning around; he said, "I will back soon."


Outside the abandoned industrial park of Elysium Bar with Wind-Chasing wolf, Ghost Baby looked up at the sky, "The moon is full... We must go back soon. "

Because a round moon meant it would be hard to stimulate their wild nature. And particularly, some monsters who were excited by the alcohol in the bar would be tired of life and look for troubles.

However, Sun Xiaosheng liked these troubles, he said it would be used to adorn the rotten monsters. So Ghost Baby usually had a busy night once a month.

He indifferently looked at Wind-Chasing wolf on his shoulder---his madness was probably just caused by the full moon... And wolf monsters were more sensitive to it than other monsters.

At this time, Wind-Chasing Wolf suddenly moved on Ghost Baby’s shoulder.

Ghost Baby was stupefied, because he thought his attack was just fine... But this little wolf woke up so quickly.

He threw Wind-Chasing Wolf down--- This wolf bit his neck the first instance he woke up.

Wind-Chasing Wolf was crouched on the ground with a vicious dog look, his eyes were red and his sharp teeth began to drip with a lot of salivae.

"Totally crazy? How fast." Ghost Baby lightly reached out--- a knife slowly shot out of his palm, "If you were unconscious until you came to Miss Long, you may have suffered a loss."

"You haven’t answered my question!" Wind-Chasing Wolf said this with a crazy voice.

"You can still think?" Ghost Baby frowned.

But at this point, a blood light emerged on Wind-Chasing wolf’s body, it wrapped him and eventually turned into a blood shadow wolf which was several times larger than him.

"What the hell are you?"

"If you don’t want to answer me, then go die!" Wind-Chasing Wolf suddenly pounced.

Ghost Baby snorted---his knife suddenly emitted a cold light. He didn’t retreat but stepped out, then the cold light cut towards the blood shadow wolf.

The cold light flashed and the shadow wolf was cut in half. Wind-Chasing Wolf screamed, his arm was split and the blood crazily burst out.

"Stop here, you can’t win." Ghost Baby lightly said, "I don’t know where you got this power, but obviously it doesn’t belong to you."

"You... want to deal with me! You all want to deal with me! " Wind-Chasing Wolf suddenly opened his arms and took a deep breath, roaring!

This roar was so loud that Ghost Baby felt he was at a wind gap of a large gorge... The brilliant light began to crazily rush towards Wind-Chasing Wolf.

That was the moonlight, the purest force of the full moon.

Seeing Wind-Chasing wolf’s body suddenly swell up, Ghost Baby frowned, his eyes flashed a purple light and his knife became two cold lights.

Killing an opponent was easy for Ghost Baby... but not to kill him was the most difficult for him.

Asura, would kill one with one blow.

"You are going to be crazy. Even I don’t kill you, you would blow up and die..." Ghost Baby snorted, "To Die or not depends on your fortune!"

The two cold lights were as fast as lightning. Ghost Baby’s body was also divided into two and went to both sides of Wind-Chasing Wolf. When two cold lights suddenly cut across Wind-Chasing Wolf, he was still crazily absorbing the power of the moon.

Two cold lights finally interlaced.

But at this moment, Ghost Baby narrowed his eyes... the wolf disappeared!

He should have been hit, but he disappeared... into thin air and totally disappeared from his sight.

Ghost Baby didn’t go on fighting, he held the cold lights back and quickly returned to the Elysium Bar. Gui Qianyi had been living for many years and he may know something about the blood shadow wolf.



"Are you not afraid of death?"

In the hall of the club, the boss leaning on the bar looked at Wind-Chasing Wolf and asked.

There was no light of the full moon, so Wind-Chasing wolf couldn’t absorb anything. But his eyes were still red, his craziness didn’t reduce and seemed like a volcano that was ready to erupt.

However, Wind-Chasing Wolf felt he was calmer... then a few seconds ago. He sneered with a hoarse voice, "Didn’t you say that I’ll live to sixty years old. Or I will not die?"

"So you are certain that I will save you, right?" Luo Qiu lightly said, "You are decisive."

Wind-Chasing Wolf looked very crazy, "No one believed me in any explanation. Ghost Baby even wanted to kill me. I had no choice."

"Gui Qianyi and Ghost Baby, even those monsters that caught you have no intention to kill you." Luo Qiu casually said, "Actually, if you hadn’t left the gymnasium and had a good talk with your friends at the beginning, things wouldn’t gone this far."

Wind-Chasing Wolf groaned, "I don’t care these! They said I’m born with violence, so why should I obey them? They even regarded me as the murderer at the very beginning, then why should I explain?"

Luo Qiu lightly said, "If you were them, wouldn’t you doubt and be shocked?"

Wind-Chasing Wolf angrily looked at him, growling, "I don’t care! How did Xiaojiang treat me? Ah! I shouldn’t have saved him. It’s better for him to be eaten by that monster."

Luo Qiu sized him up, as if looking through Wind-Chasing Wolf’s eyes. Suddenly he said, "This is the so-called inner demons. It’s very special. I am seeing it for the first time... Inner demons due to being too emotional?"

But Wind-Chasing Wolf sneered and suddenly he took out the black card.

Boss Luo smiled, "What do you want, sir?"

Wind-Chasing Wolf humped, "According to your tone, I thought you were not going to do business with me."

Boss Luo shook his head, "No, we never refuse customers, no matter how they come here. So what do you want to buy? "

"I’ve had enough of doubt, indifference, hate, mistrust and betray..." Wind-Chasing Wolf’s eyes became redder, "I want... everyone to follow me! And never betray me!"

"What about the transaction fee?"

"My soul!"

Boss Luo lightly said, "Sorry, sir, I’m afraid that is not enough."

As Wind-Chasing Wolf thought, the boss suddenly waved his hand.

Ring... an old bell was in the hand of the boss.

"But..." Luo Qiu shook his bell and suddenly said, "I have a commodity ’Siren Bell’. Once you shake it, people who are weaker and hear it would obey you, and you can only control eighty-one specific individuals... Are you interested, sir?"

A flash of greed flashed through Wind-Chasing Wolf’s eyes; he grinned, "That’s it!"

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