
Chapter 119: Terrifying And Super Attractive

Chapter 119: Terrifying And Super Attractive

“Ouch!” Cleo stumbled slightly on something as the duo approached the brownish lake to enter the secret realm.

“Are you okay?” Sophie hurriedly rushed forward to help her up.

“Yeah I think I tripped over a rock,” Cleo winced as she got up.

Sophie peered at the ground beneath them but could not find any rock or foreign object that would trip someone.

Sophie could not shake the feeling that the hunting exam so far had been simply too easy. They had yet to encounter any of the mechanical dogs and a secret realm was just within their sight.

Would that devil instructor Selvon really make it a relaxing two days of just walking?

Something just felt…. slightly off.

Cleo was a cultivator, so the chance of her ankle twisting during her fall was extremely low.

They continued moving forward for a few more minutes when a strange noise could be heard coming from behind them.


Woof! Woof!

Woof! Woof!

“Fuck it’s a set-up!” Sophie yelled as her pointed ears twitched slightly.

She turned her head around to spot what appeared to be a sea of robotic dogs rising up from beneath the sand.

One had even emerged from the location that Cleo had tripped over.

It was a well-planned ambush as the mechanical dogs crawled out of the sand directly behind their location and moved quickly to trap them.

Soulless eyes stared intensely at the pair as they spread out in a circular formation and walked forward while snarling.

These mechanical soldiers were wolf- like in appearance with a metallic outer coating that harshly reflected the sunlight and made them difficult to stare at directly.

Each of these dogs had high powered thrusters located at their hindlegs and razor-sharp teeth that could easily rip through flesh and bone.

Sophie counted that at least two hundred of these monsters were part of the formation and her heartbeat began to rapidly increase as she prepared for the upcoming fight.

Psychic Shockwave!

Cleo pressed her fingers to her temples and sent out a shockwave that blasted the nearby dogs approaching their location.

Sophie did not slack off either and rushed into the roaring mass of mechanical soldiers with reckless abandon.

Rsychosis Martial Art!

Her figure begun to blur and shift as she danced around the battlefield while her spider appendages accurately pierced the mechanical core of the robotic dogs.

Sophie’s speed seemed to get faster and faster as she narrowly avoided the fangs of the dogs while retaliating with punches and kicks.

Hunt…. hunt…. HUNT!

“Is that all you got you pieces of shit?” Sophie laughed wildly as a reddish tinge spread rapidly across her golden eyes.

Rsychosis was a martial art developed by the Arachnais tribe with special emphasis on short, direct attacks that used minimal movement.

In addition, the special foot steps the practitioner was required to follow would plant illusions in the minds of their foes.

This was obviously useless against the robotic dogs, but Sophie just used the footsteps unconsciously.

Psychic Repulsion!

Cleo was hardly a damsel in distress as she continued to launch psychic blasts towards the mechanical soldiers.

Her repulsion skill sent the poor dogs flying in the air until they crashed back to the ground several miles away.

There was no need for Cleo to put on her mech suit for such weak opponents.

(Training Camp Base)

“Instructor Selvon it has been almost ten hours since the hounds have been released and camera footage shows that they have already engaged with several groups,” an assistant reported.

“How are the students handling the attacks?” Selvon asked curiously.

“Very few seem to be in any significant danger as the restrictions placed on the mechanical dogs make them fairly easy to handle,” a technician answered his question while fiddling with the monitoring equipment.

“Well,” Selvon bared his fangs and grinned savagely.

“Why don’t we increase the difficulty just a little bit….”





Sophie was joyfully ripping off the limbs of the mechanical dogs surrounding her when she felt a strong sense of danger.

There was a deadly threat coming from behind!

She immediately jumped to the side as an energy beam was shot towards her previous location.


A smoking crater was formed on the ground where the beam had landed, and waves of smoke and dust filled the air.

“What?!” Sophie exclaimed in surprise.

She continued to move around the battlefield but this time….

something had changed.

The mechanical dogs were now somehow faster and there were several occasions when she only just avoided their fangs from sinking into her flesh.

This would be a problem by itself but now it appeared that certain dogs were also using energy blasts to attack her from a distance.


A mechanical dog opened his mouth as a blue ball of energy formed and pulsed menacingly before he launched the beam straight at the immobile Cleo.

Psychic Barrier!

The space in front of Cleo twisted and started to distort to form the shape of a barrier.


The blue beam of light struck the barrier directly and Cleo staggered backwards as a thin trickle of blood ran down the sides of her mouth.

Psychic Annihilation!

Cleo always believed in the philosophy of an eye for an eye and she tore the mechanical dogs nearest to her into small fragments with a wave of psychic energy.

Sophie was preoccupied with fighting her own battle with a group of dogs but then she spotted her princess bleeding slightly….

Something snapped.

She could not even remember exactly what happened to the three dogs she was fighting as their bodies were suddenly ripped to pieces by her appendages.

All she could focus on was getting to Cleo and the unfortunate mechanical soldiers in her path were instantly torn to shreds.

“How dare you,” Sophie whispered with a terrifying aura of a demon who had crawled straight out of hell.

“How dare you touch what’s MINE!” she roared in rage.

Sophie’s eyes were now fully red and pinkish tendrils slowly appeared as her vision narrowed until all she could focus on was Cleo.

Another dog leapt towards her location, but it was abruptly pierced by two spider appendages before being split into two pieces.

“Annoying thing,” Sophie muttered darkly.

Sophie could feel the Spider Whisper Art circulating automatically as her qi started to violently surge in her dantian.

One of her eyes were now fully pink while the other still maintained its reddish hue. Sophie bent her knees and vanished from the spot.

Cloud Treading Dragon!

Sophie’s movement skill ability seemed much stronger than before as she teleported from one side of the battlefield to the other while killing all the enemies in her path.

She was a reaper of death.

Cleo stood still in shock as the vast army of mechanical soldiers were utterly decimated by a cultivator in the qi spirit stage.

“You are the one who hurt her,” Sophie tightly gripped the throat of the sole survivor of the army.

The roles of hunter and prey had been fully reversed.

If the mechanical creature had emotions…. it would be cowering in fear.


She leaned forward and bite the outer layer of the dog as her fangs easily pierced its metal frame.

Corrosive liquid entered its body right above the location of its mechanical core.

Sophie watched emotionlessly as the light slowly faded from its eyes.

There was only one more desire to fulfill.

Sophie’s other eye gradually lost its reddish colour and the pinkish tendrils quickly spread until her both eyes were identical with a pink hue.

Her figure vanished once more as she appeared directly in front of Cleo.

“Sophie what was tha….” Cleo’s question was immediately cut off as Sophie grabbed her and pressed a furious kiss against her lips.

I need her.

I want her.


Sophie’s fangs retracted as she felt the soft touch of her girlfriend’s lips.

She could taste the delicious fruity scent of Cleo’s lip balm and she hungrily pressed her mouth to feel the warmth of her mate.

A gentle moan of arousal was heard from Cleo as she felt her knees go weak under Sophie’s passionate attack.

Cleo’s eyes widened abruptly as the hybrid girl eagerly withdrew her lips and begun to softly nibble at her neck.

Sophie’s hands naughtily roamed all over Cleo’s body until they eventually gripped and massaged her girlfriend’s firm ass.

“Sophie…. Sophie stop this,” Cleo attempted to calm her girlfriend down, but Sophie appeared to be addicted to kissing her.

Sophie seemed almost like an entirely different person and her behaviour was both terrifying and super attractive.

“One more kiss,” Sophie seductively whispered into Cleo’s ear as she once again pressed her lips to Cleo’s.

This time the kiss seemed to last for an eternity as Sophie did not want to stop even as Cleo pounded her fists against her chest.

She needed to breathe!

Just when Cleo felt as though she was about to pass out from a lack of oxygen, Sophie’s body trembled, and she suddenly collapsed to the ground.

The last thing Sophie heard as her vision started to fade was the familiar inhuman voice speaking softly in her mind in what seemed to be an almost proud tone.

(Out of all of my believers…. you are truly my favourite)

(Even your mother could not call upon my power as easily as you do)

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