
Chapter 730 - There Are The Modest Ones And The Shameless Ones

When Master Xiao said he would prepare the stage for me, I didn\'t think he was saying it literally.

There was a literal stage built at the front of the Grand Courtyard that I definitely do not remember seeing yesterday. This stage was at least twice as big as the platform the advancement test had been using and there was only Master Xiao and the two phoenixes standing on it.

While the \'ancestor phoenix\' looked as usual, Feng Jie was in her human form with a relatively large bag beside her.

The bag was a surprise because when I told her to pack her things and to get ready, I was only expecting her to wash up or something.

She definitely didn\'t have any luggage on her when she came here so what kind of things could she have now?

I made a mental note to check what she packed later.

With Cai Hong still in my arms, I made my way towards the stage where Master Xiao was waiting for me.

He must have already instructed the people there since no one stopped me from joining him on stage. The only thing they did was throw me questioning glances while I walked past them.

Obviously they wanted to ask me why I was allowed up onto this stage and why I had a cute little girl like Cai Hong in my arms, but they knew better than to stop me now.

I could see Yong Gong with both his arms stuck in a cast standing alongside his family, all of them obviously not happy to see me. I\'m quite surprised his jaw was already fine, I guess they prioritised healing that first.

Master Hui is there too, his emotions one of curiosity rather than disdain like the rest of his family.

I also found Piao Liang amongst the crowd, it was hard to miss her when she had a circle of boys giving her space from everyone else. She too was visibly upset at my presence.

Master Xiao bowed his head when I got close, an action that drew gasps from the entire crowd.

"Forgive me, Master Lin," He whispered. "But this was the best I could prepare in such a short amount of time, I hope this is adequate enough?"

I nodded, "It\'s more than good enough, don\'t worry about it."

"Thank you for your praise, the stage is yours, Master Lin."

He gave me another bow before taking a step towards the back of the stage, allowing me to take centre stage.

I picked up Cai Hong and placed her on the ground, giving my little cutie a pat on the head before moving to address the crowd.

"Morning everyone, you guys must be wondering why you\'re here but I\'ll get to that in a moment. I\'ve been here for a while now and I must say this place is a little disappointing. Quite a lot of work needs to be done especially for the training of the younger generation."

I pointedly looked at Yong Gong\'s direction and he simply glared back at me.

His uncle looked quite unsettled now and I could see his gaze directed towards Cai Hong who was hiding behind my leg.

He probably recognised her like Master Xiao but could not remember who she was.

"Anyway," I continued, waving my hand to get their attention. "Details about how to improve this branch can be worked on later. I just want to say--"

"Who do you think you are talking down to us like that!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

Turning my head, I realised it was one of Piao Liang\'s fanboys waving his fist threateningly at me.

I raised my arm just before Master Xiao moved to stop him.

"This… Is precisely what I meant, by the way," I gestured to the boy.

He definitely wasn\'t amused by my actions.

I ignored him and continued, "Anyway, I was getting to that. I just wanted to say that I already dealt with the Dark Sect guy oppressing this place so you don\'t need to worry about him being your friend, family or lover anymore."

"Yeah, right! Where\'s your proof?!" Yong Gong shouted, prompting several people to join his voice of protest.

I grinned when I saw the look of realisation dawn on his uncle\'s face.

I stretched out my hands and, as I had rehearsed beforehand, Xun Guan melted away to transform into my normal robes to reveal my real face for everyone to see.

"Is my real identity proof enough for you guys?"

The entire courtyard immediately fell silent.

Master Hui was the first one to recover, the man flying up on the stage and dropping to his knees.

"Master Lin! Please let me apologize on behalf of my family! I swear that they are not normally like this! If it would appease you, please take your anger out on me instead!"

Err… I\'m starting to think that everyone actually thinks I\'m some ruthless tyrant for some reason… Why?

I patted his shoulder, "Master Hui, I said I would remember you yesterday, didn\'t I? You\'re a good person, but your family has some problems, obviously. All I ask is for you to guide them back on the proper path, stop letting them abuse their own powers."

Turning my gaze in their direction, I was a little amused to see all of them bore faces filled with fear. Yong Gong was pretty much white as a sheet now.

I smiled at them, "Because you see, such power can be easily taken away whenever. I hope you understand this."

Yep, if we remove them from their position of power, they would no longer retain their statuses which would be a big humiliation to them. Even expulsion would have been better for them in that case.

Mater Hui\'s face paled, "I… I thank Master Lin for your mercy."

Mercy? Wait, did he think I was suggesting to kill them? What the hell?! I\'m seriously starting to think there\'s someone making me appear more tyrannical than I actually am!

\'Ufufufu~ Are you sure you want to know, Master?\'


\'Let\'s just say that if you knew, you\'d be quite shocked. Ara? I can see the allure of not knowing things now, Master. Ufufufufu~\'

Er… That sounds rather cryptic, but at least she\'s improving?

I waved my hand in a shooing motion and Master Hui understood, immediately returning back to where he came from while keeping his head bowed.

I clasped my hands behind my back, "Anyway, that\'s all I have to say. I\'m going back to the main Sect now but I\'d like to restructure this place a bit so prepare for that. And if there were any people here who were supporting the Dark Sect, you can go ahead and turn yourselves in now. If I find out there were any of you who did and chose not to admit to it, I will not be nice. Anyway, that\'s all, I\'m going home now."

That was just an idle threat by the way, I\'m about ninety-nine percent sure there\'s no other Dark Sect members here and even if there were, it wouldn\'t matter since I\'ll be heading to wipe out their backer soon enough.

"Master Lin!! Wait!"

I stopped my motion of turning away to see Piao Liang pushing her way through the crowd towards me.

"Master Lin! Did you not say that you would accept me as your servant?! Please take me with you!"

Wooooowwww… Ok, I have to applaud her for her bravery but that\'s all the praise I can give her.

"I already told you Piao Liang, the girls I\'m interested in are way above you. So sorry not sorry, but no. Peace."

I picked up Cai Hong, ignored the succubus phoenix who immediately came to hug my arm, gave a nod to Master Xiao and the other phoenix, then teleported away without a second glance back.

Well, that was fun.

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