
Chapter 536 - Where Did You Even Get This Guy From?


The Matriarch barged into the room, "Husband! Did you sleep well? Was the bed soft enough? Did you have enough pillows? Was the blanket warm enough? Did you have a good dream about me? Maybe we should sleep together next time. I had a really nice dream about us last night you know? Husband was so charming and cool, sweeping me off my feet while gazing off into the sunset. So, so, so cool! We should do it too, don\'t you think? I think that\'s a good idea. Let\'s do it later!"

As usual, she just keeps on talking without waiting for my response.

Rina was standing behind her, doing her best to ignore her mistress\'s outburst and also me in general.

Knowing what Luna is like, there is no point for me to beat around the bush so I decided to just ask her directly.

"Luna, what do you know about Divine Primordial Dragons?"

She stopped her tirade to tilt her head at me, "Divine Primordial Dragons? Where has husband heard of such a thing?"

Good thing, I was prepared for such a question.

"I had overheard an old hermit talk about it during my time outside the city. He mentioned about them being dragons that were part of the creation of this world or something like that and I wanted to learn more about them."

She frowned slightly at my answer, "Who is… No, where did you meet this hermit?"

"I do not remember, I was a wanderer back then and I was seeking shelter from the rain. I stumbled upon his cave where he stayed and that was one of the stories he shared."

"A male hermit… Living in a cave… With such an important knowledge that no one else knows? Rina."

The maid bowed her head, "It will be done, your Majesty."

With those words, the maid suddenly disappeared from where she stood.

"Umm… Where did she go?" I asked.

"Oh, I just sent her to go look for that hermit of course, no need to worry about it! Husband is really kind, caring about people around you. Ah~~ Husband really is perfect, so cool, so kind, so knowledgeable, everything is perfect about you. Is husband free today? I think I would like to paint a picture of husband and hang it on my bedroom wall. No, let it be a hundred… No a thousand! Ahhh! I can\'t have enough of it! Please just stay here forever!"

I raised up my hand, "Ok, first of all, where does she even know where to look? Second of all, I already said that there is somewhere I would like to return to so I cannot stay here."

"Oya, oya? There\'s no need to worry, it\'s Rina after all. If I ask her to, she will definitely fulfill her duties. And of course, husband has already said so and I remember clearly all of husband\'s words. The intonation, the sound, the way your voice vibrates through the air, I remember every little detail clearly. So of course I would remember that husband said you were not rejecting me too. So all I need to do is make husband decide that staying here with me is a much better choice than going back to whoever it is. Speaking of, who is it? Husband has yet to tell me right? I just want to have a little talk with that person, it won\'t be a problem at all."

This woman is really confident in herself isn\'t she?

No, I suppose when she is ruling over the entire Plane herself, that level of confidence should have been expected.

But I\'m not sure how Rina is going to find someone who I just made up on the spot, maybe we wouldn\'t see her for the next few weeks until she gives up finding--

"I have returned, your Majesty."

I blinked at Rina who had appeared behind Luna with a bowed head, looking exactly the same as she had before.

"That took longer than I thought you would," Luna commented, looking at her superhuman maid critically.

"Apologies, your Majesty, he resisted so I had to resort to using force to bring him back."

No, no, no. I completely made this person up, you know? This hermit character isn\'t even supposed to exist in the first place, how did you even find him?

"Oh? How daring of him. Where is he?"

"I had him locked in the dungeons for now. Should I bring him to you?"

"Of course, there\'s no way I\'m letting husband step foot in that dirty place. Bring him to the study room."

I had a hard time restraining myself from refuting her that the \'dirty place\' she had referred to was my home for a long time in my other life.

"Understood," Rina bowed her head and quickly disappeared again.

Luna wrapped an arm around mine and before I knew it, I was being dragged out the room by her superior strength.

I stumbled slightly trying to keep up with her, "Where are we going?"

"The study, dear husband. We\'re going to see what this hermit knows of course. Oh! Don\'t worry, he wouldn\'t hurt you with both Rina and I there, I\'ll make sure of it. Is husband hungry? I\'ll have Rina make something for you ok? If that man makes husband feel uncomfortable in any way just let me know ok? I will take care of it~ Ah, was it too bold of me to hold husband\'s arms? I can\'t help myself, husband\'s arm just looked so lonely so this was what I had to do. Is it uncomfortable? It\'s not, is it? Husband can hold on to me as well, you know?"

By the end of her long tirade, we were already at the doors to the study before I could even squeeze a word out.

The doors opened to reveal Rina standing behind it, stepping aside to let us enter.

How this maid managed to go to the dungeons, get that prisoner and come back here before us is a complete mystery.

The room itself was smaller than I thought it would be, given the size of the palace. It was just big enough to fit a small group of us without being too cramped, heck it was even smaller than the room I was given to sleep in.

Luna immediately went to the chair behind the mahogany study table, sitting me down on the plush chair right beside hers before Rina came forward to serve tea to the both of us.

Tied up and gagged on the floor in front of us was an old man that I\'ve never seen before in my life, both in this one and the previous one. I presume this is the \'hermit\' that Rina had found.

Before anything, I would like to quietly and sincerely apologize for unwittingly bringing you into this problem mister hermit… I hope they will be lenient with you.

Of course I will try to help you as best I can, but I don\'t think this would end simply from me saying that they got the wrong guy, would it?

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